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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:01
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 1:31:21 BST
Yes, I see the menu, but did you see the first items are Milonic? That's because if you are using the free menu, and since that site is personal and not commercial or a money making site you can use it i.e. personal use, but the menu itself is not 'free' it is a link menu. That is you don't have to pay cash but you must have a link back to if you use the free license on every page where the menu is.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 1:39:35 BST
Hi again,
When you get done, I have a couple of things you might like to include, another free anti-virus program, and a screen resolution test that is also a free item which let's you view what the resolutions are for people who visit your site. It helps when you are laying out your pages.
Creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 1:23:19 BST
STOP THE can ignore my last post, thank God!
I hadn't uploaded the two files mmenudom.js & milonic_src.js.......DA!
Boy my head is spinning. There is so much to remember that is still foreign to me.
Now I assume that if I tweak the rest of my pages with the new calls and delete the "<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="mmenu.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>" line the rest of the pages will show the menu.
And then I can change the menu height from the top of the page and width and THEN I should be ready to add some some "stuff" onto my menus.
That will probably take a day of tweaking.
I feel like I'm getting close but I'm afraid to say it out load yet.
And do I need to say that I could have never gotten her without your persistent help.
BTW How do I get "Milonic" from popping up on my menu everywhere?
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 1:44:24 BST
I don't mind advertising Milonic....but at the top of every one of my menus. Didn't have that before although it was years ago that I originally used it.
This is upsetting, to say the least after all the work "we" did.
What other options do I have or have I spent weeks doing this for what might be "naught" ?
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 1:57:43 BST
No, no it's not supposed to be in the menu, that's there because the program can't find a link on your pages back to Just put it in one of your columns, or if you want at the bottom of the page. If I remember FrontPage right you should be able to do that pretty easily. Though I'm not sure since I haven't used it for a decade or more and then it was only to test it. Anyway, on my site I just have a statement This site uses Milonic Solutions' DHTML Menu Navigation System, and the Milonic Solutions part is the link, like this:
This site uses <a href="">Milonic Solutions</a> DHTML Menu Navigation System.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 2:12:36 BST
Let me know what's up. I can't remember that far back, but I think the v3 also had a link requirement if it was for personal use, but I also remember that many sites didn't do it and there was nothing in the program that forced the link. I think that the v3 when 5 came out and 3 wasn't supported anymore ended up on some of the javascript websites for download. Anyway, Milonic built in that link generating thing so that those who were using it free or used it without a license [many have done that] would have to put the links on the pages. Once the link is on the pages, your menu will say Home.
As to the things I was mentioning that were also free, I use Avast Antivirus free version which is pretty good, I have also used AVG. And I found a screen resolution site where it is free to put a little thing on your page/pages if you want more than one page done, I only did my index page, and it will keep track of what screen resolutions people are using that visit your site. When you click the little icon it gives you a report.
Avast is
Screen resolution is You'd click on the Get Your Site Report it's Free button.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 2:43:24 BST
Not sure why this in not showing under "Assorted stuff"/contributors.htm
Contributors to my web site
Menu script -
Guestbook script -
Bookmark script -
Scripture "popup" -
Mentor #1 - Joe M. who was always there to give me a hand when my enthusiasm over shadowed my knowledge.
Mentor #2 - Jack B. who has been my one-man brain trust and the host of my site (Beach Cities PC).
That was where I had it and intend to add it back in the menu. Still have some menu tweaking besides adding new stuff.
When you helped create the new date file I had already changed some of the menu so still have some work to be done.
Will the above free up my menu?
I also use Avast on this machine and will add it on my list as I go along and will ck out ""
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 2:48:20 BST
Actually on the Assorted Stuff menu it's there. Not sure what's happening.
with(milonic=new menuname("assorted_stuff")){
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 3:40:04 BST
This is my fault, I am so sorry

If there were a way I could get your pages, I'd be glad to add the link to them. The other option would be to leave it in the menu, but it will always be the 1st item, so you'd need to put your Home as the second. I personally wouldn't do that. I'd put the link on the pages, but then again, I'm retired, bored, and like working with pages and helping people. If you could actually get me the pages, I'd be glad to put the link on and send them back to you. Or I can copy and paste them, put the link in and then zip them all and send them to you. I don't have FrontPage so I can't use that to do it, but as I said, the program I use would let me do a copy/paste for the link. You'd just have to tell me where to put them on the pages. Let me know what you want to do. Again, sorry

Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 4:40:26 BST
So if I'm understanding you correctly, I can't have them as one of my "Contributors" in my dropdown menu under "Assorted Stuff". Which btw doesn't even show up now.
And I can't add them to my main page at the bottom but I have to add them to each page?
So under I would have to add a link to Milonic on that page somewhere and on each of my other 30 or so pages.
Or pay $50
If I pay $50 what are my obligations? Is the license good forever if I don't want upgrades.
I've worked for hours on this and unless I go back to the old menu, I've put too much work dump the menu.
Not blaming you Ruth, I'm sure all this info was somewhere on the site.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 5:02:42 BST
You actually need the little link back on every page where the menu is used. Index, dougs_tips_and_tricks, and so on.
Obligations? None, except that you can't be a commercial money making site. And, you will not have to put the link on any page.
Here is what is posted for the professional license
Professional DHTML Menu License - $48.15
This is a license to use the DHTML Menu product on your website or Intranet without any links or other annoying information about our evaluation version.
Some notes on licensing
Commercial licenses are needed for ANY company using the menu on ANY website or Intranet.
Each license covers one website only, sub domains may be considered the same site but you will need to confirm this with us for clarification before you go ahead with your menu construction.
There are no limits to the number of pages your site can contain.
For the duration of your support (1 Year)
It also guarantees a response to ALL of your support requests.
We can also mail you updates as soon as they are ready for release.
Any feature requests you make will be given much more serious consideration
You can use the menu on your site, safe in the knowledge that you are not in breach of any copyright
So, what do you get for your money? - You Get:
The full version of the menu, without the forced links.
A perpetual license to use the menu on your chosen website.
Access to the My Milonic web based admin system
Email based tech support
Your website added to our directory listing
This is a license to use the DHTML Menu product on your website or Intranet without any links or other annoying information about our evaluation version.
Some notes on licensing
Commercial licenses are needed for ANY company using the menu on ANY website or Intranet.
Each license covers one website only, sub domains may be considered the same site but you will need to confirm this with us for clarification before you go ahead with your menu construction.
There are no limits to the number of pages your site can contain.
For the duration of your support (1 Year)
It also guarantees a response to ALL of your support requests.
We can also mail you updates as soon as they are ready for release.
Any feature requests you make will be given much more serious consideration
You can use the menu on your site, safe in the knowledge that you are not in breach of any copyright
So, what do you get for your money? - You Get:
The full version of the menu, without the forced links.
A perpetual license to use the menu on your chosen website.
Access to the My Milonic web based admin system
Email based tech support
Your website added to our directory listing
Now, I felt bad, so I have
done all your pages, but the religion ones with the link required and I've also coded the correct calls for the menu on them. Just for your info on the menu, if you buy, you are entitled to all the upgrades for a year, any new features, or fixes that come out etc. After the year, you are entitled to keep whatever the last version was as long as you have a website and want to use the menu. You can also pay a support fee, not sure what that is, a much lower fee I understand, at the beginning of the second year and so on for as long as you like and would get any new updates and features, but you don't have to do that, again you can keep whatever the last version was at the end of the year and use it forever at You are also entitled in that first year to upgrade to Version 6, I believe. You might have to contact Milonic about that. I have no idea if you would want that, it is a different type of menu and I am not really able to figure it out yet, however it is in development so maybe when it's done I will be able to do that.
I did buy the menu, but that was my choice, it was because it was so good and I could do so much with it, and I didn't have to put a link on all my pages, and I could use it forever, so I felt it was worth the small fee. Again, that was MY choice

If you decide to buy, you need to go to the main site and register. That registration uses your email address and when you log in and download the menu updates it will have your license in the program and not put in the forced Milonic link. Then you go to the to purchase the menu
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 6:01:17 BST
Hi Ruth,
I'm going to kick it around a bit and figure out what I want to do but I'm leaning toward the fee.
And again, it's not your fault. You've been a big help and I appreciate what you've done to help me.
That's just the way things go some times. Like I sometimes say, "it ain't cancer".
This is not something for you to worry about.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 6:05:35 BST
Thanks, Doug. Let me know what you decide, and either way, I'll be glad to help you with anything you need in the menu. I really enjoy helping

Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 6:07:10 BST
oh, by the way, there is a new version, you have 912, 913 is out.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 14:25:29 BST
Morning! Got some stuff to do this and then I'll do some more "kicking around".
Thanks for adding the link to a lot of my pages. It actually doesn't get in the way like I thought it would.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Tuesday June 19 2012 - 23:55:28 BST
Hi Ruth,
Bought the license now I want to be set free, free indeed.
Downloaded the new folder "menu_sample1_ver5_913"
And an e-mail I got said:
"If you need to remove the Milonic link from your menus, all you need to do is download
the menu again and update the code files. Only the source code files (milonic_src.js and
mmenudom.js) will need updating, your existing data file (if you have changed it) will be
compatible with the new download."
I thought I'd wait till I heard from you before I incorporate the new files milonic_src.js and
mmenudom.js) into my main site folder. I do see they both have my info in them.
Can't wait to get on with things. No more hang ups.....full speed ahead. Well at least moving somewhat in a forward direction.
Thanks again for your assistance and as they say in New York...."Forgetaboutit". We're moving on.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday June 20 2012 - 0:42:47 BST
Hi Doug,
OK, you need to go back to the main site, log in under whatever the name you used when you bought the license, then download a new copy of the menu. Once you get it, unzip the files then open the milonic_src.js file or the mmenudom.js file and you should see this just below the info about copyright stuff something like this, but with your license details.
License Details:
Number: 189407
Type: Professional
Number: 189407
Type: Professional
Once you are sure it is a licensed version [just making sure the system has updated quickly with your details] then just upload the milonic_src.js and mmenudom.js files. They will replace the existing ones on your site and the Milonic link in your menu will just disappear. Make sure that you replace all the milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js files you have on your site so only licensed versions are there, i.e. in the root directory and whatever test directories you are using like the milonicmenu/ folder.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Wednesday June 20 2012 - 2:45:28 BST
Got it thanks!
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday June 20 2012 - 2:51:28 BST

Did you know that your first item under the Computer stuff menu the Tips & Tricks Info goes to this page no longer exists message.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Wednesday June 20 2012 - 3:59:56 BST
Hi Ruth,
I haven't changed most of the pages yet with the new script.
Just checking the menus, I have some items that I have to add back that dropped out somewhere along the way.
It's going to take some time just updating the new script for each page and checking my orig menu with the new one to make sure all pages are there.
But at least I'm on my way.
I'll let you know when I get everything changes over to the new script. I also want to do some alphabetizing of the menus and maybe add some more categories especially on the "Religion Stuff" so it doesn't get unruly. We don't want unruly religion, now do we.
I also want to and another main category of probably "Golf Stuff".
And that reminds me. When I lengthen my menu it only adds the length to the last "Assorted Stuff" menu. Is there a way to have all categories affected? I would like the menu to at least extend to the edges of my table.
Now I also noticed that the menu categories expand and contract with the verbiage, I think. So not sue what options are available. Might depend on what looks best over all if I can't have all my "druthers".
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday June 20 2012 - 6:53:53 BST
Sorry this is going to be a pretty long explanation.
You can do the size thing a couple of ways. I'll put them both here and you can play with them and decide what you want.
1. Make your main menu coding like this:
with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
Screenposition="center" is where the whole complete menu with the border goes, centered in the page. But, menualign="center"; is what aligns all the items in the center of the menu itself, so that everything looks the same on right and left side of the menu. Now when you put in Golf Stuff, if you do, then the items will spread out instead of putting all the spacing after the last item.
Now, you can also set it up without the menualign="center"; by putting in itemwidth="100%"; in place of that. This spreads the items out across the whole menu, also. Then in each item place a non-breaking line space code between the words. That's the & n b s p; with no spaces between the symbols and letters, like this:
[b]Fun Stuff[/b]
What you see in the menu is only Fun Stuff, but that non-breaking line space will keep the words from wrapping. If you don't use them and the menu gets to be longer than the 900, the words will wrap to keep it at 900. With the non breaking line space coding, the menu will elongate. However, it will elongate at the right side, and if someone has a really large font set for their personal use, then the browser will get a bottom scroll bar and the menu will go beyond your table set up.
Personally, I would use the first one, and I wouldn't worry about wrapping because if a person has the font size very large it is for a reason, and there probably won't be that many who have that need so for most the menu will be just fine at 900, and will not have wrapping. Also, you could use the first one and also add itemwidth="100%"; so you'd have the menualign and the itemwidth.
There is a tool that I put together with the help of someone who did the js coding since I know nothing about that. I'm going to give you the link though you may not have time to play around with the tool. However, just at the bottom of the first page are some screenshots so you can see what is happening with margins and padding when used in the menu. Also, at the top are some screenshots and explanations of the various areas of the menu_data.js file so it may give you a less lost feeling as you develop things ... /index.htm
Just post back if you need anything more.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Wednesday June 20 2012 - 16:21:49 BST
Thanks for the last post. I'm going to try to get all my pages changes to the new menu and get everything in order before a start on a new project.
Ck out
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday June 20 2012 - 17:53:14 BST

