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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16
Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Tuesday September 2 2008 - 20:13:59 BST
I have a client that wants to use a tree menu but also wants the top text to take the user to the home page top that section.
Is there a way to code this?
Here is what I have now ...
Code suggestion to make this happen?????
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday September 3 2008 - 18:09:19 BST
Have you tried adding a url property to the aI string, like this:
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Thursday September 4 2008 - 17:22:22 BST
Yes if I place the link there it works but as soon as you are jumped to that page the tree menu closes again so you can never see the rollout contents of the tree menu. Thoughts help & suggestions appreciated.
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday September 4 2008 - 18:16:26 BST
Try using the openBranch option on that page so that the submenu is open when you get to the page. I'm going to have to ask Andy how to do it. I think you can do it in the menu itself, but I am not sure.
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday September 5 2008 - 11:10:52 BST
Can you please try the openmenubyurtl.js module found at - the file is and the syntax is:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/openmenusbyurl.js"></script>
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Monday September 8 2008 - 17:22:34 BST
Placed <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mainMenu/openmenusbyurl.js"></script> (This is my path) in all appropriate documents and created and uploaded the openmenusbyurl.js file too and it does not appear to be working.
Is there something else I need to be editing?
On a side note; I've also just set up Milonic menuing on a new site for a non-profit public service website. I know Milonic offers their menu for schools .... how about this situation?
Thanks again,
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday September 8 2008 - 23:53:25 BST
openmenubyurl is not something you create. It is a module you can download. Andy has a link in his post for it. I think it is also in the modules folder in the menu download

Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Tuesday September 9 2008 - 17:28:41 BST
Yes I downloaded it and placed the call in each page and also made sure to upload it to my server ...
<script language="JavaScript" src="/js/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mainMenu/milonic_src.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mainMenu/mmenudom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mainMenu/table_menu_data.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/openmenusbyurl.js"></script>
It's still not working ... I might also mention, however, I have both the tree menu and an embedded menu on this page. If you could take a glance possibly you can shed some light as to why this module might not be working ...
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday September 10 2008 - 15:20:59 BST
Your main menu code is down-level (v5.792). The most current version, now v5.801, is required for support here in the forum. Please update your code and let us know what happens.
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday September 11 2008 - 14:25:38 BST
Do you have a URL that we can see? - if we can see something it might help us to give you a more accurate answer
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Friday September 12 2008 - 15:51:34 BST
OK ... I've updated this file: milonic_menu_code.js to the latest version and also made sure that: openmenusbyurl.js is uploaded and properly linked to.
The URL to this site is:
BTW, I did go ahead and purchase a license for them even though they are a university ... I do believe in supporting great software

Thanks in advance to all for your help with this.
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday September 17 2008 - 21:01:36 BST
I hate that. I just posted a long explanation and it logged me out, grrrrrrr.
Sorry it's been so long for the help, but I've been out a while.
I just tested this with version 5.801 and it works as you want.
Make your aI string for the Proteins in the main menu
aI("text=Proteins;showmenu=Proteins;url=YOUR URL HERE;type=tree;");
Then in the Proteins submenu, remove the Home item. That isn't necessary now.
Upgrade to version 5.801 and upload the correct files, milonic_src, mmenudom, treemenu, openmenusbyurl, from that version and you should be good to go. If you want to keep your older version files until you test it make sure you have them saved someplace.
Though I don't work for Milonic, I'll thank you for the support. I think this is the greatest menu out there, then again I like it so much for it's design capabilities and functionality maybe I'm a little biased

Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Wednesday September 17 2008 - 23:08:13 BST
Hi Ruth;
Well, I've made the changes above and I still can't get the menus to stay rolled out for their section. BTW, My client wanted all commented out for now so I did just leave the "home" link to see if I could get this to work.
What am I missing?
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday September 17 2008 - 23:53:06 BST
Your path to the openmenusbyurl.js file is incorrect. You have it with the other files in js/mainmenu/, but the path is only js/openmenusbyurl.js on the page

Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: ripnoel
Dated: Thursday September 18 2008 - 14:37:58 BST
I hate it when I do stupid stuff like that! Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.
OK ... fixed that. Now it works as expected in FireFox but not in IE.
Cleared cache in both browsers before testing. In IE the tree does not stay rolled out.
Any ideas?
Again the url is:
Thanks Ruth, I really do appreciate your help!
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday September 18 2008 - 18:35:50 BST
I see the problem in IE6, but I don't know what is causing it. If you click the link once you're on the page it actually opens and stays open. That sounds like a timing issue, and once it is open then it always opens after that, probably because the stuff is cached. I'll have to try and play and see if I can figure out how to fix it, so I'll get back to you sometime this afternoon.
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday September 18 2008 - 21:44:21 BST
OK, I'm not sure about this. I have posted to Milonic for information. For now, try putting that openmenusbyurl.js file after the treemenu.js file and see if that does anything. I'm having trouble checking this because it's on my desktop. Everything in the same place so, of course, it's all working fine. I was just thinking maybe if the openmenusbyurl module is after the treemenu, and collapse data file that all the things might be loaded before it goes to work. Not sure, just a suggestion.
Re: Tree Menu Question ... Link from top level possible?
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday September 19 2008 - 11:01:28 BST
Have you tried putting <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mainMenu/openmenusbyurl.js"></script> at the bottom of the page.
It looks like you are calling this module before you have declared the main menus.
You could also try adding this to your <BODY> tag: onload="_ocURL" - LIKE THIS:
<body onload="_ocURL">
-- Andy