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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:18

Version of mm_navframe.js

Poster: henh
Dated: Sunday June 29 2008 - 16:36:04 BST

Last week I was trying to update the menu files. I was still using 5.769 with mm_navframe.js version 1.6. All was working fine.
Then I implemented the update 5.796 and from that moment the positioning of the submenu in the body was erratic or at the same place.
If downloaded the example from Milonic which was using mm_navframe.js version 1.7. The problem was still there. After searching the Milonic site I found a text version of mm_navframe version 1.9. I copied the text from the webpage and made it into a file. Uploaded it to the website and from that moment on all was working fine again.
My question is : Can Milonic update their website with the correct versions to prevent the above mentioned problems? It saves a lot of time as well.

Re: Version of mm_navframe.js

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday June 30 2008 - 7:31:01 BST


The download you got to upgrade contains all the up to date files. The frames menu is an extras item, so look in that folder for the frames menu and in that folder will be the correct mm_navframe file.


Re: Version of mm_navframe.js

Poster: henh
Dated: Monday June 30 2008 - 8:08:15 BST

Hi Ruth,

You are correct about that, but in their website examples where they offer a download they give the wrong version. The only thing I asked that they update their website with the correct version to prevent confusion.

Re: Version of mm_navframe.js

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday June 30 2008 - 10:15:48 BST


Ah, I see. That link should have been removed when the frames menu went final release and was included in the download. Thanks for letting me know, I'll contact Milonic about it. :)
