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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:11
Menu width to take 100% of its container
Poster: myalo
Dated: Thursday April 2 2009 - 3:13:46 BST
I am trying to make a menu take 100% the width of its container, in this case a div.
Please see
As you can see I tried
The rawcss setting I got from on of the Milonic samples.
I do not understand how it rawcss affects the width of the menu. If I comment out the rawcss, it does not fill the container at all. With any other value I cannot predict how wide the menu will be.
Bottom line I am looking for a way for a menu to spread and take the full width of it container and make the items spread evenly to fill it
Also where can I find examples and good explanation on how rawcss works?
Re: Menu width to take 100% of its container
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday April 2 2009 - 18:33:33 BST
There seems to be a bug. I have reported it to Milonic. In the meantime, you can fix it by adding
I'm not sure if that transparent on separatorcolor works in all browsers, so it might be better for you to set the color as the bgcolor of that div. Again, this is a workaround until Milonic fixes the issue. The container is going 100%, it is the item that is not. Just for your information.
Re: Menu width to take 100% of its container
Poster: myalo
Dated: Thursday April 2 2009 - 22:15:31 BST
Thanks. It worked. I did have to put a background for the div
How will know that this issue is fixed?
Re: Menu width to take 100% of its container
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday April 3 2009 - 1:05:10 BST
You can go to this topic and mark it to watch this topic or subscribe or whatever it's called viewforum.php?f=18
Or this one, also viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3108
Personally, I have both of them set. This will give you a forum notification whenever there is an upgrade on the menu.