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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16
Menu width problem
Poster: waynem
Dated: Friday September 5 2008 - 17:31:09 BST
When I set the menuwidth to 100% under firefox it steps over the screen boundary just enough to create the scroll bar. You can see this here:
This does not happen in IE.
Any ideas if this can be fixed? Is anyone else having this problem?
Re: Menu width problem
Poster: waynem
Dated: Friday September 5 2008 - 19:18:09 BST
to update, its also IE7, but not IE6.
Re: Menu width problem
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday September 5 2008 - 20:56:10 BST
I'm testing this, but thought I'd let you know it does give a bottom scroll bar in IE6 resolution 1024x768
Re: Menu width problem
Poster: waynem
Dated: Sunday September 7 2008 - 6:58:20 BST
I think I got rid of the problem in IE by making the separator narrower, but its still there in Firefox

Re: Menu width problem
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday September 8 2008 - 4:19:06 BST
Well, you can fix IE by adding a left=0; in the menu so it knows where to place itself. However, there is something wrong in FF. So, here is a fix while I report it to milonic so they can figure out what the problem is
Add this to your page, just above your starting table
<table width='100%' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=26px style="background-color:#000000">
Then make this your main menu coding for placement and such
with(milonic=new menuname("mainmenu")){
The 99.5% width fixes the scroll bar in FF, the left=0 fixes it in IE. The posted empty table above sets a black area 26px high which gives you the full black area for the menu.
Instead of the above, you could set the menu to 99.5% width, left=0, top=0 and screen position='center'; This will also get rid of the scroll bars but it does leave a bit of the green space on either side of the 99.5% wide menu.
Re: Menu width problem
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday September 8 2008 - 4:31:09 BST
I reported the issue and as I was doing that found the problem, but it will have to be something Milonic handles if they can.
There is something in the code amber scroller that is causing the menu to do that. If you remove that [not suggesting you do, I also have it on my site] but for testing, if you remove that then you can see the problem no longer exists in FF.
Re: Menu width problem
Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday September 8 2008 - 17:02:31 BST
I found a bug with the 100% width menu on Firefox.
If you download the Pre Release verison of the menu found at and update the files: milonic_src.js and mmenudom.js it should fix the problem.
-- Andy
Re: Menu width problem
Poster: waynem
Dated: Monday September 8 2008 - 18:14:50 BST
Thanks for all the attention to this issue.
I did install the pre-release but still seem to have the same problem with FF. Not sure if I did something wrong?
I'm using FF 3.0.1 to test.