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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24
Nebiew Frames Question
Poster: tjpren
Dated: Monday January 7 2008 - 14:02:49 GMT
Hello forum,
Nice product-
Is there any way of having the frames such that the Main Menu, and all submenu's remain in the calling frame (eg the side frame) ?
I have a number of web apps and external links for which I can't add submenu calling code. Its a bit tacky, to have to always go mack to the main menu to open a page to allow submenu selection (like on your "Google in Body" example).
I can appreciate why your examples work as they do, but I'd be prepared to have the side frame be manually adjusted by the user, so that all the submenu's fit in. Once a selection is made, if the user needs more room, he can adjust the frame back a bit.
Re: Nebiew Frames Question
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday January 16 2008 - 10:02:42 GMT
Sorry, I just saw this post...
Sure you could do that. Let me set up the problems and some solutions first.
1. Since the submenu won't 'lay across' the frame border if you are using a vertical menu you'd probably need a lot of space. You could set the offsets for the subs so they would open more toward the left and lower.
2. Even if you get it set up with what you have, if the person has accessibility issues and increases font size it could cause everything to go out of align.
Now, some suggestions. Does it have to be a side menu? If you could set it up at the top, you could use less space by using a horizontal menu with horizontal submenus like this, though you don't need to do images
There is also a collapse menu. Now, many use this with no problem because they aren't doing fancy stuff or weird layouts or trying to force it to do what it was never designed to do, but this menu is NOT in release and it has no support except what I can provide here, which if it is a program change, addition, fix I can't do and Milonic is not doing at this point. The advantage to this menu is the sub opens down below the item.
Collapse demo:
Collapse download:
Do NOT use the treemenu.js file that is in that download, it is way way out of date. Use the newest menu program files and the treemenu.js module in the modules folder of that.
If you had a test page I could set up some examples for you.