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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:02

CSS HTML menu using listmenu.js adding arrow last <li>

Poster: myalo
Dated: Sunday November 20 2011 - 23:58:28 GMT

I just converted our home page from traditional Milonic menu using ai() calls and drewmenus() to <ul><li> and calling buildListMenu
For some reason the last <li> in each <ul> when there is no sub list, is showing the arrow which normally shows only if there is a sub menu.
Any idea? All the definitions are in the HTML page.
Try to hover over "Our university" the last item "Contact Us" is showing an arrow although it is just a simple <li> with <ul> under it?

Re: CSS HTML menu using listmenu.js adding arrow last <li>

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 21 2011 - 2:40:12 GMT


Just wanted to let you know I'm checking this out, but what I've seen so far I think it is something that Milonic will have to handle and I'm reporting it to them. Also, just to let you know, you are down a number of levels now, the latest is 5.909. Just as a reminder to upgrade, it doesn't fix anything :( but you should keep up to date :)


Re: CSS HTML menu using listmenu.js adding arrow last <li>

Poster: myalo
Dated: Monday November 21 2011 - 3:49:01 GMT

Waiting for your news