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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:23
Can a collapsible menu item show a menu and link?
Poster: agniere
Dated: Monday January 21 2008 - 21:00:17 GMT
I am trying to get a top level menu item in a collapsible menu to link to a page and show a menu at the same time. I have set the item up like this: "ai("text=News;showmenu=News;url=index.htm");" and it will go to the specified page and flash the submenu but the submenu closes right away. I would like it to go to the specified page and have the submenu remain open.
I am using the treemenu module 1.21 and Milonic 5.788.
Re: Can a collapsible menu item show a menu and link?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday January 21 2008 - 21:16:18 GMT
Well, since the collapsible menu opens its submenus by a click, that would not be possible. There are two ways to set up the link options
1. Set up the Main item to open the submenu and then make the first item in the sub the link to the page.
2. set it up so that when the link is clicked it goes to the page and on that page the submenu is now open.
You can do #2 using the openBranchByName function placed as the last thing before the closing body tag on the page you reach by the click. So, let's say the submenu [i.e. branch] name is water. On that water page you'd put
<script type="text/javascript">openBranchByName(water);
I think it may need to have a drawMenus(); in it as the following [ I don't use it, so am not sure, but you want it to 'draw' that submenu so I think so...]
<script type="text/javascript">
Hope this helps.