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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:14
Linking Out of Folder Into Main Directory
Poster: Renie57
Dated: Monday December 1 2008 - 4:47:17 GMT
I'm using Version 5. I have two folders on my website that I want to link to. There is no problem linking to them from the main directory but when I'm on a webpage that is in a folder, whenever I click on a link to go to a page outside of the folder, the url has the name of the folder in it so the page is not found.
Here's a page: no problem linking from here to a page inside 'press' folder which is Now I'm in the folder 'press'.
When I click on menu to go back to a page outside of the 'press' folder, I can't - this is what I get
Now the name of the 'press' folder appears in the url; it shouldn't be there the url should be
I tried putting all 3 js files for the menu inside the 'press' folder but the problem still occured. So I then changed the file names to the complete url. Still didn't work.
Here's the code with the complete url
with(milonic=new menuname("council")){
aI("text=Council Members;url=;");
aI("text=Council Minutes;url=;");
I looked through other postings but didn't find anything that was the same problem as this one. Thank you for any assistance.
Re: Linking Out of Folder Into Main Directory
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday December 1 2008 - 5:36:10 GMT
Please upgrade your menu. You are entitled to upgrades for one year from the license date and you should keep it upgraded to take advantage of any fixes or added features. Also, we can't [for most things] do any support for menu problems unless you have the latest version. There have been a number of fixes, and also some new features added. To update go to log in under the name you used when you licensed the menu and then click the download link to download the newest version. Please be careful not to overwrite your menu_data.js file since you will lose all you data. Only upload the milonic_src.js and mmenudom.js files. I always suggest that users rename that menu data file to something that will not accidentally be overwritten, perhaps moveon_data.js or something. Also, make sure you keep your existing program files saved someplace in case you have any kind of problems you can go back to them until we figure out any issues.
Now, as to the link problem. Since you are in the press folder and you only have url=advisory.html as the link in the menu it thinks, like all links, that the advisory page is in that folder. Either you have to put the full path
or you have to set it up with the dot dots whatever you need to get it back to the root directory. If you only put the page name in, then the link [as with all html links] thinks the page is in whatever folder you are now in Hope this helps.
Re: Linking Out of Folder Into Main Directory
Poster: Renie57
Dated: Monday December 1 2008 - 6:45:49 GMT
Hi thanks for replying.
I got my menu in Aug. 2008 and it is Version 5.8. Is there a newer one than that?
As you can see from the code I posted earlier, I already put the full url in the menu code in the 'menu_data.js' file and I put that file in the same folder as the advisory page. Should it be coded somewhere else?
Re: Linking Out of Folder Into Main Directory
Poster: John
Dated: Monday December 1 2008 - 14:52:48 GMT
v5.810 is current. Therefore, you are 10 versions behind! The most current version must be used for help here in the forum. Note that v5.811 should be out in a few days.
Re: Linking Out of Folder Into Main Directory
Poster: Renie57
Dated: Tuesday December 2 2008 - 0:12:47 GMT
Ok, I upgraded the menu. When doing this, is there a trick to transferring over the design or do I have to just input all the fonts, colors, etc. again.
I'm still having the original problem though. Thanks!
Re: Linking Out of Folder Into Main Directory
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 2 2008 - 2:30:08 GMT
Only upload the milonic_src.js and the mmenudom.js files. The menu_data.js file you have on the web is your file with all your colors, fonts etc. It's why I suggest you rename it to something else so there will never be a mistake and an accidental upload of the menu_data.js that is in the download which would overwrite what you have.
The problem is the link as I noted.
The menu link wants to go to advisory in whatever folder/page you are at the time. So, you either need to make it a full/absolute link
Or the shorthand version that tells the link that the page is in the root directory
That backslash tells the browser to start at the root directory looking for the page.NOTE: you will be notified by email of each menu update by going to this topic and clicking on the watch this topic or subscribe to this topic. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3108
Hope this helps.
Re: Linking Out of Folder Into Main Directory
Poster: Renie57
Dated: Tuesday December 2 2008 - 20:22:22 GMT
This is odd; when I upgraded all the links were changed to relative. I had made them all absolute before I upgraded. Anyway I went and put them all back to absolute and now everything works fine.
Thank you for your patience in helping me. I really love this product and am viewing the samples to purchase another!