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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:07
Offset between IE and everything else
Poster: oj-solutions
Dated: Thursday November 26 2009 - 17:45:19 GMT
Ok, so our menu has been wrong for years, and today I've decided to try and fix it (thinking it would be a fairly simple fix)
If you have a look at the main page in Firefox or Chrome and last time I checked, Safari, it's fine, the drops are where I want them to be. If you click on to any other page, on the menu there, you'll see the dropdown is up and over the horizontal menu.
It is opposite in IE. The main page dropdown is too far from the horizontal menu and when you go onto all the other pages on the site, the menu is how I want it to be.
I have looked through a lot of the posts here, but nothing seems to be a directly similar problem. I dynamically generate the menu so it doesn't miss out any new products that we add. It may well be the mixing of the ASP and Javascript. I'm just hoping someone knows how to even out the difference between IE and FF/Chrome/Safari (and probably Opera)
Thanks in advance
Re: Offset between IE and everything else
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 30 2009 - 0:51:16 GMT
Well, I'm not sure how you want it to look, however, you have offsets in all the submenus but they are different on the first page as opposed to the others.
So, on the first page, the offsets for the news submenu are
but if you go to system, or company, the offsets are
That seems to be the case in all the submenus that open from the horizontal main menu. If you can tell me exactly where you want them to open, i.e. right on the bottom of the main menu, or a couple of pixels below, or maybe 1 px up or something, I can try and figure out how to fix the difference in the different browsers
Re: Offset between IE and everything else
Poster: oj-solutions
Dated: Monday November 30 2009 - 19:39:30 GMT
Hi Ruth, thanks for your reply
The difference between the main page and all the others is just hwere I was testing it on a different include file (yes obviously testing on a live site IS a bad idea, but we all do it, don't we? )
I would like it to be neat at the bottom of the menu like so:
Currently, that's good in IE but bad in FF:
Re: Offset between IE and everything else
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 1 2009 - 6:14:09 GMT
You have the overfilter shadow set. The shadow can cause an offset difference to appear between browsers. The reason is that the filters and transitions are proprietary to Microsoft and only work in IE. Now, for most of those things there is no problem, but for anything to do with the shadow that puts more 'space' on the menu in IE since it has the shadow to include. I think if you remove that shadow, or set it to strength=0 that will take care of it. Since you have a built in shadow in the design of the page it will look the same in all browsers.
Re: Offset between IE and everything else
Poster: oj-solutions
Dated: Tuesday December 1 2009 - 10:57:04 GMT
Hi Ruth
Thanks for the help there, I have made those changes, but still get a difference. Any other ideas?
Re: Offset between IE and everything else
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 1 2009 - 18:07:54 GMT
I went to the site in IE6, IE7, FF3.0.8, FF2.0.0.18, FF1.5.0.12, GoogleChrome 1.0.154, Safari 4.0.4, NN 7.2, NN9 and they all look the same. I clicked on the Company submenu and also the News submenu and they look the same in all those browsers. I am unable to test on Mac, so all these are PC. Could you have a cache issue, where the older pages are saved and are showing, perhaps?