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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:18
Menu stripping urls problem
Poster: SteveW
Dated: Sunday July 27 2008 - 9:40:01 BST
Hi - I use your brilliant menu at my non-profit website at
I have been trying to use urls like:
But what is happening is it strips anthing after the ; symbol so the urls above look like:
What would I need to do to preserve these types of urls with ; in the address?
Many thanks
Re: Menu stripping urls problem
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday July 27 2008 - 18:46:13 BST
You need to 'escape' all the url since the menu gets confused if it has a semi-colon assuming that is the end of the particular statement.
So, for example, in the following the whole url has been wrapped in single quotes, no space though, I only put that there so you could see it better. You would do the same with your url
url=';jsessionid=1E6FEC0D14D04429ED?_option=XX ';");
Hope this helps.
Re: Menu stripping urls problem
Poster: SteveW
Dated: Sunday July 27 2008 - 21:12:27 BST
Thankyou Ruth worked a treat. I couldn't work it out initially as i used a ' symbol (under the __at__ ) instead of ` which works fine
many thanks