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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
Menu disappear under pdf document
Poster: pym59
Dated: Sunday August 30 2009 - 10:18:45 BST
Hello I have a menu in table form, the menu is in the left part of the tabelle and in a cell left from the menu i have displayed a pdf document
<object data="documents/xxx.pdf#&navpanes=0&scrollbar=1"
width="100%" wmode="transparent"
width="100%" wmode="transparent"
When the pdf is displayed, to menu and submenu are under the pdf.
How can I change that
Thanks in advance
Re: Menu disappear under pdf document
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday August 30 2009 - 22:37:09 BST
I'd need to see the page to work on this. You could try setting the z-index of the menu and see if that helps, but that's just a guess without seeing the page.
Re: Menu disappear under pdf document
Poster: pym59
Dated: Sunday August 30 2009 - 23:23:24 BST
thanks for the answer here the link to the page
With IE, the menu are working fine and with Firefox, the submenu are going under the pdf document
Re: Menu disappear under pdf document
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday September 1 2009 - 4:47:00 BST
I'm sorry, but your menu is way downlevel, we are now at 5.826 so there is no way I can figure out what is going on. I have no way to work with a menu that old, too many changes, new capabilities and bug fixes have been done in the last 4 years, I don't even know if zindex was an available option back then. Also, whatever is going on in FF may have been fixed in newer versions of the menu. That is why we don't do any support except for the newest versions.
Re: Menu disappear under pdf document
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday September 2 2009 - 12:23:26 BST
Looks OK to me in Firefox, did the upgrade fix it?
-- Andy
Re: Menu disappear under pdf document
Poster: pym59
Dated: Wednesday September 2 2009 - 21:39:38 BST
Thanks it is ok now in IE and Firefox