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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:01
Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: cowboyinbrla
Dated: Friday June 8 2012 - 0:33:44 BST
I've followed the instructions at for adding multiple menus to a web page. (I'm in the process of wholesale revision of our site, and so upgraded to the latest version of MM in the process.) For reference in this discussion: is the testing page for the site's menus.
Here's the issue: I declared all my "submenus", with a "drawmenus()" command, as suggested immediately following the <body> tag on my "testing" page. I have three separate "main" menus on the page, all three horizontal and each in its own <DIV> on the page. The top-most and bottom-most menus/DIVs have no sub-menus and display fine.
The middle main menu is where things get dicey. This main menu (level 1) has 11 items, eight of which lead to submenus (level 2). Some of the items on those submenus ALSO lead to submenus (level 3) - and in rare cases, one more level of submenus (level 4) below that. I do plan to "flatten" that last level at some point, but for now...
In any event: when any of the level 2 submenus after the first are called up, they display fine, and more importantly, their level 3 submenus appear correctly. But ONLY on the first level 2 submenu, the level 3 submenus are drawn covering the width of the browser window. It doesn't appear to be a typo in the menu item layouts, because I can shift any of the other level 2 submenus into the first position, and whatever submenu is in that first "slot" is the one with the problem.
Incidentally, I've been using these menu layouts on our main site for a few years now with an older version of the MMenu (5.830) with no problems, although I have the menus nested in a table on that site - one of the things I'm trying to get simplify and get rid of. So I know it's feasible to have 3 or 4 levels of submenu - I just don't know what I"m doing that's making this one menu column display incorrectly.
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 8 2012 - 1:09:14 BST
I cannot get to the page. I get an error message "The website cannot display the page" I'll need the page to be able to test the problem.
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: cowboyinbrla
Dated: Friday June 8 2012 - 1:53:01 BST
Thanks for the fast reply, I know it's much later where you are (I think).
I'm not sure why you couldn't pull up the page, but on the off chance that something may have been blocking you on our end, I dropped the firewall on that server for now. I've tested and can get to the page both from inside and outside our network, so if there's still an issue once you have time to try again, I can copy and paste the relevant pages here. I was reluctant to do so up front as the menu system is extensive, but if need be, I can strip down to the least # of menus that still give a problem and then paste that code.
Thank you again -
Kevin Morgan
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 8 2012 - 18:27:25 BST
I'm still getting the error. It is telling me it is a Server problem. I tried in all the browsers I have, even very old ones [Netscape 4] and get the following message:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'cbyte'
/test1.asp, line 14
Type mismatch: 'cbyte'
/test1.asp, line 14
I have no clue what that means, but I used FF 3 thru 11, Netscape 4 thru9, GoogleChrome, Safari, IE8 and they all give that message. Somehow I have to have the page in order to find the menu problem. Can you check and see what is causing this? If I can get the page and all the files, I'll be able to dig into the problem.
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: cowboyinbrla
Dated: Friday June 8 2012 - 18:43:49 BST
AH - That helped immensely in figuring why you couldn't see it. (Basically, test1.asp was converting a cookie value - which is always text - into a byte, and the cookie wasn't set. Although I'd tested the page, apparently the cookie was still in my cache so it wasn't giving me the error. I've bypassed that for now so it should work.
I did notice that when I pull the page up, the "included" mm files are shown, but they're not "expanded" (if you know what I mean). They're all in the root directory of the site, though, so if you need to look at "menu_data2-AccountAdmin.js" for instance, just append that to
Thanks again in advance,
Kevin Morgan
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 8 2012 - 23:09:55 BST
Hi Kevin,
Well, I've found the problem, not sure why it is a problem as it seems to only affect the 2nd level drop down menus in the Search item and not the others. I tested all the others and they don't expand fully accross the page. Anyway, the problem is between the css id for the menu divs and the menu. I assumed you wanted the div to be 100% and didn't want to change that [I removed it for testing and the problem stopped] Anyway, looking at the names you have for those menu divs, I wondered if maybe it is the id name menu1 and menu2, so I changed the names to mm1 and mm2 and that seems to have fixed it. Of course, I can only test on desktop, so not sure what happens on the web.
Again, I can't explain why, but if that fixes it on the web that will take care of it. Just be careful to not put an id of menu on any divs into which you are placing it. Let me know if it fixes it on the web, if not I will have to contact Milonic about the issue.
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: cowboyinbrla
Dated: Saturday June 9 2012 - 0:17:04 BST
That makes a lot of sense, Ruth - I would guess that those words are used in formatting for the menus themselves, and it's certainly not a problem to change the DIV names on the template for the site. I'll try with that and see if it clears it on the web version - if not, I'll be back

Thank you very much!
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: cowboyinbrla
Dated: Saturday June 9 2012 - 5:08:54 BST
Following up: that did indeed clear it up, so I've made the necessary changes in our templates. Moving forward!
and thank you once again for the incredibly prompt support. Kudos.
Re: Multiple levels of submenus - problem displaying
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday June 9 2012 - 7:48:29 BST
You're very welcome. Thanks for posting back. Oh, and someone must be looking out for you because I just started getting notification that a topic was posted, it has not been doing it for awhile
