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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08

Image Swaps

Poster: WLQ
Dated: Sunday September 13 2009 - 18:05:27 BST

Have a problem, I have both (overimage and clickimage) the problem is that I want the clicked image to hold, until the menu is closed. So when I click an item image changes to clickimage, but overimage still works and it changes the image. How can I disable overimage when the item is clicked?

Re: Image Swaps

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday September 18 2009 - 19:22:38 BST


I'm not sure it can be done, but if you can give me the page with the menu I will try and work on it


Re: Image Swaps

Poster: WLQ
Dated: Friday September 18 2009 - 20:14:26 BST

Here's the menu code:

Re: Image Swaps

Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday September 21 2009 - 15:01:49 BST


I'm not sure the current DHTML Menu will be able to handle this.

What I can suggest (and I'd be prepared to develop this for you) is that we do something using the new Webplugs product we are developing.

If you can provide us with a specification along with the images you want to use I'll get something coded for you.

-- Andy

Re: Image Swaps

Poster: WLQ
Dated: Saturday November 14 2009 - 22:39:19 GMT

Hey, I know it's been long since I've posted, had some problems to figure out, but if you still up to the assignment then:
I though the easiest would be to make an example upon Windows Media Player 11. There's a button for "layout" I want it to work exactly as in the WMP.
So the menu image should be "layout", when you mouse over, it should change to "layoutOVER". When you click it, the image should change to "layoutON" and stay until there's a click on another menu item, or outside the menu. So the over function should be disabled while the on image is in place.

Thanks, Yan

Re: Image Swaps

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday November 15 2009 - 0:59:30 GMT


I've passed this on to Andy, but I think he is going to need more information, I think he will actually need the page and all the 'menu' information from you, also.


Re: Image Swaps

Poster: WLQ
Dated: Sunday November 15 2009 - 14:11:19 GMT

It's an image based menu, so only one item "layout" should be in this menu. So any code will do, nothing special needed there, anything you want, just so it will work.