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How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: calbury
Dated: Wednesday June 24 2009 - 12:55:35 BST

Here's one of my pages with the menu
http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.c ... cipes.html

When I used a larger font and the menu ran right across the full width of my site, I viewed it on a smaller monitor... and the menu did not resize - it simply ran right off the side of the page. I've made the font smaller so the full menu is visible, but I want the menu to sit right across the full width of the page in any screen size. Can anyone help me achieve this?

Thank you

Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday June 25 2009 - 2:18:08 BST


The problem is in the css, your generic table coding. If you remove that, which I doubt you want to do, that fixes it. However, I have figured out how to fix it and still have your table coding. You just have to set it up as a class instead of generic.

1. change the TABLE{ code to a class. .genericTable
2. also add this class to the stylesbi.css

3. add this to the menuStyle in the menu_data file. offclass="milmen"; onclass="milmen";
4. also add this to the menuStyle. nowrap="off";

Now, you will also have to make a change to the layout. It will NOT change how it looks but it gives you control of the tables using the class and leaves the menu table without a class in it. I did this and then used your source code from the page on the web so the urls for files should be fine. This is the setup starting with the body tag and ending with the first line after all the stars just after the menu. This first line is to create the bottom table, using the rest of the original table cells. That is why nothing changes as to layout.

<body >

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with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("showmenu=Baby Foods;text=Baby Foods;");
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aI("showmenu=Special Recipes;text=Special Recipes;");


<table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" bordercolor='red' cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"  class="genericTable">

This is the only way I could fix it. It works fine in FF if I just create a class for the menu table, but that doesn't work in IE, it still seems to read your original TABLE css code and ignores the class.

When it is setup like this, then it looks the same in IE and FF, no matter what the persons fontsize is set at in the browser, or the resolution. Just for info, you cannot control the users resolution or font size, except in IE, unless the IE user has the accessiblity set, then again you can't control it. The other browsers set the users' controls as default, whereas IE sets the 'page author's' settings as default [which actually should be the default, the user should only be able to override the author if they set accessiblity, in my opinion]

Anyway, since I assume you want the users' controls to dominate, the way I set it up they will, but the page will look the same at various resoltuions, as long as they are not less than 800x600. At least it did at the 3 I test, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864.

Hope this helps. Just post back if you need something else.

Also, there is a new version you need to upgrade to 5.823


Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: calbury
Dated: Thursday June 25 2009 - 14:50:19 BST

Thanks so much for giving me such a detailed reply. Unfortunately, I'm having a couple of problems.

I'm not good with CSS - I actually had someone design the stylesheets for me. I have made the changes you suggested (I think), but now my left hand column is on the right of my page. And - for some reason - any changes I make to the font size on the main menu are not taking effect. I haven't uploaded the page and files to my site yet.

Would you be so kind as to check my coding and tell me what I've done wrong?

Here's the page code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<!-- Created on 17/06/2007 21:51:30 -->


Zucchini Baby Food Recipes (aka Courgette Baby Food Recipes!)

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<h1 align="center">Yummy Zucchini Baby Food Recipes</h1>
<h3 align="center">(Also known as Courgette Baby Food Recipes in Europe!)</h3>
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Welcome to our Zucchini Baby Food Recipes section - and if you've arrived here looking for
Courgette Baby Food Recipes, don't worry... you're in the right place!


Zucchini (or Italian squash) - a popular summer squash - is also known as a courgette in many parts of the world...
and to confuse matters even more, some people also call it a vegetable marrow!

<a name="topofpage"></a>

<div align="center"><font color="#0080FF"><strong>To keep things simple, however, we'll stick to the name 'zucchini' in the recipes on this page!</strong></font></div>



<font color="#FF8080"><strong><font size="4">On this page...</font></strong></font>


<a href="#introducing">Introducing zucchini</a>
<a href="#peel">Do I need to peel zucchini?</a>
<a href="#seeds">Do I need to remove the seeds?</a>
<a href="#storing">Choosing and storing zucchini</a>
<a href="#warning">Home grown zucchini - a warning</a>
<a href="#cook">How to cook zucchini for baby</a>
<a href="#raw">May I serve raw zucchini to baby</a>
<a href="#recipes">Recipes and ideas</a>

<a name="introducing"></a>

<h2>Introducing zucchini baby food to your little one</h2>

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When you think of vegetables to use for making baby food, you may not immediately think of zucchini. But zucchini ...
<li class="custom">is extremely versatile</li>
    <li class="custom">*contains beta-carotene, potassium, folate and vitamin C</li>
    <li class="custom">is NOT considered a common allergen</li>
    <li class="custom">is NOT a <a href="baby-constipation.html">constipating</a> food</li>
    <li class="custom">has a very delicate flavour (meaning you can add it to just about anything without greatly changing the taste)</li>

All in all, these characteristics make it a useful addition to baby's diet!


