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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:05
sitemap not working mm_siteIndex
Poster: wpatters1229
Dated: Thursday August 5 2010 - 1:20:44 BST
I looked at all the posts back 2009 and tried them all and when I add this line aI("text=Site Map;url=javascript:mm_siteIndex('top=0,left=0,height=500,width=400',
To my data file all the menus go away. I added the mm_siteIndex.js file right under the located of the data file on my home page. The page is at (site still hidden so index is a underconstruction page).
The js file is located with all the menu files in a folder called menu.
The aI code string is in a submenu which should not make a difference...or does it. If I remove the windows attributes and leave just the following aI("text=Site Map;url=javascript:mm_siteIndex;"); The menus re-appear but the sitemap menu item does nothing.
What is it that I am missing?
Re: sitemap not working mm_siteIndex
Poster: wpatters1229
Dated: Thursday August 5 2010 - 1:35:14 BST
I found one mistake in that I did not have the right path to my js file...but adding the windows attributes and page title with css file kills the menus. If I take all those out all I get is a display of the js file code.
Any ideas?
Re: sitemap not working mm_siteIndex
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 14 2010 - 7:28:25 BST
Sorry, I am not getting notices for the board so just saw this. I will just have to come on and check each day! Anyway, I tried the link but get a forbidden so I can't see what the problem is. I just checked the demo and it is working. The demo links to the newest files so I know it is working with the newest menu version.
I will need to be able to check your page to find out what is wrong.