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Current Menu Version: 5.955 dated Sunday April 14 2024 Click to Download

JavaScript Menu Global Variables - Quick Reference Guide

Here is a list of global variables that the menu uses for its internal processing. These variables are available for use within your own application or if you need to modify the menu.

Note that these variables must be accessed as read-only and not changed in any way, otherwise you may experience unpredictable results

Also note that JavaScript is a case sensitive language and correct case should be adhered to at all times.

Click here for Browser Detection variables

integer _X

_X is the current position of the mouse pointer on the X axis relative to 0,0 (top left corner).

integer _Y

_Y is the current position of the mouse pointer on the Y axis relative to 0,0 (top left corner).

integer _bH

_bH is the height of the browser window.

integer _bW

_bW is the width of the browser window.

integer _sT

_sT is the value for Scroll Top. This is the amount (in pixels) that the user has scrolled down.

integer _sL

_sL is the value for Scroll Left. This is the amount (in pixels) that the user has scrolled to the left or to the right depending on page direction.

integer _itemRef

_itemRef is the currently selected menu item. This value changes constantly and represents both the current and last active menu item.

array _m

_m is an array of ALL 'menu' data. This array can be read or modified but not all data will be echoed to the menu system without a live menu refresh.

array _mi

_mi is an array of ALL 'menu item' data. This array can be read or modified but not all data will be echoed to the menu system without a live menu refresh.

Browser Detection Variables

The following variables are set by the menu code based on Client User Agent (web browser) - This helps us determine the make and model of the browser currently being used to view the page in order to deliver the correct menu code. Again, these varialbes are case sensitive and must be read-only.

  • ie Microsoft Internet Explorer Windows only
  • ie4 Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 Window only
  • ie5 Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 Windows only
  • ie55 Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 and version 6.0 Windows
  • ns4 Netscape version 4+ on all systems
  • ns60 Netscape version 6.0 only on all systems
  • ns6 Netscape version 6+ on all systems
  • ns7 Netscape version 7+ all systems
  • op Opera (any version) on all systems
  • op5 Opera 5 on all systems
  • op6 Opera 6 on all systems
  • op7 Opera 7+ on all systems
  • mac Apple Mac's any version of Internet Explorer only
  • mac45 Apple Mac's Internet Explorer version 4.5 only
  • sfri Safari all versions on Apple Macs
  • konq Konquerer any version on any system
  • IEDtD Internet Explorer with DocType

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