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Current Menu Version: 5.955 dated Sunday April 14 2024 Click to Download

DHTML Menu Release/Version Information

Version: Latest - 5.955
Major Bug Fix - Sunday 14th April 2024
  • Fixed problem with menu suddenly not working on all browsers. Browser was randomly returning different values resulting in the menu thinking the device was an iPhone. This would only occur after the browser had been in use for some time

  • Download:

Version: 5.954 [Pre Release] - Pre Release - Built: Friday August 19 2016 - 12:27

All Versions below this line are now obsolete and are no longer supported.

Version: 5.954
Bug Fix - Thursday 14th October 2021

Version: 5.953
Bug Fix - Monday 14th March 2016

Version: 5.952
Code Enhancement - Friday 31st July 2015
  • Added code to detect if a horizontal scrollbar should be present and adjusts the menus width and adds a scrollbar if it thinks one should be present.
  • Added new feature to menu called shadow that creates a drop shadow on all browsers that support CSS3

  • Download:

Version: 5.950
Bug Fix - Friday 17th October 2014
  • Fixed bug with menu not setting correct left position when positioned centered using screenposition and user zooms in using mouse genstures
  • Fixed keypress module not allowing F5 to be pressed if a menu is open
  • Fixed issue with keypress not remembering Shift press state
  • Fixed Issue with Shift+Tab not releasing focus from menus

  • Download:

Version: 5.948
Bug Fix - Monday 11th August 2014

Version: 5.947
Bug Fix - Thursday 24th July 2014

Version: 5.946
Bug Fix - Tuesday 24th June 2014

Version: 5.945
Bug Fix - Thursday 3rd April 2014

Version: 5.944
Bug Fix - Tuesday 11th March 2014

Version: 5.943
Bug Fix - Friday 21st February 2014

Version: 5.942
Bug Fix - Thursday 6th February 2014

Version: 5.941
Bug Fix - Monday 20th January 2014

Version: 5.940
Bug Fix - Wednesday 15th January 2014

Version: 5.939
Bug Fix - Friday 20th December 2013

Version: 5.938
Bug Fix - Monday 2nd December 2013

Version: 5.937
Bug Fix - Wednesday 20th November 2013

Version: 5.936
Bug Fix - Thursday 31st October 2013

Version: 5.935
Bug Fix - Monday 28th October 2013

Version: 5.934
Bug Fix - Saturday 12th October 2013

Version: 5.933
Bug Fix - Thursday 3rd October 2013

Version: 5.932
Bug Fix - Wednesday 4th September 2013

Version: 5.931
Bug Fix - Friday 23rd August 2013

Version: 5.930
Bug Fix - Thursday 22nd August 2013

Version: 5.929
Bug Fix - Wednesday 21st August 2013

Version: 5.928
Bug Fix - Tuesday 2nd July 2013

Version: 5.927
Bug Fix - Friday 28th June 2013

Version: 5.926
Bug Fix - Wednesday 26th June 2013

Version: 5.925
Bug Fix - Thursday 16th May 2013

Version: 5.924
Bug Fix - Monday 4th March 2013

Version: 5.923
Bug Fix - Tuesday 11th December 2012

Version: 5.922
Bug Fix - Saturday 10th November 2012

Version: 5.921
Bug Fix - Wednesday 24th October 2012
  • Fixed bug with iPhone and iPad not always re-opening sub menus
  • Added the ability to open a menu items link as well as open its sub menu for touch devices. You can now click once for sub menu, then click again to open the link


Version: 5.920
Bug Fix - Saturday 6th October 2012
  • Fixed issues with iPhones and iPads not removing visible menus when touching other parts of the screen
  • Changed the way iPhones and iPads open sub menus if the parent menu contains a link. The link is now ignored.


Version: 5.916
Bug Fix - Thursday 9th August 2012

Version: 5.915
Bug Fix - Wednesday 4th July 2012

Version: 5.914
Bug Fix - Thursday 21st June 2012

Version: 5.913
Bug Fix - Friday 1st June 2012

Version: 5.912
Bug Fix - Tuesday 6th March 2012

Version: 5.911
Bug Fix - Wednesday 22nd February 2012

Version: 5.910
Bug Fix - Tuesday 14th February 2012

Version: 5.909
Bug Fix - Thursday 17th November 2011

Version: 5.908
Bug Fix - Wednesday 2nd November 2011

Version: 5.907
Bug Fix - Tuesday 25th October 2011

Version: 5.906
Bug Fix - Wednesday 12th October 2011

Version: 5.905
New Features - Monday 10th October 2011
  • Fixed issue with menu items not setting correct width with Chrome browser
  • Added ability to declare position:fixed to menu container
  • Fixed long standing problem with relative menus. Relative menus are now active by default and no longer require complicated embedding technique.


Version: 5.904
Bug Fix - Thursday 29th September 2011

Version: 5.903
Bug Fix - Wednesday 28th September 2011

Version: 5.902
Features - Wednesday 22nd June 2011

Version: 5.901
Bug Fix - Monday 11th April 2011

Version: 5.9
New Features - Wednesday 6th April 2011

Version: 5.831
Feature Additions - Tuesday 22nd June 2010

Version: 5.830
Bug Fix - Thursday 10th May 2001

Version: 5.829
Bug Fix - Wednesday 16th December 2009
  • Changed variable name tp resolve conflict with flowplayer
  • Added the ability to have Frames based menus open onclick.
  • Added new property to Frames Based Menus: resetFramesMenus() ensures that opened menus are closed if opened using mouse click. aI string should be:

    aI("text=Top 1;showmenu=sub1;target=body;clickfunction=openSubmenu() ;onfunction=resetFramesMenus();offfunction=closeSubmenu();");


Version: 5.828
Bug Fix - Thursday 15th October 2009

Version: 5.827
Bug Fix - Friday 28th August 2009

Version: 5.826
Bug Fix - Thursday 27th August 2009
  • Fixed issue with Frames based menus not hiding sub menu when moving to a menu item without a sub menu
  • Fixed bug with Ajax menus loading before the page had finished causing a fatal error


Version: 5.825
Bug Fix - Thursday 16th July 2009

Version: 5.824
Bug Fix - Wednesday 8th July 2009
  • Fixed AJAX Menus so that borders parameters are now passed to sub menus
  • Fixed problem with Firefox switching on an hourglass that never ceased when clicking on menu items
  • Added code to ensure that Frames based menus would use pagematch properties for both main menu items and sub menu items
  • Fixed problem with Firefox 3.5 and zIndexing over applets and flash objects


Version: 5.823
Enhancement - Wednesday 17th June 2009

Version: 5.822
Emergency Bug Fix - Tuesday 19th May 2009
  • Emergency fix for Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) that occasionally tried to write to the DOM tree before the page had loaded. This caused a fatal error halting the web browser.


Version: 5.821
Emergency Bug Fix - Saturday 16th May 2009

Version: 5.820
Features - Thursday 14th May 2009

Version: 5.819
Bug Fix - Tuesday 7th April 2009

Version: 5.818
Bug Fix - Monday 2nd March 2009

Version: 5.817
Bug Fix - Wednesday 11th February 2009
  • Fixed issue with CSS width error in Firefox-Firebug
  • Fixed problem with offfunction not always firing correctly. This fixed a bug with frames based menus not always closing sub menus


Version: 5.816
Emergency Bug Fix - Thursday 5th February 2009

Version: 5.815
Bug Fix - Thursday 5th February 2009

Version: 5.814
Bug Fix - Wednesday 4th February 2009
  • Fixed problem with tooltips not opening on first pass
  • Fixed issue with tooltips closing if openned on top of parent object
  • Fixed issue with tooltips not adhering to maxwidth setting
  • Fixed issue with tooltips not opening in correct position on first pass


Version: 5.813
Bug Fix - Saturday 13th December 2008

Version: 5.812
Bug Fix - Friday 12th December 2008

Version: 5.811
Bug Fix - Wednesday 10th December 2008
  • Fixed problem with the menu occasionally generating an error if moving the mouse too quickly over menu items
  • Fixed bug with some menus generating an error if certain HTML properties were present
  • Modified dimension function for getting object dimensions


Version: 5.810
Bug Fix - Wednesday 26th November 2008
  • Added innerbgimage, oninnerbgimage, pagebgimage, clickbgimage and clickrightimage properties
  • Fixed several bugs with Tab Style menus
  • Fixed bug with mm_menueditapi.js not changing properties in menus other than the mainmenu if sub menu had not yet been drawn
  • Fixed bug with maxwidth not working in menus, this also affected MaxWidth for tooltips
  • Fixed problem with keypress not working with menus set to open onclick


Version: 5.810
Bug Fix - Monday 24th November 2008
  • Added innerbgimage, oninnerbgimage, pagebgimage, clickbgimage and clickrightimage properties
  • Fixed several bug with tabs
  • Fixed bug with mm_menueditapi.js not changing properties in menus other than mainmenu if subs had not been drawn
  • Fixed bug with menu maxwidth not working in menus, this also affected MaxTipWidth for tooltips


Version: 5.809
Features - Monday 24th November 2008

Version: 5.808
Bug Fix - Thursday 20th November 2008

Version: 5.807
Bug Fix - Wednesday 12th November 2008

Version: 5.806
Bug Fix - Friday 7th November 2008

Version: 5.805
Bug Fix - Monday 3rd November 2008

Version: 5.804
Bug Fix - Thursday 30th October 2008

Version: 5.803
Features - Monday 13th October 2008

Version: 5.802
Bug Fix - Wednesday 27th August 2008
  • Modified the way regexmatch works
  • Fixed bug with the menu causing horizontal scrollbars to appear with 100% width menus on Firefox
  • Fixed bug with Firefox 2 on Apple Mac showing scrollbars on menus with overflow=scroll