<img src="image-files/zucchini.jpg" width="276" height="184" title="" alt="Zucchini baby food recipes" align="left" vspace="10" hspace="10">

<i>*Whilst zucchini does provide nutritional value to the diet, it doesn't attain the 'Super Food' status of its
cousin, the winter
   squash (<a href="butternut-squash-baby-food.html">butternut squash</a> and <a href="">spaghetti squash</a>, for example).
   This is because winter squashes are harvested when mature
   (hence the thick, tough skin) and summer squashes (including zucchini) are harvested when immature.</i>
   <b>You can introduce zucchini to your baby from 6 months of age (although you should always check with your doctor
   before introducing any new foods into your baby's diet).</b>
   <b>Zucchini puree</b> - whilst easy to make - is probably not the best choice for baby's very first food, however.
   Well, all foods that are new to your baby should be introduced separately, <a href="">at least four days apart</a>.
   This helps you identify the source of any potential digestive problems or <a href="">allergic reactions</a>.
   But zucchini - served alone as a puree - tends to be on the runny side, because it has a very large water content.
   The best option is to serve it 'partnered up' with another puree your baby is already enjoying!
   <div class="half-width-box-right">
   <font size="+1"><b><font color="#ff6666">Did you know...</font></b></font>
Although zucchini is usually served as a vegetable, botanically it's classified as a fruit!
   Good partners include...<ul>
    <li class="custom"><a href="">sweet potato</a></li>
    <li class="custom">white potato</li>
    <li class="custom">parsnip</li>
    <li class="custom"><a href="carrot-baby-food.html">carrot</a></li>
    <li class="custom">butternut squash</li>
    <li class="custom"><a href="introduce-meat-to-baby.html">chicken</a></li>



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<a name="peel"></a>


<h2>Do I need to peel zucchini for my baby food recipes?</h2>

Almost ALL the nutrients in zucchini are contained in the peel - so we do NOT recommend peeling zucchini for your baby.


This is actually true of many fruits and vegetables (see our article - <a href="should-i-peel-fruits-and-vegetables-for-my-baby.html">Should I Peel Fruits and Vegetables for my Baby?</a>).


Zucchini skin is very tender and seems to puree quite well - and, although you can still see the 'bits' of skin
in the puree, they are usually so soft that they don't tend to cause any problems with <a href="">gagging</a>.


<i>However, some parents prefer to peel zucchini if they are concerned that their babies may have difficulty in digesting
the skins.</i>


Our babies ate zucchini - skins and all - from 6 months of age with no digestive issues at all, but it's very
important to remember that what works for one baby may not work for another!


That being said, we'd actually recommend delaying zucchini until later in baby's first year rather than removing the skin -
peeled zucchini really offers very little in the way of nutrients.



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<a name="seeds"></a>   

<h2>Zucchini baby food - do I need to remove the seeds?</h2>

No - the seeds in zucchini are very soft and tender and are easy to puree or mash.


<i>Do, however, beware of particularly large zucchini or those with a hard skin.</i>


The seeds will likely be harder, too - and less suitable for use in your baby food recipes.



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<a name="storing"></a>


<h2>Choosing and storing zucchini for your baby food recipes</h2>

As mentioned above, zucchini is a small summer squash which is picked when the seeds are immature. If you're lucky
enough to find zucchini available with the flowers still attached, then you can be sure they've been picked at the perfect
time and are very fresh.

<div class="half-width-box-right">
   <font size="+1"><b><font color="#ff6666">Did you know...</font></b></font>
The flowers from the zucchini plant are edible, too and are often eaten as tempura (fried in batter). Whilst they may
not be suitable for your baby just yet, they'd make a lovely treat for Mummy and Daddy!


