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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:11

amazon tab menu blocks

Poster: Luis
Dated: Thursday April 2 2009 - 20:44:20 BST

Hi, perhaps you can help me.
I bought a milonic menu, and its great , but I am having problems where I use de amazon tab menu.
The same problem has the sample of that menu at milonic: .
The problem appears when I click some times on the items of the menu quickly, and then pass the mouse over the submenu, then I click some times on the items of the menu, and then pass the mouse over the submenu( without clicking them). If I repeat these actions some 5 times, then the submenu appears as if were blocked.
By 'blocked' I mean that in the submenu, its items appear withouth links, and therefore they can not be clicked.
This happens only with the amazon tab menu.
I use IE 7.0 and firefox 3. I also reproduced it in another computer with the same browsers.


Re: amazon tab menu blocks

Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday April 15 2009 - 19:53:20 BST


This has been fixed in the latest version of the menu, currently available from our website.

-- Andy