Version: 5.801
Bug Fix - Monday 18th August 2008

Version: 5.8
Bug Fix - Monday 11th August 2008
  • Fixed major problem with Firefox and multi level menus
  • Fixed a syntax error with mm_menueditapi.js
  • Added a new property called regexmatch (style and menu item) that will force a pagematch upon any link regardless of query string or hash value


Version: 5.799
Features - Monday 11th August 2008
  • Added ability to declare an object (instead of object id) as second parameter in popup function
  • Fixed problem with Safari not activating menus
  • Added new feature to mm_menueditapi.js called mm_getMenuPath() - this new function returns an array of elements from current menu item right up to the top parent menu item - useful for "You Are Here" type path links


Version: 5.798
Emergency bug fix - Friday 8th August 2008

Version: 5.797
Bug Fix - Wednesday 6th August 2008
  • Fixed problem with menu keypress not working correctly in Safari 3
  • Fixed problem with image width not working correctly
  • Fixed problem with sub image not always appearing
  • Fixed problem with Firefox adding horizontal scrollbars to certain scrollable menus
  • Fixed problem with Mozilla based browsers not allowing menus to sit on top of Flash and Java applets. This new fix now renders the fixMozillaZIndex property obsolete
  • Fixed problem with Firefox 3 on Linux not allowing menus to sit on top of Flash objects


Version: 5.796
Bug Fix - Thursday 19th June 2008
  • Added ability to declare top and left offsets for treemenus
  • Changed variable name in mmpagehighlighter.js to remove conflict with prototype js library
  • Fixed problem with menus not setting correct top position in Firefox when scrollbars had been enabled and scrollTop was greater than zero


Version: 5.795
Bug Fix - Tuesday 17th June 2008

Version: 5.795
Bug Fix - Tuesday 17th June 2008

Version: 5.794
Bug Fix - Wednesday 11th June 2008
  • Fixed bug with menus not displaying when parent container was postitioned relative
  • Fixed code for embedding menus insid tables and divs. Now the menu will at least make an effort to set the correct location


Version: 5.793
Feature - Monday 19th May 2008

Version: 5.792
Bug Fix - Friday 28th March 2008
  • Changed the way imageposition works to enable better vertical alignment.
  • Added the ability to declare ctrl+[char] hotkey in the keypress.js module
  • Fixed problem when using images in collapsible menus.


Version: 5.791
New Features - Wednesday 13th February 2008
  • Added new property to work along screenposition. When setting screenposition to center you can now add a minleft property to ensure that the menu does not go too far to the left.
  • Fixed problem with menu images not always appearing
  • Added ability to add a "Menu Loading" feature to ajax menus


Version: 5.790
Minor Update - Monday 4th February 2008

Version: 5.789
Bug Fix - Tuesday 29th January 2008

Version: 5.788
New Features & Bug Fixes - Monday 14th January 2008
  • Added the ability to declare scrollbars to menus the open upwards using the openstyle="up" command
  • Fixed problem with buildAfterLoad causing an error whilst loading page
  • Fixed bug with menu containing scrollbars that had a top value specified
  • Fixed bug with Firefox setting incorrect left position for sub menus that had a relative positioned main menu
  • Fixed problem with Safari version 2 not setting correct sub menu position for relative parent menus
  • Added mmenucontainer class to all menus to enable better CSS control


Version: 5.787
Bug Fix and Features - Thursday 6th December 2007

Version: 5.786
Bug Fix - Tuesday 23rd October 2007

Version: 5.785
Bug Fix - Monday 15th October 2007
  • Fixed bug with menuitem number 0 (first item) being disabled
  • Fixed bug with menus not displaying if top or left values had been set to negative values
  • Fixed bug with tooltips not displaying when revisiting a menu item from a sub menu


Version: 5.784
Bug Fix - Saturday 13th October 2007
  • Fixed bug with positions in Firefox when using _fixMozillaZIndex=true;
  • Modified the scroller (overflow) code making many cross browser improvements for both validated and non validated pages.


Version: 5.783
Bug Fix - Thursday 11th October 2007
  • Fixed bug with visited color causing an error and failing to show menus
  • Fixed problem with Firefox displaying warnings about certain CSS properties in the Firefox Console
  • Fixed bug with Firefox not setting correct top position for popups when the browsers vertical scrolling had been set


Version: 5.782
Bug Fix - Saturday 29th September 2007
  • Fixed bug in Frames based menu
  • Added new setting to the popup menu command. To set the position of a popup menu from within the function call itself. Using, for example, popup("menuName", 2, 100, 200); will open a popup menu and position itself at left:100 and top:200. You no longer need to specify the top and left properties inside the data file. Note the use of the second parameter that needs to be set to 2 for this to work, otherwise the popup command will assume that the specified values are offsets as opposed to actual positions


Version: 5.781
Bug Fix - Friday 28th September 2007
  • Fixed problem with menu causing IE to display a "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http;//site/ operation Aborted" error. This was normally only apparent on large web pages and menus that had buildAfterLoad set to true
  • Reinstated IFRAME masking for IE7
  • Fixed bug with mainmenus not setting correct widths when the menu was embedded inside a table


Version: 5.780
Enhancement 7 Bug Fix - Thursday 27th September 2007
  • Added the ability to insert menus into XML pages. To enable XML compatible menus add the property: _pageIsXML=true; and a reference to a menu container with _menuContainer="myMenu"; The menu container can be a standard DIV with an id that matches the specified _menuContainer reference, something like <DIV id="myMenu"></DIV>. Note that you will also need the fixMozzilaZIndex=true; parameter to combat the container DIVs offsets.
  • Fixed problem with Firefox setting incorrect position of sub menus height when browsers horizontal scrollbars was removed.
  • Fixed bug with Firefox setting incorrect sub menus position when scrollbars had been enabled and horizontal scrolling had been used
  • Fixed bug in IE displaying CSS borders on menus even though they were not visible
  • Fixed problem with IE causing flicker when opening and closing menus. Adding disableMouseMove will fix the flicker but will mean that tooltips, popup menus and context menus will no longer work.
  • Modified the way closeonclick and keepalive work. These properties can now be declared to menu items. Also, modified the way menu items close parent sub menus if no URL is available. Here is a list of how menu items now work:

    aI("text=has a URL, should close on click;url=;");
    aI("text=No URL, should stay active;");
    aI("text=Has a URL But Kept Active;url=javascript:alert('Has a URL But Kept Active');keepalive=1;");
    aI("text=Has a URL But Subs Close;url=javascript:alert('Has a URL But Subs Close');");
  • Added two new properties subimagecss and onsubimagecss, these two properties allow for declaration of css classes for subimages in both on and off states


Version: 5.779
Modification - Friday 10th August 2007
  • Changed the way mouse click events hide menus. By default they now close their associated parent menu when a click event is fired on a mouse item. Adding type=keep; to a menu item will enable the menu to remain visible after a click event has fired.


Version: 5.778
Bug Fix - Wednesday 8th August 2007
  • Fixed problem with collision detection in Firefox when horizontal scrollbars were present
  • Fixed bug with openonclick returning errors when using tab style menus
  • Fixed bug with tooltips operating erratically
  • Changed the way clickAction works. By default, clickaction will now execute and return true and continue after a menu item has been clicked. To get clickaction to return false and cease following a url you can add custom=retFalse to your menu aI string
  • Fixed several bugs with keypress.js module
  • Fixed problem with scrollable menus changing shape when being opened


Version: 5.777
Bug Fix - Tuesday 26th June 2007

Version: 5.776
Bug Fix and Evaluation Version - Monday 25th June 2007
  • Fixed bug with popup menus opening when they should have remain closed - caused by rapid mouse movements
  • Fixed bug with Safari adding space between items on horizontal menus
  • Added support for Safari 3
  • Fixed bug with Tooltips closing submenus when Tooltips become active
  • Fixed bug with keypress.js module not allowing user to tab past the final item in the menu
  • Fixed bug with rawcss not working correctly when using onclass and/or offclass properties
  • Changed the way the free versions of the menu display evaluation information. The forced link has now been removed and replaced with a menu item tooltip. If the page contains a link to the tooltip will be removed.


Version: 5.775
Enhancement - Wednesday 20th June 2007
  • Added new openstyle property "forceleft". By Default the menus will open to the right of the parent item if there is enough space. You can now override this setting by adding openstyle="forceleft"; to your sub menus
  • Fixed problem with popup menus not using "ignorecollisions" correctly
  • Added new menu property 'rawcss' - This property allows you to specify normal CSS parameters into your menu objects in the same way as rawcss works with menu items
  • Fixed bug with treemenu's openBranchByName function now allowing user to close treemenu branches on first pass


Version: 5.774
Bug Fix - Wednesday 23rd May 2007
  • Fixed problem with offsets not working if ignorecollisions was set to true
  • Fixed bug with followscroll and screenposition causing conflicts with each other when used together. Seems that Internet Explorer sets the internal value for browser height to zero when you click on a text link thus causing a problem with followscrolling and screen positions.
  • Fixed problem with AJAX menus building duplicate menus if the same menu was specified for building using AJAX
  • Fixed problem with maxwidth not working correctly
  • Fixed problem with CSS based menus adding CSS properties to menu object in error.
  • Fixed bug with disabled menu items sometimes becoming active
  • Fixed positioning bug with Safari 2.0


Version: 5.773
Bug Fix - Thursday 3rd May 2007
  • Fixed problem with pageimage not working if no menu item image had already been specified.
  • Added new style and menuitem property to disable auto breadcrumbs (page properties) Property name, breadcrumbs is set to true by default but can now be disabled by adding nobreadcrumb=true; to either a menus style or a single menu item
  • Fixed bug that wouldn't allow target and targetfeatures to work if a clickaction had been specified
  • Fixed CSS id name conflict with the img# property id. Certain products use img1, img2, img3 and so on as their image id's and this conflicted with the menus images
  • Fixed bug with right click no longer working on menu items