<a href="" target="_blank">Here's how to make them</a> (external link)


Zucchini is similar in shape to the cucumber and can be green, pale green or yellow - usually striped and sometimes


Always look for small zucchini (5 to 6 inches or so) - they are superior to larger ones in both texture and taste.


Avoid those that have 'squashy' spots - the skin should be glossy and blemish free.


You can store them in the refrigerator for around 3 days. Unlike winter squash, zucchini are delicate - make sure
they're completely dry when you refrigerate them, or you may find they begin to develop soft, sunken patches.


It <i>is</i> possible to freeze fresh zucchini - but beware! Because of their high water content, their texture changes
completely once frozen. On thawing, they will become decidedly mushy - not too much of a problem if you're using them
in a stew or soup - but not so appealing if you were planning to serve them alone!



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<a name="warning"></a>


<div class="full-width-box">
   <font size="+1"><b><font color="#ff6666">Home Grown Zucchini - A Warning</font></b></font>
Growing your own zucchini is very easy and many home gardeners can produce a large enough crop to feed their own
family and some of the neighbours, too!


But - if you plan to use some home grown zucchini in your baby food recipes - do take a little taste to check for
bitterness before serving it to your little one.


This is very important, because bitter zucchini often contains high levels of a natural toxin called
cucurbitacin (a chemical produced by all members of the Cucurbit family, which includes cucumbers, pumpkins
and melons).


<i>The result of consuming bitter zucchini can be a very nasty bout of diarrhea, tummy ache and vomiting.</i>


Cucurbitacins don't usually present a problem in commercially grown zucchini as the concentrations tend to be
much lower.




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<a name="cook"></a>


<h2>How to cook zucchini for baby</h2>

One of the best things about zucchini is the ease of its preparation!


Simply wash thoroughly under running water, cut off both ends, then slice or dice according to the recipe you're


Zucchini is <i>extremely</i> versatile...


It can be boiled (in a VERY little water), sauted, steamed, microwaved, stuffed or barbecued! You can even grate it and add it to your
bread or muffin recipes - it adds moisture and a welcome boost of nutrition.


<i>If you DO use zucchini in your baking, remember that you may need to reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe to
compensate for the extra moisture in the zucchini.</i>


<strong><font color="#0080FF">To make a basic zucchini baby food puree...</font></strong>


Wash the zucchini, remove the top and bottom, then cut it into slices. Steam them for a few minutes, until tender.


If you prefer to boil the slices, you need just a little water - because the water content of zucchini is already so high!
Cook only to the point where the zucchini becomes tender - overcooking reduces the nutritional value and turns them to a mush!


Once cooked, transfer the zucchini to a food processor and blend until smooth - you shouldn't need to add any extra liquid.


<b>You may freeze a zucchini baby food puree...  </b>


...however, it may seem even more watery when thawed!


This can sometimes be remedied by giving it a good stir -
or read our article <a href="">How to Thicken Baby Food Purees</a> for some other methods!



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<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=' ';return true;" onClick="''); return false;"><img src="" border="0" width="188" height="200" alt="Baby Steps Electric Food Mill"/></a>
<img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"/>


Pureeing baby food is easy with the
<a href="" target="_blank" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=' ';return true;" onClick="''); return false;">
Baby Steps Electric Food Mill</a>
<img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"/>
and it's dishwasher safe too!
<a name="raw"></a>

<h2> May I serve raw zucchini to my baby?</h2>

Raw zucchini makes a nice addition to salads and can be grated or even sliced into sticks. Whilst some older babies
may enjoy it as a finger food, the texture may pose a challenge (and therefore a choking hazard) for others. Use your discretion - based on your baby's
development - when offering uncooked zucchini to your baby.


<div align="center"><font color="#0080FF"><strong>Visit our blog for a yummy way to prepare zucchini as a finger food for your baby</strong></font><p><a href="">Click here</a></div>



<a href="#topofpage">Return to top of page</a>

<a name="recipes"></a>


<h2>Zucchini baby food recipes and ideas</h2>

Zucchini has such a delicate flavour that you can easily add it to other dishes without altering their taste.


This can come in rather handy if your little one <a href="baby-wont-eat-vegetables.html">refuses to eat veggies</a> -
sneaking some zucchini puree into a pasta sauce, for example, means you can ensure your tot gets the nutrition
he needs <i>without him even realizing!</i>


Try adding sliced, diced or pureed zucchini to your baby's soups, stews and casseroles.


