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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:05

works in ie but not in ff

Poster: wpatters1229
Dated: Friday June 4 2010 - 1:21:19 BST

There is something I am missing in the setup of the menus...not the first time I've used them either.
I have a site and the menus work just fine in IE but now in FF the sub menus are all over the place.
What is going on? I had left positions and top defined in the left menu and the top menu and they worked fine in FF but in IE they where all over the place. I took out the left and top positions and now IE is happy and FF is not.

I know it has something to do with relative positioning but can not remember the fix

Re: works in ie but not in ff

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 4 2010 - 4:39:19 BST


Whew, it took me a while to get it right. The problem has to do with the RunContent thing. You need to add the 'wmode','transparent', in that else statement. This is where I put it, right after the pluginspage part. Not sure if it makes a different where you put it :)

'pluginspage','', 'wmode', 'transparent', 'movie'


Re: works in ie but not in ff

Poster: wpatters1229
Dated: Friday June 4 2010 - 5:24:09 BST

Not sure we are on the same page. What you sent me was todo with menus showing over the top of flash. This was a problem with the way the submenus relate in positioning to the main it fixed.


Re: works in ie but not in ff

Poster: wpatters1229
Dated: Friday June 4 2010 - 5:51:38 BST

The light just went on as there is a section of the flash that is only read by IE and that is what you are referring too. Just love IE (NOT)...there is always something!!


Re: works in ie but not in ff

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 4 2010 - 15:41:36 BST


Actually, when I went to the site in FF, I couldn't see any submenus because they were dropping behind the flash and the fix I sent about that wmode transparent is the fix for that. I think many forget to put the wmode in that js code that is being used now for flash. With flash and dhtml menus, it has to be there so the menus go over the flash object.


Re: works in ie but not in ff

Poster: wpatters1229
Dated: Friday June 4 2010 - 17:20:52 BST

I had placed the code in the main object flash parameters but did not have it in the js as you pointed out. It also fixed a problem in the way IE looked with the flash for someone to kick APPLE and fix the non-flash on the IPAD.

Thanks again for the help. There is always something with the menus but that is what I like about them is the versatility and ability to tweak them into submission!