Version: 5.772
Emergency Bug Fix - Tuesday 10th April 2007

Version: 5.771
Bug Fix - Tuesday 3rd April 2007
  • Fixed problem with header type items changing mouse pointer to a hand when it should have been the browser default
  • Added mm_reloadMenu function to the menu API. This function rebuilds menus on the fly at any time to display changes instantly
  • Remove the reference $_ from Milonic code to remove conflicts with other scripts
  • Fixed problem with Firefox opening links in parent browser window when declaring target and targetfeatures
  • Fixed bug with Firefox not setting correct dimensions for sub menus when declaring overflow="scroll"
  • Modified the menus nowrap style property to contain the parameters "on" and "off" to ensure more accurate wrapping declaration
  • Fixed problem with menu that had scrollbars not setting correct height and width when the scrollbars were no longer required.
  • Removed the return value from mouseclick actions. This value returned nothing so should not have any effect on menus using onclick actions.
  • Added new menu item type: div. This enables menu items to not inherit normal properties fixing several mouse clicking issues
  • Fixed problem with openmenusbyurl.js not allowing clickAction to fire, on main menu, if a match was found


Version: 5.770
Bug Fix - Thursday 1st February 2007

Version: 5.769
Bug Fix - Sunday 21st January 2007
  • Fixed problem with dynamic menus not resetting menu open timer if new menu was contained inside a function
  • Fixed problem with Firefox not setting correct sub position when using fixMozillaZIndex=true;


Version: 5.768
Bug Fix - Wednesday 17th January 2007

Version: 5.767
Bug Fix - Tuesday 19th December 2006
  • Modified the way clickfunction works. Menu now uses onMouseUp instead of onClick to improve performance of multiple clicks
  • Fixed problem with "Right to Left" RTL menus not setting correct sub image position in Safari
  • Fixed problem with horizontal menus not setting 100% width items correctly
  • Added new style and menuitem property called nowrap to ensure that menu items do not wrap text when insufficient space had been provided
  • Fixed bug with the menu not setting correct pagematch properties when using buildAfterLoad=true;
  • Added new functions to the Menu API mm_menueditapi.js. mm_removeMenuFormatting and mm_changeMenuStyle - These functions allow you to remove all menu style properties and also change a menu's style completely
  • Fixed bug with certain menus displaying the text 'false' in the background. This was related to Microsoft Internet Explorer's Transitions and Effects being disabled in the browser for security reasons
  • Fixed problem with page-matching not setting correct hash when URL contained a hash
  • Added overflow property to the menus style object. This enables overflow="scroll"; to be added to a menus style and overflow="scroll" will be added to all menus using that style
  • Fixed problem with dynamic menu building sometimes reporting errors
  • Fixed problem with scrollable menus adding scrollbars even though not needed


Version: 5.766
Bug Fix - Monday 11th December 2006
  • Added new menu property "mm_fixheight" that allows you to specify whether you want your vertical menu items to use 100% height when specifying a menu height. This is useful if you want to use the menu inside a CMS that declares 100% height objects.
  • Fixed major problem with scrollable menus that contained images changing the top positon of sub menus when opened from a horizontal parent menu


Version: 5.765
Bug Fix - Monday 4th December 2006
  • Fixed problem with Tab Menus setting wrong click values when using CSS classes for on, off and click properties
  • Fixed bug with the menu adding height of 100% to all menu items. This affected some menus when built using CSS
  • Fixed problems with "Right to Left" menus not setting correct subimage location when using DOCTYPE
  • Added new property: overpageimage - This allows for a menus over image to changed based on current page selection
  • Fixed bug with treemenu not opening previously opened menu when closing and re-opening parents
  • Created new function for changing the order of multiple column menus:


Version: 5.764
Bug Fix - Friday 24th November 2006

Version: 5.763
Bug Fix - Monday 20th November 2006
  • Fixed problem with buildAfterLoad failing to build menus
  • Fixed issue with building menus dynamically using the drawMenus command
  • Fixed problem with popup menus not always appearing on first pass
  • Fixed problem with Firefox not setting the correct position of submenus when scrolled down the page
  • Fixed bug with building dynamic menus adding padding to menu containers by mistake
  • Fixed problem with Firefox not setting the correct submenu positions from horizontal parent menus when fixMozillaZIndex had been set to true


Version: 5.762
Bug Fix - Monday 6th November 2006
  • Fixed problem with Amazon style menu not setting correct on/off properties when used in conjunction with treemenu
  • Fixed a bug in Safari: not setting the offcolor property correctly when moving away from a menu item
  • Fixed a bug with the menu setting border:0px solid #COLOR; to some menus, this means that CSS properties will be overriden
  • Fixed problem with vertical menus using calculated percentage widths when 100% width had been specified
  • Fixed problem of percentage widths being ignored when specified for a relative menu
  • Fixed problem with building dynamic menus on the fly. You now need to omit the drawMenus() command if using popup() function


Version: 5.761
Bug Fix - Monday 30th October 2006
  • Fixed bug with system ignoring itemwidth specified inside a menu style
  • Fixed bug with treemenus not setting imageposition correctly
  • Fixed problem of main menus not always appearing correctly in Internet Explorer version 7
  • Fixed problem with Opera not setting widths correctly for vertical main menus


Version: 5.760
Bug Fix - Thursday 12th October 2006

Version: 5.759
Bug Fix - Saturday 7th October 2006
  • Fixed bug with popup menus opening erratically
  • Fixed bug with relative menus moving in Netscape 7.1
  • Fixed problem with openmenusbyurl.js displaying tooltips when activating a matching menu item
  • Added the ability for declaring multiple pagematch properties. Multiple pagematches can be declared as normal but separated by commas
  • Fixed Bug with treemenu not re-opening sub menus correctly
  • Fixed bug with outfilter not working when hiding a menu


Version: 5.758
Bug Fix - Thursday 7th September 2006

Version: 5.757
Bug Fix - Thursday 7th September 2006
  • Attempting fix on Win CE Thin Clients
  • Fixed error when using buildAfterLoad
  • Fixed problem with multiple columns no working properly
  • Changed forced link menu timers to improve link checking accuracy for evaluation version


Version: 5.756
Bug Fix - Tuesday 22nd August 2006

Version: 5.755
Bug Fix - Monday 21st August 2006
  • Modified onfunction so that it is now included on all items including item types: form and header
  • Modified the way clickfunction works. Now, clickfunction will cease the firing of the url if the return value is false
  • Fixed bug with openmenusbyurl.js to enable it to work with buildAfterLoad
  • Fixed bug with scrollable menus not working with Opera 7 and Opera 8
  • Fixed problem with menuwidth not working as expected


Version: 5.754
Improvements - Wednesday 16th August 2006
  • Modified the way 100% width menus span their items
  • Added menu item property of "id" so that developers can add their own ID's to menu items
  • Modified the way RTL menus display menu items
  • LFixed a bug with mm_insertMenus
  • Modified the way relative menus position their objects. This is a vast improvement on previous versions. The whole menu can now be embedded (include code) inside DIV's and Tables with just one parameter setting (adding buildAfterLoad-true; to your data file will do this)
  • Modified the display of menu items to fix problems with Opera 9.01
  • Modified the way 100% menus appear when using DocTypes
  • Reduced files sizes
  • Fixed some Netscape 4 bug


Version: 5.753
Bug Fix - Tuesday 18th July 2006
  • Fixed problem with 100% width horizontal menus not setting the correct menu item widths
  • Fixed internal code bug causing error on mouse click with certain menu items
  • Removed outline from active menuitems in Frefox


Version: 5.752
Bug Fix - Friday 7th July 2006
  • Removed global variables _X and _Y and replaced them with X_ and Y_ - Note that you may need to update modules that use these variable or else they will not work
  • Improved the way the menu handles loading of images. Menu can reposition and resize menus much better at load time when menus contain images
  • Added new style/item property called pageoncolor This allows setting of an onColor based on url match
  • Changed the way menuwidths and borders are rendered in Internet Explorer. By default, Internet Explorer will render boxes - that have borders - based on the width that is specified. This meant that the overall width of the box would remain the same - squashing the content. All other browsers add width to the box to keep the content the same and just add a border to the box, this is now what happens in IE with the menu. This makes the menu even more cross browser
  • Fixed problem with Firefox not positioning the menu correctly when using screenposition
  • Fixed problem with preloadmenuimages.js forcing an Apache error log entry (404 'undefined' not found) error.
  • Fixed minor problem with Firefox displaying JavaScript error (parsing value for property 'width'. Declaration dropped)
  • Added new function to the menu API called mm_replace() This function allows you to replace any text found inside a menu items properties.This is useful if you need to change pre declared values declared in the menu later on. For example, if you declare something like ;url=users.php?userid][USERID]; in the menu you could use the function to replace all references to [USERID] in all menu urls to the actual userid of your user once you know what it is. This also works for all menu item properties.