<span style="background-color:#ccd5fa;"><font size="+1"><b>Zippy Zucchini 'N Pasta (6 months+, for babies enjoying soft lumps)</b></font></span>


1 bowl of cooked pasta, chopped
2 small zucchini, sliced
1 tsp fresh chives, chopped
olive oil


Steam the zucchini for around 3 mins, until tender.
Transfer the zucchini to a food processor and add a little olive oil.
Blend until smooth, then stir in the chives.
Pour the zucchini over baby's pasta and - for a little extra flavour - top with a small handful of grated cheese.


<span style="background-color:#ccd5fa;"><font size="+1"><b>Baby's Zucchini Soup (6 months+ or later if you prefer to delay the introduction of onions)</b></font></span>


1 lb zucchini, sliced
1 medium potato
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
olive oil
12 fl oz (1 1/2 cups) <a href="">homemade vegetable stock</a>
1 tbsp natural yogurt


Saute the onion and garlic in the olive oil until tender.
Cut the potato into small dice and add to the pan.
Cover and cook over a very low heat for 15 mins, stirring often.
Add the zucchini and cook for 5 minutes more.

Pour in the vegetable stock and bring to the boil.
Simmer until the potatoes are tender (5 to 10 mins more).
Puree, then stir in the yogurt and serve.


<span style="background-color:#ccd5fa;"><font size="+1"><b>Foil Wrapped Zucchini Parcels (6-8 months+)</b></font></span>


1 zucchini
1 small leek
4oz (1/2 cup) asparagus spears (woody stems removed)
1 small sweet potato, cut into small dice
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 sprigs fresh tarragon


Preheat the oven to 400 deg F (200 deg C).
Use a potato peeler to create 'ribbons' of zucchini.
Cut the leek into very thin strips and the asparagus into one inch lengths.
Take 2 pieces of foil, around 12 inches by 12 inches.
Share out the veggies between the two foil squares and top with the garlic and tarragon.
Gather the foil up around the veggies to create a parcle and seal, to prevent the steam from escaping.
Place in the oven and cook unitl the veggies are tender (10-15 mins).
Open carefully (watch out for the steam), remove the tarragon sprig - then chop, mash or puree the cooked veggies to suit your baby.


<span style="background-color:#ccd5fa;"><font size="+1"><b>Super Stuffed Zucchini Boats (a squashy, squidgy finger food!)</b></font></span>


2 zucchini
olive oil
4 tbsp fresh whole wheat breadcrumbs
2 tbsp cheddar cheese
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 leek, chopped finely
1 carrot, peeled and chopped finely
1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped


Preheat the oven to 375 deg F (190 deg C).
Carefully cut the zucchini in half lengthwise then use a spoon to scoop out the flesh, leaving a 1/2 inch thick shell.
Squeeze the excess liquid out of the zucchini flesh and place in a bowl.
Put the zucchini shells, cut side down, on a lightly greased baking sheet.
Bake for 15 mins.
<br>Meanwhile, saute the leek, garlic and carrot in a little olive oil until tender.
Put the cooked veggies into a bowl with the zucchini flesh and add the breadcrumbs, cheddar cheese and parsley. Mix well.
Remove the zucchini shells from the oven and fill with the veggie/breadcrumb mixture.
Return to the oven and cook for a further 15 mins, until golden.
Cool, cut into manageable pieces, and serve!


<span style="background-color:#ccd5fa;"><font size="+1"><b>Very Veggie Pancakes (12 months+)</b></font></span>


2 small zucchini
2 oz (1/2 cup) all purpose (plain) flour
2 eggs
4 tbsp whole milk
olive oil


Grate the zucchini and beat the eggs.
With a whisk, combine the eggs and the flour, slowly adding the milk as you do so. You should be left with a smooth batter.
Stir in the zucchini.
Heat the oil in a frying pan.
Add the batter, one tablespoon at a time, and cook for 2 mins. Lift carefully with a spatula and check the undersides -
they should be golden brown.
Turn the pancakes over and cook for a further 2 mins.
Serve alone as a finger food - or with a yummy butternut squash or pumpkin puree to use as a dip!


