Removing the Forced Link on the DHTML JavaScript Menu
If you have downloaded the menu and implemented it into
your page, you will notice that the first menu item will change to an evaluation link.
Don't be alarmed, this is just our copy protection and can easily be removed.
How you go about this will depend on your commercial/non-commercial status. Please note that if you have just purchased a full Pro or greater license and still see the forced evaluation link, you will need to upgrade the menu code files to the full version of the menu. All you need to do is login to milonic with your username and password, download the menu again (this time the system will devliver the full version based on your account) and upgrade the menu code files on your system. If you are a non-profit organisation and intend to use the menu free of charge, you are required to link back to the Milonic site from each page that uses the menu. This is why the menu will automatically add a link in your first menu item if there isn't one present on the page. Links can be in the form of discreet text links at the bottom of the page or eye catching images, how you implement the link is entirely up to you, the only criteria is that the link is visible from the page. Once this link has been added the forced evaluation menu item will disappear. So all you have to do to remove the evaluation item is include a link pointing to somewhere on your web pages that are using the menu. Please note, the link needs to point to the precise location of and the text is to read "DHTML JavaScript Menu By " Feel free to use these or any of the logos available at to link to Milonic. You can copy and paste the following into your HTML in order to remove the forced evaluation link:<a href=>DHTML Menu By Milonic JavaScript</a> If you are having problems with anything relating to this topic please
do not hesitate to contact
us. |
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What does it cost? DHTML Menu prices
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Bespoke menu design and build service from the Milonic team
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Free icons and images for all licensed users with our Menu Imagepack
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Find more relevant stuff here: Remove Link, Remove Link Php and Link In Php.