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JavaScript whitespace compressor and file compactor

JavaScript File Compactor
This is a useful utility for removing white space and other unnecessary characters from your JavaScript files.

It will remove all carriage returns, tabs, spaces and any other formatting characters not needed for the successful operation of JavaScript.

The efficiency of this utility has been known to decrease file sizes by as much as 70%. A 30,000 byte file was recently trimmed down to a more 'bandwidth friendly' 9,000 bytes.

Although the appearance of the compressed file is not particularily human readable, it is read by JavaScript interpreters just fine. In fact, because there isn't any white space for the JavaScript parser to worry about, there could even be a slight improvement in the speed of your JavaScript code but it may be hard to tell any difference.

Note: The JavaScript File Compactor is NOT a tool for encrypting your JavaScript files. Even though it does make it more difficult for someone to read the code, you can still decipher the original code with a little patience.

Compress your JavaScript
Your JS File:

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