<h2>More Useful Tips and Ideas...</h2>

<a href="">Introducing corn to your baby</a>


<a href="">Introducing spices, herbs and garlic</a>


<a href="">Eczema and baby food - can diet make a difference?</a>


<a href="">Introducing solids to your breastfed baby</a>


<a href="">The wonders of wheat germ</a>

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Here's stylesbi.css

/* this first section sets the background color....thats the color surround OUTSIDE
your main table. The same with the fonts, this applies only to any text you place outside the
main content table. Which will probably be nothing. So just leave this section alone.*/

body {
font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
color: #000;

/* you have 3 more classes of horizontal rule, as well as the default version Change the attributes to
get the look you want. The 3 classes are solid, dotted, and dashed. Add class="dashed" to your hr
tag on an HTML page, to get the dashed version of the hr. Change the colors to suit. */

.solid {
   border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;
   width: 100%;
   margin-left: auto;
   margin-right: auto;

.dashed {
  border-bottom:1px dashed #CCCCCC;
   width: 100%;
   margin-left: auto;
   margin-right: auto;

.dotted {
   border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;
   width: 100%;
   margin-left: auto;
   margin-right: auto;

/* this is a custom class for your bold tag. You can alter anything here, or remove
it completely to get the default bold*/

color: #000000;
font-family: Arial;
font-size: 17px;


/* this is a custom class for using graphics as bullets.  Upload a custom graphic to your
graphics library in the usual way. Then replace my URL
with your own. Note there are no speech marks around the URL*/

ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding-left: 0;
margin-left: 10px;

li.custom {
background: url( left center no-repeat;

padding-left: 20px;
margin-bottom: 10px;


/* this area below is for your  Link-text and headings. You can change the font type and size, the color of each of them
as well as the a:hover, which is the text for a link, once the pointer passes over it*/

a { font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 17px; color: #000099; text-decoration: underline}

a:hover { font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 17px;
background-color: #BCD2EE;
color: #fff;

h1 { font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 22px;  color: #3300FF}
h2 { font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;  color: #3300FF}
h3 { font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 18px;  color: #3300FF}
h4 { font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;  color: #3300FF}

/* as we are using a table based layout, all your text is within a table. So this is the area to change the
size, color and font family */

.genericTable {
font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 17px;
color: #000000;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: 0px;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;


/* if you change the fonts and sizes, etc above, make this the same, but leave the weight as bold
Its just here to give you the option of a bold type font, without the extra size.*/

.note {
font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
color: #666666;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;

.roundedcornr_box_556304 {
   background: #ffeeee url(roundedcornr_556304_grad.gif) repeat-x top left;
.roundedcornr_top_556304 div {
   background: url(roundedcornr_556304_tl.gif) no-repeat top left;
.roundedcornr_top_556304 {
   background: transparent url(roundedcornr_556304_tr.gif) no-repeat top right;
.roundedcornr_bottom_556304 div {
   background: url(roundedcornr_556304_bl.gif) no-repeat bottom left;
.roundedcornr_bottom_556304 {
   background: transparent url(roundedcornr_556304_br.gif) no-repeat bottom right;

.roundedcornr_top_556304 div, .roundedcornr_top_556304,
.roundedcornr_bottom_556304 div, .roundedcornr_bottom_556304 {
   width: 100%;
   height: 30px;
   font-size: 1px;
.roundedcornr_content_556304 { margin: 0 30px; }

I really appreciate your help with this.

Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday June 25 2009 - 21:11:54 BST


You have a tr missing from the code where you added the last table, just below the star line after the new menu table, you need to add the tr so the code would be
   <table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" bordercolor='red' cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"  class="genericTable">

<td width="80%" rowspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff">

Also, the main menu should be
with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("showmenu=Baby Foods;text=Baby Foods;");
aI("showmenu=Finger Foods;text=Finger Foods;");
aI("showmenu=Special Recipes;text=Special Recipes;itemwidth=130;");

This is the menuStyle coding

with(menuStyle=new mm_style()){
fontfamily="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial";
imageposition="top, left";

Finally, you need to put that square_blue.gif image on your own site and link to it there, not from

This should take care of the problem. The missing table row, tr, code was causing the shift.