Just post back if you need more help. We need to start a new topic on the next post though since we have moved way beyond FrontPage errors

Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Thursday June 21 2012 - 20:07:42 BST
Hi Ruth,
I have a menu question that I thought would be easier to show you so here it is.
Re: creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday June 21 2012 - 21:52:23 BST
Hi Doug,
That's because the page for all of those underconstruction areas is the same: under_construction.htm. Since the page is the same the page highlighting will highlight every area that has that page. The only way to fix that is to actually turn off the pagebgcolor and pagecolor, or to set those particular items with the same off/on bgcolor and off/on color as in the main menu. This way you will have pagebgcolor and pagecolor in every item but the underconstruction ones. For example in the forum menu
with(milonic=new menuname("forums")){
aI("text=Under construction;pagebgcolor=#0066cc;pagecolor=#FFFFFF;url=under_construction.htm;");
aI("text=Under construction;pagebgcolor=#0066cc;pagecolor=#FFFFFF;url=under_construction.htm;");
aI("text=Under construction;pagebgcolor=#0066cc;pagecolor=#FFFFFF;url=under_construction.htm;");
aI("text=Under construction;pagebgcolor=#0066cc;pagecolor=#FFFFFF;url=under_construction.htm;");
aI("text=Under construction;pagebgcolor=#0066cc;pagecolor=#FFFFFF;url=under_construction.htm;");
aI("text=Under construction;pagebgcolor=#0066cc;pagecolor=#FFFFFF;url=under_construction.htm;");
If you did this for every item that had underconstruction.htm as the url, then there would be no page coloring for that page, but all other items in the menu that had any other page would have page coloring. Hope that made sense.
ps: I split this topic off from the FrontPage one.
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Friday June 22 2012 - 2:30:32 BST
Thanks Ruth. I'll either take those items of my menu for now or or make construction.htm, 1,2,3,4,5
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 22 2012 - 3:50:38 BST
You're welcome. And, I forgot you do have the option of renaming the pages, duh.
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Friday June 22 2012 - 18:03:38 BST
What's your take. if you have one, on opening up a new browser page in the browser or just switching in the original page.
And if I want to open up a new browser page I just add target=_blank as in the following. url=dougs_tips_and_tricks.htm;target=_blank;");
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 22 2012 - 19:11:25 BST
Well, I use new browser windows when I'm providing a link that goes to another site . If it's on my site, I just make sure that the menu is on all my pages and let it open in the same browser window. And, yes, target=_blank; is correct. You could also use target=_new; The distinction is that target=_blank will open a new window every time, that is if the person doesn't close one window, the next _blank will open a different one, while _new will open any new pages coded with target=_new; in that same window if it has not been closed.
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Friday June 22 2012 - 19:54:02 BST
Hi Ruth
I'll keep it As I have it now. Inside on my site and a new browser on other sites.
Thanks & blessings,
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Saturday June 23 2012 - 1:49:11 BST
Hi Ruth,
This one is probably too easy but my brain is cooked.
I have a hyperlink to on my main page. It's the ("Dougtorials") link about half way down. I'd like to open it in a new window. And since it's not in my "menu_array" I'm stuck.
Right now it's
This is off the menu discussion but.....
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: thewolfe
Dated: Saturday June 23 2012 - 15:52:28 BST
Thanks Ruth and will do on the new topic.
Re: Creating and installing new menus
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday June 23 2012 - 3:41:29 BST
Not a problem about off topic. It would work just like in the menu. So,
<a href="" target="_blank">
whatever goes here, text or image </a>
whatever goes here, text or image </a>
But just a note: next menu question, we need to start a new topic. That's so anyone who is searching for an answer to a particular menu question can find it.