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Submenus do not display in Firefox 3

Poster: serlich
Dated: Sunday August 24 2008 - 0:04:54 BST

I am developing a new website for our community. The main page has a menu placed in a table using position="relative". I used method 1 from your site placing the main menu in one file and the submenu definitions in another. Everything works fine in IE7 including the relative positioning. However, in Firefox 3, the main menu displays fine, but none of the submenus display on rollover. I hope you can tell me how to fix this. The URL having the problem is Please let me know if I need to send files or if you can determine problem from view source of webpage. Thank you for your help.

Re: Submenus do not display in Firefox 3

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday August 24 2008 - 4:59:57 BST


There have been a couple of updates since you downloaded the menu so you need to upgrade to the latest version since I believe one of the two updates was a fix for just this issue.

You can go to these links and subscribe to them, that way you'll get notification whenever there is an update. Actually, you'll get two but that way if one doesn't get sent the other will :)




Re: Submenus do not display in Firefox 3

Poster: serlich
Dated: Monday August 25 2008 - 17:58:04 BST

Thanks for the reply, Ruth. I just downloaded 5.801 version of the menus. I have updated my website with the new code. Unfortunately, I get the same results. Everything works great in IE7. However, with Firefox 3 I cannot get to submenus when I rollover the appropriate items in my main list. Again my website is
Is there anything else I should try. Thanks again.

Re: Submenus do not display in Firefox 3

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 26 2008 - 1:45:17 BST


Since you are using the old method with two files, try putting // in front of buildAfterLoad=true; Also, you seem to have coded the files twice. You have the call for the program files, milonic_src, mmenudom and mmenuns4 after the body tag which is where they should be, but you also have them in the table cell with the embedded file. Just put them after the body tag.

You can also try putting all the menus in one file and use the buildAfterLoad=true code at the top, and then call all the files in the table cell. Just use one method or the other, not the two mixed.


Re: Submenus do not display in Firefox 3

Poster: serlich
Dated: Thursday August 28 2008 - 0:24:55 BST

Sorry to be a pest. I must be missing something. I took your suggestion and tried both methods for relative positioning using a table. With each method I was able to get Firefox to work exactly as I wanted, but now IE7 will not display the menu. The current method on my website is method 2. I have buildAfterLoad=true and all files are now called in the table cell. The original problem was IE7 worked, but Firefox would not display submenus on rollover. Now Firefox works fine, but IE7 will not even display the menu. I hope you can set me straight. My website is
Thanks again for all your help.

Re: Submenus do not display in Firefox 3

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 28 2008 - 4:03:05 BST


You have an error on the page which is causing the problem. Go to the page in IE and look at the page, you should see a > down about where the menu should appear. Well, if you view the source code it shows the code as

<td width=122 <script type="text/javascript" src="milonic_src.js"></script>
<noscript><a href="">JavaScript DHTML Menu Powered by Milonic</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript" src="mmenudom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu_data.js"></script>

Note that it goes td width=122 then it has the beginning bracket < for the script tag, then after the last call for the menu_data file there is a closing > bracket. I believe that closing bracket is for the td width= code. So, for whatever reason FF is showing the menu, but IE is unable to find the milonic src file :)


Re: Submenus do not display in Firefox 3

Poster: serlich
Dated: Friday August 29 2008 - 14:48:58 BST

Thanks for your help. Everything is working fine now. As you can probably tell, I am using Fusion 8 to build my website. I think they have a bug when inserting html causing the td width= to loose the >. I added an extra > at the beginning of the Milonic javascript to be added and delete the extra one at the end. Everything works now in both browsers. Thanks for your time.