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Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:15
Can Milonic do this?
Poster: dilbert
Dated: Saturday October 18 2008 - 3:24:13 BST
I love this menu, can I do this with Milonic?
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday October 18 2008 - 21:50:56 BST
Yes, it can. It works best for that design when you use tab style, but you can do it for mouseover. You can even build it from a listmenu. You would also need to use openmenusbyurl so that the submenu is open when it reaches its particular related page. I'm putting something together for you to see, probably not before tomorrow.
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: dilbert
Dated: Saturday October 18 2008 - 22:42:38 BST
Ruth, you're fantastic. I can't wait to see it.
I really like the one at TechSpot, but one feature I'd really like is when the submenu is selected, the main main stays selected, and the submenu is selected and not clickable.
Also, I want the main menu items to have different mouse over and selected colors, then each submenu will have a matching color. I plan to design each section of the site with the same style but different colors so the user will know where they are on the site - adding a sense of familiarity for the entire site.
Thanks, Cliff
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday October 19 2008 - 1:13:11 BST
Ok, if you want different colors you'll have to tell me what colors for what, and also you really can't use the exact setup like it is at techspot, after all the bgimages are the same color there, if you make them different that might look kind of strange. Anyway, tell me the colors and I'll see if I can figure out something to give you a similar type look.
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: dilbert
Dated: Sunday October 19 2008 - 3:06:11 BST
Wow Ruth, you don't need to go that far. Feel free to pick a few you like, and I'll change them to what I end up using.
I really appreciate the help.
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: dilbert
Dated: Thursday October 23 2008 - 23:52:35 BST
Hi Ruth, any success?
Thanks, Cliff
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 24 2008 - 2:47:40 BST
Yes, I have it done, but there is an openmenusbyurl problem which Milonic is working on. Once that is fixed it works a treat.
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday October 29 2008 - 1:12:20 GMT
Hi Cliff,
Well, here you go. ...
This is only a test so I put everything in one folder. To see it you need open the file to one folder and then add your milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js and openmenusbyurl.js files version 5.803
If you have any questions post back. The 'main' page is multicolor_tab.htm, then in the menu the first item of each submenu goes to a page I included so you can see the submenu open and the 'page' tab showing
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: dilbert
Dated: Saturday November 8 2008 - 1:39:37 GMT
Hi Ruth,
Thank you very much.
I thought I replied right after you posted it, but it looks like I didn't, please accept my apology.
I have it here for testing.
Can I ask how to do a couple of things?
When an item on the submenu is selected, I'd like it to stay highlighted and not be clickable.
Can this be used inside of a table cell?
How do I slow down the opening and closing of the submenu?
It seems to make the page scroll left - right. Is this due to the size of the submenu images?
Best regards,
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 11 2008 - 15:43:43 GMT
Sorry, I've been out for a few days.
No, the problem has nothing to do with the subimages. There are no subimages, but if you mean bgimages, no. It seems to have started with the newest version of the menu and I have reported it to Milonic along with your link to your page.
As to the item not being clickable. You will have to contact Milonic about that. I'm sure it can be done but I don't really know how to do that. Since you have a professional license try here
Just follow the directions for using this system.
Yes, you can put it in a table. You'd need to make some changes. Also, there is a duplicate submenuStyle in the existing file. I guess I did that while I was testing and never noticed it. So, take one of them out. Anyway, to do it in a table, I suggest this way.
Cut the main menu out of the data file and put it into its own file. Add a drawMenus(); at the end of that file and save it as embed_main.js. Then save the new data file without the main menu as subs_data.js Call the subs_data.js file along with the program files up at the top right after the body tag just like you have all the files called now. Call the embed_main.js file in the table cell where you want the main menu to appear.
embed_main.js file
with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("align=center;showmenu=Samples;text=MENU SAMPLES;offclass=mmtext;onclass=mmtext1;clickclass=mmtext1;bgimage=bg_mid_blue.gif;overbgimage=bg_mid_blue_over.gif;separatorimage=sep_mid_blue.gif;overseparatorimage=sep_mid_blue_over.gif;pagebgimage=bg_mid_blue_page.gif;pageseparatorimage=sep_blue_page.gif;");
aI("align=center;showmenu=Samples;text=MENU SAMPLES;offclass=mmtext;onclass=mmtext1;clickclass=mmtext1;bgimage=bg_mid_blue.gif;overbgimage=bg_mid_blue_over.gif;separatorimage=sep_mid_blue.gif;overseparatorimage=sep_mid_blue_over.gif;pagebgimage=bg_mid_blue_page.gif;pageseparatorimage=sep_blue_page.gif;");
And, the subs_data.js file is the same as now but without the main menu in it. It also has a drawMenus(); at the end of it.
Hope this helps.
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2008 - 14:56:22 GMT
Can you download the newest version of the menu again? They fixed a small error which they think will resolve the sizing issue.
Re: Can Milonic do this?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 13 2008 - 15:42:58 GMT
Hi Cliff,
They actually did a new version, 5.807 to fix the problem for the width and scroll bar on the browser. Make sure you're logged in to get your licensed version