Version: 5.751
Bug Fix - Tuesday 20th June 2006
  • Fixed problem with single menu item properties being ignored if the property was set as null or blank
  • Added top and left offset properties for Frames based menus
  • Fixed problem with "buildAfterLoad" adding extra padding to menus that was intended for menu items
  • Removed the property status from the menu. Changing the status text is now seen as a security issue and all modern browsers have disabled this feature by default. The reason why changing the status text is considered unsafe is because of the way phishing attacks work. The cyber criminal will show that a link is going to a trusted address but in reality it is going to a different website that will try to obtain bank account and credit card details entered by an un-knowing individual. Anything that we can do to prevent this from happening will be looked at with care and attention
  • Added code to remove highlighted item when using openmenusbyurl.js module.
  • Fixed problem with menus closing even though the item type was a Form or HTML


Version: 5.750
Minor Bug Fix - Wednesday 14th June 2006

Version: 5.479
Major Bug Fix - Tuesday 13th June 2006

Version: 5.748
New Features - Tuesday 16th May 2006
  • Added alias to menu code files for the getParentMenuByItem() function
  • Added function to menu item mouse click to close menus onMouseCick by default
  • Added new menu item property called menustyle that allows for a different menu style to be applied to just one menu item
  • Added ability to declare top offset for sub menus when sub menus had been told to open upwards using the openstyle="up" property
  • Fixed problem with menus that had scrollbars not setting the correct menu width if the menu items contained images
  • Changed preloadmenuimages.js module to be more thread like and dynamic. This means that the menu system can preload images and at the same time give full control to the menu system regardless of how slow the server is
  • Fixed problem with Firefox not positioning menus correctly when horizontal scrolling had been set in the browser
  • Added 2 new functions to the API - mm_deleteItemByText() and mm_sortItems() - mm_deleteItemByText will allow you to delete a menu item by its text and mm_sortItems will sort menu items into an alphanumerical order


Version: 5.747
Bug Fix - Wednesday 10th May 2006
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not closing menu number 0 when using the popdown Function()
  • Fixed bug with menus that had been built with overflow="scroll", alwaysvisible=1 and contained submenus setting the height of the menu incorrectly
  • Added a new Global Property buildAfterLoad This tells the menu system not to build sub menus until the page had finished loading. This means that the menu can now be installed inside tables and divs without having to revert to our other technique. It also means that big menus will load much faster than before. However, the drawback is that the menu is not available until the page has completely loaded.
  • Fixed bug with menu not returning the correct browser width in Firefox, this affected menus that had been positioned right with screenposition
  • Fixed problem with Firefox line-height being used in menus when set in the body of a document.


Version: 5.746
Bug Fix - Monday 10th April 2006
  • Fixed bug with mm_insertItem not being able to create more than one menu item when fired from a document.onLoad event
  • Added new property to listbased menus "subMenuSettings" now allows properties to be set to all sub menus. This is the same as mainMenuSettings but for sub menus.
  • Suppressed error when using popup function and declared menu did not exist
  • Fixed bug with mm_insertItem API function not being able to insert a menu it the very beginning of a menu. Menu at position 1 are now possible
  • Fixed problem with offsets being incorrect if collision detection was an issue before the offset had been set


Version: 5.745
Bug Fix - Thursday 30th March 2006
  • Fixed bug with Firefox and relative menus not setting correct sub menu position
  • Fixed bug with menus containing images that had been set to followscroll - not returning to correct scroll position
  • Fixed problem with keypress module not working when menus had been declared after module had been declared
  • Fixed problem with mm_insertItem function in menu API that would break the menu if called from a body.onLoad event


Version: 5.744
Bug Fix - Monday 6th March 2006

Version: 5.743
Bug Fix - Monday 27th February 2006
  • Fixed issues with newly created dragable items not being active
  • Fixed issue with hidden keepalive menus displaying when tooltips had been activated
  • Suppressed some Firefox 1.5 errors
  • Reinstated Netscape 7.2 scrollbar workaround
  • Fixed bug with itemwidth not being set when declared inside a menu and itemheight had been declared
  • Fixed Issue with keepalive menus sometimes closing on error
  • Fixed bug with menuwidths in Opera when scrollbars had been added to menus
  • Fixed bug with overseparatorimage causing error to appear if no separatorsize had been declared
  • Fixed bug with menus not setting correct widths when images had been declared, overflow="scroll"; had been declared and the menu was not small enough to warrant scroll bars
  • Fixed problem with tooltips not performing correct collision detection
  • Fixed bug with menus not opening first time


Version: 5.742
Bug Fix - Tuesday 24th January 2006

Version: 5.741
Emergency release - Monday 23rd January 2006

Version: 5.740
Enhancements - Saturday 21st January 2006
  • Fixed many issues with Tooltips
  • Changed some internal functions to allow for better building of dynamic menus after the web page had been completed
  • Fixed bug with pageborder not workng on main menus


Version: 5.739
Bug Fix - Wednesday 4th January 2006
  • Fixed bug with menu items targets setting target for all menu items inside a menu even though the target should have been _self
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not closing sibling menus
  • Fixed bug with Firefox not setting correct position of sub-sub menus


Version: 5.738
Improvements - Tuesday 20th December 2005
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not opening on mouse click
  • Release version 2.1 of tooltips. This new version allows for multiple styles, bubbles and many more fixes and improvements


Version: 5.737
Bug Fix - Friday 16th December 2005
  • Fixed bug with horizontal menus not setting correct items widths when menu width had been specified. Default is now minimum width but menu must incude itemwidth="100%" in order for horizontal menus menuitems to span 100%
  • Fixed bug with menus border being cut when hovering over a Flash Object in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed bug with targets not opening in correct windows


Version: 5.736
Bug Fix - Wednesday 30th November 2005
  • Fixed bug with closeAllOnClick not working if no url had been specified
  • Fixed bug with Context Menus not opening in Firefox
  • Fixed bug with targeted menu items trying to open links without a url
  • Fixed bug with Frames based menu not opening targets correctly
  • Added new property called disablePagePage that when set to true in the data file will remove item highlighting but only for parent menu items
  • Fixed bug with menu items not switching off if user had moved over a parent menu item
  • Fixed many issues with Tooltips and made them easier to use
  • Fixed bug with forms inside menus disabling mouse selection of text inside the forms objects
  • Fixed bug with Firefox 1.5 setting the menu width to small on scrollable menus, thus adding an unwanted horizontal scrollbar


Version: 5.735
Bug Fix - Wednesday 16th November 2005
  • Fixed bug with evaluation copy of the menu causing flicker on first menu item
  • Fixed problem with mm_menueditapi.js not inserting menu items
  • Fixed problem with mm_menueditapi.js not inserting menuitems
  • Fixed bug with target not working correctly in Firefox
  • Fixed bug with Frames based menus not always opening sub-sub menus
  • Fixed bug with Frames based menu sometimes showing Form Selects through the menu
  • Fixed bug with Firefox leaving menu remnants on top of movie objects


Version: 5.734
Bug Fix - Monday 24th October 2005
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not firing sub menus on first pass
  • Added new minwidth property to menu objects to ensure that menus always retain a minimum width regardless of menu item text
  • Fixed bug with horizontal menus set to 100% width also setting menuitems to 100% width


Version: 5.733
Bug fix - Wednesday 19th October 2005
  • Fixed bug with null menu item properties being ignored. For example: image=; inside a menu item would not set the image to null
  • Fixed bug with popup menu not always building menus
  • Added new global property focusedMenu which indicates which menu currently has focus and is active
  • Fixed bug with Safari on Apple Mac's not setting the correct top position on popup menus that are bound to an image
  • Fixed bug with Treemenu links not working in Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers
  • Added new global property: noTabIndex Setting this property to true will disable the menus natural tab order
  • Fixed bug in Firefox ignoring menu positions when fixMozillaZIndex had been set to true and menu position had been set to absolute
  • Added new offset property minimum to stop screenpositioned menus from going to far off screen, syntax is left="offset=-60;minimum=100"
  • Removed the variable $ from the menu to ensure menu is compatible with other scripts
  • Fixed bug with dragable menus making clicking sound when being dropped
  • Fixed bug with menus opening even though mouse had moved away from menu item


Version: 5.732
Bug fix - Tuesday 20th September 2005
  • Fixed bugs with BDMenu function hiding alwaysvisble menus after they are rendered to the page
  • Fixed bug with context menus not working in Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers.


Version: 5.731
Bug Fix - Saturday 17th September 2005
  • Fixed bug with tooltips appearing after menus had been closed
  • Fixed bug with menus forcing gorizontal scrollbars when page widths are as small as the menu
  • Fixed bug with menu displaying error on page load


Version: 5.730
Bug Fix - Monday 12th September 2005
  • Fixed bug with sub menus opening even though there parent menu had been closed. This only affected menus whose openDelay was greater than the opening closeDelay
  • Fixed bug with evaluation version of the menu setting incorrect width for menus that were main menus and had scroll bars assigned
  • Fixed bug with menus leaving inactive area after menu had been closed
  • Added new methods to the treemenu.js module, openBranchByName(), closeBranchByName(), clickBranch(), openAllBranches and closeAllBranches() modules, documentation to follow


Version: 5.729
Bug Fix - Thursday 18th August 2005
  • Fixed bug with treemenu type menus displaying errors if no text had been declared for a tree type menu item
  • Fixed bug with offfunction not always activating the correct menuitem for mouseout events
  • Fixed bug with RTL (Right To Left) pages leaving horizontal scroll bars on the page when using menus in RTL mode
  • Fixed bug with popup menus causing flicker when navigating the menu
  • Fixed bug with tooltips failing to activate sibling tooltips using the popup functions
  • Added opendelay to both menus and menuitems so that each menu can be programmed to open at a specified time delay


Version: 5.728
Bug fix - Friday 8th July 2005
  • Fixed bug with Mozilla based browsers changing menu widths when insufficient page real estate was available
  • Fixed problem with VALIGN not working when menu was set to horizontal and sub image was present
  • Fixed bug with menu returning an error if menu was positioned relative and contained images


Version: 5.727
Bug Fix - Friday 17th June 2005
  • Decreased the height of the menu when set to "over=scroll" and drop shadow set to 5 or under. This fixed a bug where unwanted scrollbars were being added to a page
  • Fixed a bug with the BDMenu() function hiding menus when requested
  • Fixed bug with openmenusbyurl.js not appearing when a match was made
  • Fixed bug with overimage not working correctly when a pagematch had been found


