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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:07
Fixed Positioning
Poster: mcollins27
Dated: Wednesday November 18 2009 - 23:38:54 GMT
Does anyone know if the menus can be fixed to the top of the viewport? So that scrolling would not affect them? Sort of like as if the menus were in a top frame for example.
Re: Fixed Positioning
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 19 2009 - 4:09:34 GMT
Here's a demo for fixed position. Please read it as there are cautions mentioned I have tested in IE7, FF2, 3, Safari4 for pc, NN7.2, 9, Opera 9 and it works in all. However, I cannot test on Mac or other available browsers.
Re: Fixed Positioning
Poster: mcollins27
Dated: Thursday November 19 2009 - 15:34:38 GMT
Ahh - thanks for that! I thought, however, that IE7 supported CSS fixed position natively. Why the need for the tricks?
Re: Fixed Positioning
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday November 20 2009 - 8:35:14 GMT
I have no idea, except perhaps because Milonic tries to make sure the menu is cross browser. Not sure about the support natively for fixed position, but that may have something to do with say, images, backgrounds etc. Perhaps for the js menu this is needed in IE. That's all I can suggest