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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:09
IE vs Firefox scrolling
Poster: e __at__
Dated: Tuesday June 30 2009 - 21:36:00 BST
Hi There!
Spent several hours searching for a posted forum answer without a definite fix for Menu 5.788. . .
My goal is to have the menu at 100% width
and also stay at the top of the page (fixed) without scrolling
I currently have a colored div to compensate for the lack of functional 100% width
I changed the followscroll=1 which kind of works on (PC) IE but moves down the page everytime you scroll on (MAC) Firefox 3.0.11
Prefer to have the menu not move at all when you scroll the page ...which position=fixed worked perfectly on Firefox but scrolled away on IE
Any hints will be considered and greatly appreciated !
Re: IE vs Firefox scrolling
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday July 1 2009 - 1:14:10 BST
You need to be up to date for support in the forum. There's no way we can do support on old versions since there have been fixes, additional properties and such added over the years. There is one post I remember and have a link for since I got a lot of questions on followscroll and how to use it, so that might help viewtopic.php?p=16027#16027