Version: 5.727
Minor Bug Fix - Monday 13th June 2005

Version: 5.726
Bug Fix - Wednesday 8th June 2005
  • Fixed bug with Firefox displaying error onMouseOver when fixMozillaZIndex had been applied
  • Fixed bug with offfunction not firing if last menuitem had been move off
  • Fixed bug with Frames Based Menu not closing some sub menus


Version: 5.725
Bug Fix - Saturday 4th June 2005
  • Fixed Bug with pages using DOCTYPE not setting correct menu item separator dimensions in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed bug with Opera setting incorrect widths for vertical submenus when overflow="scroll" had been set
  • Fixed bug with Opera7 and Opera8 causing flickering of pages when overflow="scroll" had been set for a menu but no scroll bars had been added and the page did not automatically include its own scroll bars
  • Fixed bug with menu leaving extra space resulting in browser scrollbars when the menu was placed toward to bottom of the page
  • Fixed bug with menu opening page with the test "false" when clicking on a menu item that had no "url"


Version: 5.724
Minor Bug Fix - Friday 27th May 2005
  • Fixed problem with Mozilla based browsers and fixMozillaIndex setting incorrect position for sub menus and setting incorrect style for main menus
  • Fixed bug with Treemenus adding horizontal scrollbars when inside a frame


Version: 5.723
Minor Bug Fix - Friday 6th May 2005

Version: 5.722
Feature - Monday 25th April 2005
  • Added new global property fixMozillaZIndex - Set to true with fixMozillaZIndex=true; will enable menus in Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers to sit on top of IFRAMES, Flash and other HTML Objects


Version: 5.721
New Feature and Bug Fix - Wednesday 13th April 2005
  • Added new feature to ensure that menu items have correct positioning when using CSS. Top and Left menu parameters can now be set to "CSS" (left="CSS"; and top="CSS";) This ensures that menu items are always positioned correctly when the menus position has been declared as relative and is being set using CSS
  • Fixed a bug in the menu that meant users couldn't select text inside pages using the menu.


Version: 5.720
Minor Bug Fix - Tuesday 12th April 2005
  • Fixed bug with 3rd level sub menus not setting correct active state on mouse over
  • Fixed bug with menus adding horizontal scrollbars to browser even though none were required
  • Fixed bug in Treemenu (collapsible) not resetting colors when another menu had been opened
  • Added the ability for sub-sub-menus to become part of the overall hierarchy for hiding collapsible menus when singleMasterMenu had been set
  • Fully reinstated position="fixed" code for Firefox. By default, menus are now positioned absolute in all browsers.


Version: 5.719
Bug fix - Wednesday 23rd March 2005
  • Fixed bug with Firefox not setting correct TOP position for submenus opened from vertical menu
  • Removed the use of "fixed" positioning by default on Mozilla based browsers. This means that the menu will sit behind Flash and Java Applets so you'll need to declare position="fixed"; for all sub menus that you want to appear on top of HTML Objects
  • Added menubgcolor property. This sets a background color for menus that can be changed once a background image has loaded, this stops seeing transparent menus whilst background images are loding


Version: 5.718
Bug fix - Wednesday 16th March 2005
  • Fixed bug with Internet Explorer for the Mac returning an error when using DOCTYPE
  • Fixed bug with Firefox and Mozilla based browsers not performing correct collision detection on vertical menus more than two levels deep


Version: 5.717
Bug Fix - Saturday 12th March 2005
  • Fixed bug with some menus not displaying when certain mouse actions had taken place. This affected all browsers and was considered serious enough for an emergency release.


Version: 5.716
Minor Bug Fix - Tuesday 1st March 2005
  • Fixed bug with scrollable menus not setting their width and height correctly when overflow="Scroll"; had been declared and browser size had changed
  • Added pageseparatorimage for use with tab based menus
  • Added new property to change the zIndex of all menus. The new property is called menuZIndex and requires an Integer value
  • Fixed bug with tab style menus not setting the first menu item as a tab based item
  • Fixed bug with menu items rendering onBorder too wide on XP type samples when a DOCTYPE had been declared
  • Fixed bug with menu occasionally returning the error "_dB has no properties" on Firefox
  • Fixed bug with Netscape and Firefox adding horizontal scrollbars in certain menus


Version: 5.715
Bug fix - Monday 21st February 2005
  • Fixed bug with Mozilla based browsers causing a flicker when the menu had been set to include scrollbars and open onClick
  • Fixed bug with tooltips module leaving rouge tooltips on screen when using tooltips from horizontal menus
  • Fixed bug with main menus leaving horizontal scrollbars on screen when using screenposition="right"
  • Fixed bug with Firefox and Mozilla based browsers not setting correct widths for main menus resulting in horizontal scrollbars appearing on the web browser
  • Modified the way pageimage works. Pageimage will now highlight main menu items as well as sub menu items if a url/page match has occurred
  • Added buildOffScreen global property to remove flicker when user mouses over a menu item of a menu set to open onClick
  • Fixed bug with separator images now showing up unless a separatorsize had been declared


Version: 5.712
Minor bug fix - Thursday 10th February 2005
  • Added support for Opera 8.0
  • Fixed bug with menus leaving ghost areas on screen if more than 3 menus were opened.
  • Removed forced pop-up box from file and https protocols, only http will show the popup-box


Version: 5.711
Minor bug fix - Wednesday 9th February 2005
  • Fixed bug with menu displaying an error when user highlighted a menuitem that had showmenu but the sub menu didn't actually exist
  • Fixed bug with menu displaying 100% when position had been set to relative
  • Fixed separatorimage bug displaying errors when mouseout of last menu item for a menu
  • Removed the forced link back to (1st menu item) this has now been replaced by a pop-up alert box that can be removed by adding the following HTML to web pages <a href=>JavaScript Menu Courtesy of</a> The text must be precisely as seen, copy and paste would be a good idea.


Version: 5.71
Minor Bug Fix - Monday 7th February 2005
  • Changed the way onClick works. By default, onClick will now work the same way that Microsoft Windows menus operate. The property, forgetClickValue will need to be added to get the menu_data.js files to work as before
  • Modified the way onMouseOver works to ensure that menus are no opened if the user has moved away from a menuitem
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not expanding
  • Fixed bug with menus not displaying outfilters correctly


Version: 5.70
Major Enhancements - Thursday 3rd February 2005
  • Added 'clickbgimage' property to be used in conjunction with bgimage
  • Added 'ignorecollision' menu property so that just one menu can be instructed to ignore any potential browser limit collisions
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not displaying submenu if first item contained a showmenu command
  • Added 'imageborderwidth' property for styles and menu items
  • Fixed bug with followscroll not working when used with sub menus (menus not set alwaysvisible)
  • Fixed bug with auto menu opening module 'openmenusbyurl.js'
  • Added ability to separate menu items into rows and columns using a menu property called 'divides'
  • Fixed bug with dragable menu items returning errors if no text had been declared inside the menu item
  • Added a new feature to 'dragdrop.js' to enable better positioning of DragDrop menus
  • Modified the way keepalive works. Menus will now remain visible even though other mouse actions previously hid them. This will allow for 'Tab' style menus to be possible
  • Fixed bug with Netscape 6.2 not returning correct menu widths causing problems with 'screenposition'
  • Fixed bug with menu forcing horizontal scrollbars on HTML pages that had a very small width - Usually frame segments
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not displaying when alwaysvisible was declared as zero
  • Fixed bug with menu looking for none existent background image - treebg.gif
  • Fixed bug with fontweight, fontstyle and decoration not showing up when specified as a style and offclass or onclass had been declared
  • Fixed bug with collision detection not tracking horizontal scrolling location on some menus
  • Fixed bug with horizontal menus adding width when no doctype had been declared and an itemwidth was specified
  • Fixed several Tooltips bugs. Tooltips now requires Tooltip module version 1.3 available from
  • Fixed bug with Internet Explorer for the Apple Mac returning an error when menuwidth was specified
  • Fixed bug with menus not setting the correct width when images were included
  • Fixed bug with Internet Explorer for the Apple Mac not opening sub menus correctly


Version: 5.691
Bug Fix and Enhancements - Wednesday 12th January 2005
  • Modified the way pagematch works. The system will highlight a menu item even if the menu item does not contain a matching url
  • Added clickimage, clickcolor and clickbgcolor properties to the menu code base
  • Added clickclass to be used in conjunction with offclass
  • Fixed bug with Netscape 7.0 and Netscape 7.1 failing to show any menus when using the XHTML Doctype: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">


Version: 5.69
Bug fix - Wednesday 5th January 2005

Version: 5.68
Bug Fix - Monday 3rd January 2005
  • Ensured that collision detection worked on scrollable menus
  • Fixed a bug that opened popup menus even though the mouse had been moved away from a menu opener
  • Fixed a bug with openonclick menus failing to open


Version: 5.67
Bug Fix - Monday 3rd January 2005
  • Fixed bug with menus appearing even though user had moved away from a menu item. This can only be seen on horizontal menus where horizontalMenuDelay has been declared in the data file
  • Fixed a bug with Firefox 1.0 and Netscape 7.2 setting incorrect sub menu position when Doctype had been declared.
  • Fixed bug with Opera not setting correct item border when using Doctype


Version: 5.66
Bug Fix - Tuesday 28th December 2004
  • Added alt tag for menu items containing images that have had a "title" declared
  • Fixed bug with "type=form" submitting a link when a form object was focused inside a menu item


Version: 5.65
Minor Bug Fix - Wednesday 22nd December 2004

Version: 5.64
Bug Fix and Enhancements - Wednesday 22nd December 2004
  • Fixed a bug with CSS not working correctly when declared inside a menu item
  • Fixed bugs with scrollable menus changing menu widths, adding horizontal scrollbars when images are declared in menu items
  • Added new menu item property for declaring dragable menus - dragable=true; will allow the menu item to become a dragable menu item allowing the user to also declare a type of menu. This means header type menu items can also be dragable
  • Released Beta of keypress.js allowing menus to be navigated using the keyboard. Still a work in progress


Version: 5.63
Major Bug Fix - Friday 10th December 2004
  • Fixed bug with Firefox on Apple Mac OSX leaving rogue scrollbars onscreen after menus had been hidden
  • Fixed bug with scrollbars not appearing correctly in Konquerer on Unix machines
  • Fixed bug with _setPosition not being present when requested
  • Fixed major bug with menus, containing images, now sizing menus correctly on first load. This problem was only apparent on slower connections. Users with DSL or higher connections would see the menus fine.


