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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
background color changes in IE
Poster: posword
Dated: Wednesday August 12 2009 - 2:59:44 BST
I have in the last couple of days changed the appearance of my menu (
I have set offbgcolor="#0090C2" and in Firefox this seems to render correctly. However in IE 8 it displays as a very much lighter blue. Other items on the home page in IE display in the same color as Firefox, so the problem seems to be specific to the menu.
Anyone seen this happen or know what I can do about it?
Re: background color changes in IE
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 12 2009 - 3:30:14 BST
It's the overfilter. You have Alpha(opacity=50); which translates to 50% transparency which is making the offbgcolor you have listed 50% lighter Since that only works in IE you are not getting the color change in any other browser.
Re: background color changes in IE
Poster: posword
Dated: Wednesday August 12 2009 - 9:01:56 BST
Thanks, Ruth, that fixed it. You learn something new every day in this game!