Let me know if you need more help :)


Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: calbury
Dated: Thursday June 25 2009 - 22:20:10 BST

Thanks so much. The layout is fixed and I will sort out the image - but I have one more problem. Some of the menu items are wrapping (Finger Foods and Special Recipes). Not only does it look untidy, it's causing the square blue image to move down a bit. Sorry to ask for more help after you've helped me so much already, but I'd be really grateful if you could help me fix this! :)

Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 26 2009 - 2:35:45 BST


Can you put up a test page so I can see what the problem is as regards the image? I am having no problem in any browser I am using, IE7, FF1.5,, 3.0.8, Google Chrome, NN9, 7.9, Safari 3+ for pc. My resolution is 1152x864, but I did test it at 800x600, also.

If you copied the menuStyle I posted and put that in your menu data file, and you copied the main menu with the sizes and such in it, then the wrapping shouldn't do anything with the image, that image should be at the top left of each item. As to the wrapping itself, that has to be set in order to do what you want.

Font size, and even font family and color, I think color, are controlled by the user of the browser. So, you could set a font size, say 12px, and if the person visiting your site has their default [or accessibility in IE] set to 20px that is what the font size will be. Given that, the only way you can 'semi' control the menu so that it stays within the available browser window area [unless the person is using excessively large font settings] is to set it at 100% and turn nowrap off so the menu has room to expand. Since you don't want it to expand horizontally, it has to expand down by wrapping the words.

If you don't care about accessiblity, then I could actually do an image for you to show you how to do it so that it would look exactly like it is now, but would fit any space from 800x600 up. You would make a transparent image and then put the text on each one along with that little blue square. You would then not be using text on the main menu and it would never get too big for the screen.


Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: calbury
Dated: Friday June 26 2009 - 12:46:47 BST

Thank you. I would upload a test page - however, this would mean uploading an amended stylesheet which is referenced throughout all my other pages and I don't want to screw those up!
If you don't care about accessiblity, then I could actually do an image for you to show you how to do it so that it would look exactly like it is now, but would fit any space from 800x600 up. You would make a transparent image and then put the text on each one along with that little blue square. You would then not be using text on the main menu and it would never get too big for the screen.

This sounds great, but I didn't understand the reference to accessibility. What would doing this involve?

Thanks so much once again

Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday June 26 2009 - 15:19:08 BST

Accessibility refers to making the web accessible to those who need special things, say someone who uses a reader to read out loud what's on the page to them because they are blind, or if not fully blind, need the fonts to be very large for them to be able to see them. If you look in IE under Tools / Internet Options under the General Tag you'll see Appearance toward the bottom, one of the buttons is accessibility and when you click that it allows you to set up things like ignoring the font size. This means it will take the font size the browser/OS has set.

As to the test page, just set up the stylesheet with the changes, and then save it as say stylesbi-test.css, and do the changes in the menu_data file and save it as menu_data_test.js, upload them to where you have the others, change the links for the style sheet and the data file to reflect those 'test' names. That way the rest of your site will not take that style sheet or data file :) That way, once you get everything working correctly and know all the fixes are done and you know those are what you want to use, you can just save them under the original names having them overwrite the older files


Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: calbury
Dated: Saturday June 27 2009 - 18:54:07 BST

Ruth, I'm very grateful for all your help but I've decided to leave the menu as it appears now. The only remaining problem I have with it is the way the item in the menu is highlighted if you are on that page, or if the page you are on is listed as a link in a submenu under that heading. My headings are all blue, but - when highlighted - are black. How do I control the color they become?

On this page
http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.c ... cipes.html
for example, the 'Baby Foods' heading is black and I want to be able to change it. Thank you

Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday June 27 2009 - 19:50:19 BST


That is the pagecolor. The page properties are designed for you to set whatever bg, font colors or bg images or images. So, in the styles sections you would set that to be whatever colors you want, or you can eliminate them totally if you don't want to have the 'you are here' type properties being used.

Given your site, I think you made a good choice to leave it. I can understand say an 'extreme dirt bike' or something like that not worrying about accessibility, but your site is something most everyone would like as a reference so providing for accessibility is a good choice!


Re: How to make the menu resize to fit the screen?

Poster: calbury
Dated: Sunday June 28 2009 - 13:01:12 BST

Ah - pagecolor! I tried everything except that! It's fixed now - thank you for everything, you've been really helpful :)