Version: 5.62
Additions and bug fix - Thursday 2nd December 2004
  • Added a new style/item property called pagesubimage. The menu used to use onsubimage for page matching but this now interferes with the tree menu. Using this new separate property helps with this conflict.
  • Added a new Global property called resetAutoOpen. Auto open is a feature for automatically opening menus via the page matching process when the page loads. resetAutoOpen will reset opened menus back to their post page loaded state when other sub menus have been opened and closed. The module needed for Auto Opening is openmenusbyurl.js
  • Fixed a bug with menus positioning. Screenposition was starting the menu at 0,0 and then moving it the menu into position.


Version: 5.61
Minor bug fixes - Wednesday 1st December 2004
  • Fixed bug with Firefox displaying an error message when using menus containing images
  • Fixed problem with images in Netscape 6.1 causing certain menus to remain on screen
  • Fixed bug with scrollable menus creating horizontal scrollbars when opening sub menus for the first time
  • Fixed bug with Safari setting incorrect offsets with treemenu when set to relative positioning


Version: 5.60
Major Release - Monday 22nd November 2004
  • Included better code encryption to code files as well as a slight reduction in file sizes
  • Update fix for Mozilla scroll bar bug
  • Added support for scrollbars in Konquerer
  • Released version 1.0 Treemenu module, samples will be available shortly
  • Fixed bug with Internet Explorer issuing "Object doesn't support this object or property" error when using the menu with multiple IFRAMES.
  • Modified the way Scrollable menus display when menuheight has been declared


Version: 5.52
Minor Bug Fixes - Thursday 4th November 2004
  • Added new property to disable the scanning of mousemove code. This helps eliminate conflicts between other scripts that need to capture mousemove events. Global variable for this is disableMouseMove
  • Fixed problem with a tree function in Netscape 4.x returning an error
  • Fixed a bug with subimages adding extra padding for sub menus on first load


Version: 5.51
Minor bug fix - Monday 18th October 2004
  • Fixed a bug with pagematch not working when using uppercase characters for object names
  • Fixed another pagematch bug when using background images. Previously the menu would not display the image even though it was specified.


Version: 5.50
Minor improvements - Wednesday 13th October 2004
  • Added GLOBAL property "includeTabIndex" for setting the tab index of menu items
  • Added extra check for _CFix to stop calling blank.html even though it was not required


Version: 5.49
Minor bug fixes - Tuesday 5th October 2004
  • Improved performance of large menus when using multiple drawMenus(); commands
  • Fixed image with and image height bug in Netscape 4.x setting incorrect image dimensions for menu items containing images
  • Fixed a bug with Opera 7.0 returning an error when using images inside menu items


Version: 5.48
Minor Fixes and Improvements - Thursday 16th September 2004
  • Modified the way CSS based menus work to accommodate most of the CSS2 properties
  • Fixed minor bug with menu item properties that are enclosed with back quotes when a semi-colon was not present


Version: 5.47
Minor Bug Fix - Tuesday 14th September 2004
  • Fixed bug with menu width getting incorrectly set on first load with menus containing images
  • Fixed bug with relative menus adding horizontal space resulting in horizontal scrollbars even though one is not required
  • Fixed bug with popup() menus resetting vertical position when collision detection is required


Version: 5.46
Minor Bug Fixes - Monday 6th September 2004
  • Fixed bug with itemwidth setting incorrect internal width for menu items containing images
  • Modified rawcss to enable greater control over CSS properties. rawcss now work with many more CSS properties


Version: 5.45
Feature Enhancement - Friday 3rd September 2004
  • Improved on menu performance even more
  • Additional bugs fixed for the Mozilla/Gecko scroll bar bug
  • Added document.onClick even to close menus when the users clicks on any part of the browser window
  • Modified the way "KeepAlive" menus work. If a menu is alive/visible and another menu is opened the open "KeepAlive" menu will now be closed
  • Fixed a small bug with menu items containing backquotes displaying an error if the enclosed text did not include a semi-colon


Version: 5.44
Major Bug Fix - Thursday 26th August 2004
  • Fixed bug with images not appearing if the image name contained a space
  • Fixed bug with menu not appearing in the correct location for image based menus
  • Fixed bug with dragable menus returning errors when being dragged
  • Fixed bug with Safari changing the text color of Header Items
  • Fixed MAJOR bug with Netscape 7.2 and Mozilla 1.6+ - This bug was with the browser not returning correct mouse events when moving in and out of the scrollbar area. This bug was reported to the Mozilla team and subsequently fixed. Unfortunately the Mozilla team decided that they would revert back to 1.6 state thus reinstating the bug. This left us with no other choice but to find a workaround, hopefully one day this bug will be fixed as it affects all HTML object using proprietary scrollbars. We advise you update to the new version of the menu at your earliest convenience if you use scrollbars in your menus.


Version: 5.42
Bug Fixes - Thursday 19th August 2004
  • Fixed bug with menus not appearing in the correct place when using popup() and screen position
  • Fixed bug with dragable menus returning an error when dragging menus under certain conditions
  • Fixed bug with valign not working when declared as a style or within a menu item
  • Fixed bug with screenposition not setting correct location of menu when using image based menus


Version: 5.41
Minor Improvement - Tuesday 17th August 2004

Version: 5.40
Minor bug fix - Sunday 8th August 2004

Version: 5.39
Minor Bug Fixes - Thursday 5th August 2004

Version: 5.38
New Additions - Tuesday 3rd August 2004

Version: 5.37
Minor Bug Fix - Monday 2nd August 2004

Version: 5.36
Minor Bug Fix - Wednesday 28th July 2004

Version: 5.35
Minor Bug Fix - Thursday 22nd July 2004

Version: 5.34
Minor Bug Fix - Wednesday 21st July 2004

Version: 5.33
Big Fixes - Monday 12th July 2004
  • Fixed code that allows for menu height to be declared
  • Fixed issues with pop-ups not fixing horizontal collision detection
  • Added new feature to ignore collision detection for pop-ups and standard sub menus. New global parameter is ignoreCollisions [Boolean]


Version: 5.32
Bug fixes and new features - Monday 5th July 2004
  • Fixed bug with menus not ignoring collision detection even though fixed positioning was specified using the top and left parameters
  • Included several treemenu properties for the tree style menu due for release soon
  • Fixed bug with image only menus not allowing image to fire a link
  • Added ability to remove spacing from sub images on vertical menu items containing showmenu properties. The global parameter for this is Boolean noSubImageSpacing
  • Fixed bug with menuitem not activating a link when declaring only showmenu property for the last menu item
  • Added the ability for submenus to be declared as openstyle="up";


Version: 5.3
Major Enhancement - Sunday 27th June 2004
  • Improved performance for Internet Explorer on the Apple Mac
  • Added the ability to add empty aI("") item so that you can add separators (CSS styles or Images) for both top and bottom or left and right separators


Version: 5.26
Bug Fix - Wednesday 23rd June 2004
  • Fixed itemwidth bug when overflow="scroll" had been set for all menu items
  • Swapped the order for item within the code
  • Fixed bug with followscroll in Netscape 4 causing an error
  • Fixed bug with Mozilla Based Browsers displaying menus in the wrong location if left scrolling had been set
  • Several more itemwidth/menuwidth bug fixes


Version: 5.25
Bug fix - Friday 18th June 2004
  • Modified the way onclass and offclass work in relation to borders. Single border parameters can now be specified inside onclass and offclass properties.
  • Fixed bug with popup menus not appearing on second call with Internet Explorer on the Apple Mac
  • Final changes to the way itemwidth and menuwidth work. Menus will now resize themselves based on available page real estate even though itemwidth may have been specified. To fix the width of menus you will also need a menuwidth property but this will be needed if there is a risk of screen space becoming unavailable.


Version: 5.24a
Major bug fix - Thursday 17th June 2004

Version: 5.23
Bug fixes - Wednesday 16th June 2004
  • Fixed bug with vertical menus wrapping text even though no itemwidth or menuwidth had been specified
  • Fixed bugs with Mozilla based browsers not positioning sub menus correctly when opened from a followscrolling parent menu and the user had scrolled down the page
  • Modified the way submenus are opened using the popup function when bound to an image and using offsets
  • Modified the onfunction and offfunction firing procedure. Now only the actual menu item that has focus fires the functions.


