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Milonic Website & Logging in FAQ

I can't seem to log-on. I have my username and password but it won't let me in.
    It's possible that your account hasn't been activated yet.

    We would have sent an email with a link that you needed to follow in order to activate your account. This would have been sent to the email address that was specified when you subscribed.

    If you have deleted this email or need another activation link, enter your email address on this page Account Activation Request. Another activation email will be sent to you.

    Unless this link is followed you will not be able to login. It's an anti SPAM meassure that we are having to take.

I've activated my account but I still cannot login, what is the problem?
    If you have activated your account and you are sure that Cookies are allowable from you must be entering your details incorrectly.

    We recently monitored user input and people swore that they had entered their password as shown, but after closer inspection we saw many people had still entered the wrong password even though they were sure it was correct.

    Try using copy and paste to enter your password. If this still fails ask us to change it for you.

    Also note that the password for the Forum is not the same as the password for the main website.

I have an account and a license but I can't post on the forum, why not?
    You probably do not have a user account for the forum.

    The forum uses a seprate login system to the main website.

    The reason for this is because we have over 180,000+ registered users of the menu but only around 4000 users that participate on the forum. It helps to keep our admin down.

    If you need to post questions on the forum you will need to create another account, specifically for the forum.

Can I change my password? The one you gave me is too difficult to remember.

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