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Current Menu Version: 5.955 dated Sunday April 14 2024 Click to Download

About Milonic Ltd

Founded in 1999, Milonic Ltd are a United Kingdom registered company number: 4406835, registered with HMRC: number 787 4081 91 and registered with the Data Protection Registrar - number: Z7648184

The Milonic's customer base is very strong and Milonic provide products to some of the largest companies in the World. Milonic have provided solutions for - Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Nokia, 3Com, Sony, NASA, Cisco, Phillips, GE and many more blue chip companies and individuals. See our Corporate Client List for a list of some of our clients.

Brief History

At first the company specialised in providing superior dynamic web sites for companies based only in the United Kingdom.

Milonic focused on database driven websites built around PHP, ASP, MySQL and SQL Server on a variety of platforms but one of the key solutions provided by Milonic was Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML). This was implemented in almost all bespoke systems built by Milonic.

As Milonic became more familiar with the problems associated with Dynamic Cross Browser sites, they quickly became market leaders in providing sites built around DHTML.

Whilst looking for a good Cross Browser DHTML Menu system, Milonic soon realised that the current market seemed full of what appeared to be sub-standard and usually buggy website menu systems that were large in size but small in features. This gave Milonic no other choice but to develop their own menu system .

Version 0.8 was released to the general public at the start of the year 2000 and soon found it's way onto many popular websites around the world. This was the starting block for Milonic to rapidly become world leaders in its field. Version 1 never actually made it as a full release, the reason for this was down to a complete overhaul of many of the key elements to it's menu system.

Version 2 was a complete rewrite and took 4 months to develop, this version was released in April 2001. Various improvements were added to the version 2 code over the following 9 months.

Version 3 was another major overhaul (released January 2002) and many improvements not seen before became a standard feature. One of the most advanced features added to version 3 was the ability for menus to overlay Form Select objects (by default) in Microsoft Intenet Explorer, something that had eluded web developers for quite some time. Many new International customers came on board during this release as they clearly saw the potential with both the present products and future developments that Milonic had to offer.

Version 4 made a brief appearance at beta stage only in April 2003. Confusion with a version at (v3.3.19) called TopNav4 paved the way for version 5 to take over as latest DHTML Menu Milonic provide.

Version 5 was yet again, completely rewritten. Only this time the data file had a completely new set of features and was based more on JavaScript Objects. Version 5 included scrollable menus and a delayed menu opener to ensure that the menu system opened the required menu and also ensured that it stayed open whilst the user navigated the websites menus. Over 50 passable parameters are available with version 5 and this latest version of the Milonic DHTML Menu is set to become the de-facto standard for all website menus and something the other menu developers can aspire to.

Version 6 is already in design stage and will be the basis for a Lite version ensuring menus are rendered in the fastest possible time using the least amount of bytes, whilst combating many of the current problems associated with DHTML Menus.

Milonic lead the way, yet again.

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Milonic provide full featured pull down web menus for some of the worlds largest companies

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