Version: 5.22
Bug Fixes & Features - Friday 11th June 2004
  • Added a new global property called horizontalMenuDelay. This adds a menuOpenDelay to the horizontal menus. By default there is no delay for horizontal menus.
  • Fixed bug with itemwidth not working correctly when declared inside a menu style
  • Fixed a bug with text wrap ignoring itemwidth on vertical menus
  • Modified the way scrollable menus add scrollbars when opened with the popup() function and bound to an image
  • Fixed bug with tooltips not performing correct collision detection
  • Added new module to open menus to the point they were at prior to the user clicking a link on the previous page


Version: 5.21
Major bug fixes - Monday 31st May 2004
  • Improved browser detection for Opera
  • Bug fixes for Opera 7 and relative menus
  • Fixed bug with Mozilla based browsers when using the menu with screenposition set to "center" positioning the menu off by 1 pixel
  • Fixed bug with relative positioned menus setting width to 100% when specifying an itemwidth for horizontal menus
  • Modified the way itemwidth can be declared using percentages. Percentages are now declared relative to browser widths as opposed to menu widths
  • Added closeOnClick property. This allows menus to close when the user clicks on a menu item. By default the menu will remain visible before and after a click event has occurred
  • Fixed bug with scrollable menus not setting scrollbars when user had scrolled down the page
  • Fixed bug with itemwidth not setting width on vertical menus when declared within a menu definition


Version: 5.20
Minor enhancements - Monday 24th May 2004
  • Fixed problem with relative menus in Apple Mac Internet Explorer and Safari
  • Changed the Followscrolling code to allow for a rate of 1 to enable immediate jumping without any scrolling effect
  • Added code to ensure that the forced link will return to normal if the link to appears after code timeout


Version: 5.19
Major Bug Fix - Wednesday 19th May 2004
  • Fixed major bug with Apple Mac Internet Explorer causing the menu to fail when using multiple drawMenus() commands and multiple main menus.
  • Modified code to allow for numeric values to be declared as either text or Integer values


Version: 5.18
Minor Modification - Wednesday 12th May 2004

Version: 5.17
Minor bug fix - Tuesday 11th May 2004

Version: 5.16
Minor Enhancements - Friday 7th May 2004
  • Changed the way NOWRAP works with vertical menus
  • Added code to ensure that the menu will sit on top of form selects when being dragged
  • Updated ToolTips code module "tooltips.js" to ensure that tooltips get dropped once dragging starts
  • Updated DragDrop code module "dragdrop.js" to ensure that tooltips get dropped once dragging starts
  • Ensured that tooltips always appear on top of menus


Version: 5.15
Bug Fix & Feature Enhancements - Friday 30th April 2004
  • Added code to ensure that the new TreeMenus will work with the menus code base
  • Fixed bug with menuitems not appearing correctly in Safari with relative positioned menus
  • Fixed bug with menu item borders not sitting correctly on relative placed menus
  • Fixed a bug with Netscape 4+ not displaying menus on Apple Macs


Version: 5.14
Minor bug fixes - Tuesday 27th April 2004
  • Added a class named 'milonictable' to allow user defined global properties for TABLES
  • Fixed a bug with pagecolor not setting the correct color when visited color had been declared and page had been visited


Version: 5.13
Minor bug fix - Tuesday 20th April 2004

Version: 5.12
Minor bug fix - Thursday 8th April 2004

Version: 5.11
Minor Feature Additions - Monday 5th April 2004
  • Changed the way border colors work. If no color has been specified the menu now uses offcolor for the border color
  • Changed the way separator colors work. If no color has been specified the menu now uses offcolor for the separator color
  • Added property for style and menuitems called 'rawcss'. This allows for standard CSS properties to be included to styles and menu items
  • Moved the 'clickfunction' event high up the order of events, this is now fired before the page is visited.


Version: 5.10
Bug Fixes - Monday 29th March 2004
  • Fixed problem with Opera 6.x setting incorrect colors for menu items
  • Fixed bug with menus Z-index not setting high enough
  • Fixed bug with Internet Explorer on Apple Macs setting width too wide for vertical menus
  • Fixed bug with Opera 7.1 changing first link on free menus even though link was present inside the HTML pages


Version: 5.09
Major bug fixes - Sunday 21st March 2004
  • Fixed bug with Netscape and Mozilla not setting correct mouse pointer when mouse pointer had been set to 'hand'
  • Added new menu item type of 'html', this allows for menu items to contain hyperlinks that can be clicked independently of the main menu item
  • Additional bug fixes for current page matching
  • Fixed menuwidth bugs on Konquerer
  • Fixed bug with 3D menus adding too much height to horizontal separators in Opera
  • Fixed bug with when opening submenus from another parent menu returning an error
  • Fixed scrolling menu bug on Internet Explorer for Apple Mac
  • Fixed problem with scrolling menus going into an infinite loop in Opera 7.x


Version: 5.08
Minor bug fixes - Friday 19th March 2004
  • Changed the way classes are defined, allowing for multiple classes to be declared for each onclass and offclass reference
  • Fixed bug with zIndex not setting Drop Shadows high enough on initial menu opening
  • Fixed error appearing with menus that had been set to followscroll but had not been set as master menus
  • Fixed several issues with scrollable menus in Netscape 4.x
  • Removed the need for declaring _scrollAmount and _scrollDelay from the data file
  • Added _scrollUpImage and _scrollDownImage variables for declaring Top and Bottom images for scrollable menus in Netscape 4.x


Version: 5.07
Minor bug fixes - Monday 15th March 2004
  • Fixed bug with popup function not setting correct position of menu
  • made even more adjustments to current page highlighting to allow for better pagematching
  • Rename the functions applyFilter and playFilter to _applyFilter and _playFilter to remove conflicts
  • Fixed bug with itemheight not working as expected on Mozilla based browsers


Version: 5.06
Minor bug fixes - Monday 15th March 2004
  • Changed code that detects current page that fixed some isolated issues with certain URL's
  • Fixed small problem with header type menu items affecting some peer menu items
  • Fixed bug with scrolling menus adding horizontal scrollbars when the main pages scrollbars had been disabled
  • Fixed bug with clickfunction not working as expected
  • Fixed bug with 100% width menus not spanning 100% on Mozilla based browsers


Version: 5.05
Bug Fixes - Thursday 4th March 2004
  • Fixed disabled menu items still allowing actions to take place
  • Fixed spacing problem with sub menu image indicators not appearing in correct position
  • Fixed bug with tooltips showing after the calling menu item had been closed
  • Fixed bug with WindowFeatures setting the WindowFeature to ALL menu items within the same menu
  • Modified 'align' to accept the CSS value 'justify' as well as left, center and right
  • Fixed bug with menu items that had 'status' showing incorrect information when menu item had a showmenu property
  • Fixed bug with image padding not working when specified
  • Fixed a bug menus returning an error if accessed before the page had fully loaded
  • Fixed a bug with Opera 7+ setting incorrect widths for sub menus


Version: 5.04
Bug Fix - Wednesday 25th February 2004
  • Fixed disabled item bug with disabled items still allowing links to be clicked
  • Fixed bug with Horizontal menus changing to 100% width if set to overflow="scroll;" on Apple Mac's (Internet Explorer)
  • Changed the way mouse pointers work if no URL has been specified for the menu item. The cursor changed regardless of URL being present
  • Removed the main link from ToolTips. This way the ToolTip itself can contain HTML links that can be clicked
  • Fixed minor issue with 3D separators not appearing on vertical menus
  • Fixed an offset problem with menu items that had borders in Relative positioned menus


Version: 5.03
Bug Fixes - Monday 23rd February 2004
  • Changed several CSS properties to try and handle Global CSS a little better
  • Fixed a bug with menu items loosing focus if the user moved off a "keepalive" sub menu, then back to the calling menu item
  • Fixed several minor scrolling menu bugs
  • Fixed minor bug with dragable menus picking up other menus when dragging across their real estate
  • Fixed bugs with "image only menus" not setting the correct menu dimensions when opening menus for the first time


Version: 5.02
Bug Fixes - Monday 16th February 2004
  • Fixed borders bug with Tooltips on Netscape 7.0
  • Fixed bug with Tooltips disappearing incorrectly taking sub menus with them on Netscape 7.0
  • Fixed bug with certain relative menus not appearing in Safari and Netscape 7.0
  • Fixed bug with Safari not positioning sub menus correctly when no borderwidth had been specified
  • Addressed a minor resizing issue with Netscape 4.0


Version: 5.01
Bug Fix - Thursday 12th February 2004
  • Fixed Horizontal padding problem when padding was set in a global table CSS property
  • Fixed bug with menu returning a JavaScript error if borderwidth had been set using a string as opposed to a variable
  • Fixed bug with Internet Explorer on Apple Mac returning error ' is not an object' if overflow=\"scroll\"; had been set for certain menus


Version: 5.0
Complete Rewrite - Thursday 17th July 2003

Version: 3.5.15
Minor Bug Fix - Wednesday 9th April 2003
  • With recent point releases the menu caused an error if a vertical menu did not have a declared width.

    This, with version 3.x, is mandatory for vertical menus and a default width has now been set at 100 pixels if one has not been declared. This problem has been resolved in version 5.0 where widths for vertical menus are no longer required. Errors should now fail to appear if a vertical menu does not have a width.


Version: 3.5.14
Minor Bug Fix - Friday 21st March 2003
  • Added a fix for dynamic menus broken by Symantec's Firewall and Internet Security.

    Symantec adds an error suppression function to HTML retrieved from dynamic menu builds. This none standard function is being embedded inside the menu code and causes the menu to fail. The very nature of the added function then disables all error messages and menus fail to appear.

    Version 3.5.14 should help solve all known problems with Symantec Internet Security and Symantec Firewall.

    Note: If you want to apply this patch you will need to replace the text inside your array file that builds the menus. It's the line that follows the text:

    //The following line is critical for menu operation, and MUST APPEAR ONLY ONCE.


