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Taken From The Forum: Anything Goes
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:05
Re: Bravo Milonic
Poster: mfurf
Dated: Tuesday September 7 2010 - 22:01:01 BST
Still getting great mileage out of the Milonic menus. You can see them at work on my Oh Saratoga! website
Re: Bravo Milonic
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday September 10 2010 - 19:58:34 BST
Hiya mfurf
Still going strong! You have an error in the bigscroll_menu_data.js, an unterminated string constant. Open the file, go down to the Oh Saratoga menu and then it item #3, the 2008 The SIXTH. Go over to the tooltip, and put a closing ' after the ! in the tip
Re: Bravo Milonic
Poster: mfurf
Dated: Friday September 10 2010 - 23:30:30 BST
I just clicked the Sixth [2008] and didn't find anything wrong.
It worked flawlessly as usual. /menufurf
Re: Bravo Milonic
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday September 11 2010 - 0:45:35 BST
Well, if I turn off the error messaging in IE it works, I guess, but I leave it on and I get an error. FF also shows the error when you take a look at the error console. It's because when you have an opening quote, or single quote, you have to have a closing one in the menu file.
Here's you aI string, the tooltip part needs a closing single quote.
aI("text=2008 The SIXTH Oh!;url=Photos08/OhSar2008.html;onfunction=showtip('We Luv Oh Saratoga!);target=_blank;");
I dont' get the tip because of that, in IE or FF