Version: 3.5.13
Bug Fixes - Friday 21st March 2003

Version: 3.5.12
Bug Fixes - Sunday 26th January 2003

Version: 3.5.11
Bug Fixes - Monday 16th December 2002

Version: 3.5.10
Bug Fixes - Sunday 24th November 2002

Version: 3.5.09
Bug Fixes - Wednesday 20th November 2002

Version: 3.5.08
Bug Fixes - Wednesday 13th November 2002

Version: 3.5.07
Bug Fixes - Thursday 7th November 2002

Version: 3.5.06
Bug Fixes - Tuesday 8th October 2002

Version: 3.5.05
Bug Fixes - Tuesday 8th October 2002
  • Added an eval that was previously removed causing problem with Netscape DIV hiding
  • Fixed Frames onClick code now working as expected
  • Fixed sub menu flickering in Netscape 6 Frames based menu


Version: 3.5.04
Frames Bug Fixes - Tuesday 1st October 2002
  • Fixed Horizontal Scrolling problem with menus thinking there was not enough space
  • Removed all Inneficient references to eval()
  • Fixed bugs when using onClick menus in Frames


Version: 3.5.03
Bug Fix - Tuesday 3rd September 2002
  • Fixed a very illusive Opera bug on Opera 6.03 and above causing menus to disappear at random for no apparent reason
  • Added improved collision detection for sub menus displayed by mouse position


Version: 3.5.02
Bug Fix - Tuesday 27th August 2002
  • Fixed bug with HTTPS displaying a message about insecure pages
  • Fixed bug with Current page incorrectly displaying same named files in other folders
  • Fixed bug with menus disappearing even though being programmatically set to 'Always Visible'


Version: 3.5.01
Bug Fix - Tuesday 6th August 2002

Version: 3.5
Bug Fix - Tuesday 23rd July 2002
  • Major Addition Added code to handle the way Form-Select objects show through menus for IE 5.5 and above
  • Added code to set the position of submenu indicator images before the page has completed loading.
  • Added the ability to declare different images for sub menu indicators
  • Added ability to set mouseOn and mouseOff border for each menuitem
  • Added ability to set margins for each menuitem
  • Fixed bug with Opera displaying error when clicking on an image inside a menu item
  • Fixed a Netscape 4.x dimension problem with horizontal menus having an incorrect width
  • Fixed onClick in Document to close 'Keep Alive' menus (separate code is needed)
  • Included the ability to declare CSS variables to the BODY tag without affecting the menu positioning


Version: 3.4.12
Bug Fix - Thursday 27th June 2002

Version: 3.4.11
Bug Fix - Monday 17th June 2002

Version: 3.4.10
Bug Fix - Wednesday 12th June 2002

Version: 3.4.09
Bug Fix - Tuesday 11th June 2002
  • Fixed bug with menus opening OnClick not opening pages directly
  • Fixed FRAMES bug with menus not positioning correctly when user had scrolled down the page
  • Added code to check if menus have no menu items and take appropriate action. This bug was causing pages not to appear


Version: 3.4.08
Bug Fix - Tuesday 4th June 2002
  • Added new property for offsets. "minimum" this stops the menu from disappearing off the screen when using an offset and center Screen Position
  • Added vertical positioning code for Frames based menus opening to far down with insufficient room
  • Fixed bug with sub menus not appearing until page fully loaded
  • Added smart form field detection for form hiding in IE and Netscape 6 and fixed the demo
  • Added code to enable menus to become draggable - Demo coming soon


Version: 3.4.07
Bug Fix - Friday 24th May 2002

Version: 3.4.06
Bug Fix - Wednesday 22nd May 2002
  • Fixed bug with menus popping up incorrectly when using only single letter as menu name
  • Fixed even more bugs with DTD's not working quite as expected
  • Fixed a slight Sub Image positionong problem with Mac IE5
  • Fixed minor bug with IE separator bar positioning when using DTD's
  • Fixed minor bug with IE5.5 Filters & Transitions not showing up


Version: 3.4.05
Bug Fix - Thursday 16th May 2002

Version: 3.4.04
Bug Fix - Monday 13th May 2002

Version: 3.4.03
Bug Fix - Wednesday 8th May 2002
  • Fixed big with Opera not reseting the backColor onMouseOut with 3D menus
  • Fixed Netscape 4.x bug on window resizing not working if only the width changes
  • Fixed numerous positioning and element bugs in Frames menu
  • Fixed random error occuring on some Opera installations
  • Added code to wait until images had been downloaded before drawing menu in IE
  • Fixed error in Apple Mac IE5.0 "Invalid procedure call or argument"


Version: 3.4.02
Bug Fix - Monday 6th May 2002
  • Fixed Opera resizing Bug
  • Fixed Opera bug with browser hanging
  • Fixed Netscape horizontal separator bar size not displaying correctly
  • Apple Mac vertical sub image positioning fixed


Version: 3.4.01
Bug Fix - Friday 3rd May 2002

Version: 3.4
Bug Fix & Many New Features - Wednesday 1st May 2002
  • Fixed popup() function not setting correct height when using fixed position',
  • Modified the Follow Scrolling code to keep the menu at a specified position when scrolling down the page
  • Fixed bug in Netscape 6 and Opera not setting the correct specified width on horizontal menus
  • Fixed bug in IE with submenus disappearing when using transparency
  • Included the ability for the menu to appear inside a TABLE, this should allow the menu to work properly with Shared Borders in Frontpage
  • Fixed RTL support, The menu now defaults to proper Right To Left positioning for the languages in this style
  • Fixed Opera bug when placing code in the head of a document. This should cure many Opera related problems
  • Re-designed dynamic image code. This solved the problem of web logs filling up with errors and should improve overall performance when using dynamic images
  • Fixed bug in Netscape 4.x with forms inside a menu not submitting the form when user clicked on submit
  • Fixed bug with current page not displaying correctly in Netscape 4.x and fixed bug with inconsistency in other browsers
  • Fixed bug in Opera 5.01 not displaying the first menu item correctly
  • Fixed menu dimensions bug in Opera rendering vertical menus too wide
  • Fixed problem with Netscape 4.x wrapping text in Horizontal menus when using more than one word
  • Added the ability to change the color and width of individual separators on Horizontal menus
  • Added the ability to change the global and individual color of separators on Vertical menus
  • Added the ability to define total width of horizontal menus in pixels as opposed to 100% of the page
  • Added the ability to use background images for each menu item as well as background image for menus
  • Modified the way Sub-Menus are positioned on screen if a "Screen Position" has been specified - Screen Position now over-rides all other properties


Version: 3.3.19
Bug Fix & New Features - Wednesday 3rd April 2002
  • Fixed Mac IE 4.5 image bug
  • Fixed Mac 5.0 Transparency bug
  • Fixed Frames popup for mouseover on single menu items
  • Fixed horizontal menu bug
  • Added the ability to have transparent menus by removing the background colors
  • Fixed border size bug in Netscape (too big) when using images
  • Added the ability to have different colored separator bars
  • Fixed DIV hiding bug showing divs to early when moving mouse to another menu item
  • Fixed bug in current page code when using full http path to links
  • Fixed bug when using 2 menus on the same page displaying behind other menu
  • Added feature to automatically position menus displayed by popup() if there was insufficient space on the page
  • Fixed bug with menu not positioning element when horizontal scrolling is greater than zero
  • Fixed bug in Netscape 6 when using only images in horizontal menus
  • Added ability to have menus span the whole width of a page.


Version: 3.3.1
Added Feature - Friday 1st March 2002

Version: 3.3.0
Bug Fix & Features - Wednesday 20th February 2002
  • Fixed bug when user had scrolled down but the menu stayed static
  • Menus can now be attached to a table cell using a simple JavaScript command <tr><td><script>PlaceMenu("mainmenu")</script>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  • Each Vertical menu can now have it's own header cell that is a different color to the other elements in the menu
  • Mouse Pointers now change to either a hand if a link exists or an arrow if no link is present
  • Added the ability to declare color names and well as their hex equivalent in the menu_array files
  • Complete re-write of the sis() image positioning function
  • Fixed sub-image code to allow for any size of image to be used as a sub menu flag
  • Fixed problem of having menu items specified earlier in the array appearing behind calling menu. Menus can now be positioned anywhere in the array and will always appear on top of the calling menu


Version: 3.2.5
Bug Fix - Saturday 19th January 2002

Version: 3.2.4
Bug Fix - Friday 18th January 2002

Version: 3.2.3
Bug Fix - Friday 18th January 2002

Version: 3.2.2
Bug Fix - Friday 18th January 2002

Version: 3.2.0
Major overhaul of functions an - Wednesday 16th January 2002
  • Removed the necessity for fmenu.js menu now consists of 1 file for source code and another file for contents
  • Re-wrote popi() function using custom cross browser spos() and gpos() functions
  • Re-designed the menu contents structure file. There is no longer a need to number menu items and no longer a need to separate menus and sub_menus. Each menu is considered equal and hierarchy has been removed
  • Re-wrote fixb() function
  • Added ability to leave menu elements high-lighted, this enables user to see path taken to get to a menu
  • Fixed a very odd bug in Netscape 4.x when opening a browser to a page containing the menu
  • Improved code for Opera enabling menus to the same as other browsers
  • Added the ability to save the last item selected and display on opened page
  • Fixed major bug in Netscape 4.03 not showing the menu at all due to an invalid timer variable
  • Fixed bugs found in Opera 6.0
  • Added the ability to remove the need for certain variables in the style array
  • Improved menu positioning when screen space becomes an issue
  • Added offset ability to menus that use screen positioning
  • Fixed problem with menus not working on Geocities sites
  • Improved support for "Right to Left" in languages like Hebrew
  • Added on Mouse Click support
  • improved support for Loose & Strict HTML 4.01 DTD tags


Version: 2.6.0
Feature Added - Friday 9th November 2001

Feature Added - Wednesday 7th November 2001

Bug Fix Date - Sunday 20th May 2001

Bug Fix Date - Thursday 1st November 2001

Bug Fix Date - Wednesday 31st October 2001
  • Fixed Netscape 6.0 Border problem not rendering properly on Horizontal menus
  • Sub menu images are now positioned with more accurately in the middle of a menu item
  • Fixed menu highlighting bug on all browsers when no sub menu is present


Bug Fix Date - Sunday 28th October 2001

Bug Fix - Monday 10th September 2001

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