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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:17

IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: mashupsoft
Dated: Sunday August 17 2008 - 22:20:39 BST


I just discovered this behavior in IE 7, the item / menu width expands beyond the specified value.
I saw similar posts, but though related are not the same (search.php )

Here is the live menu, notice how the border extends to the right
This only ocurrs in IE 7 , Firefox 2/3 and IE 6 clip the width as expected...but IE 7 always expands it...

Is there any value / style I can use in to avoid the menu expanding like this ? I've tried width, menuwidth, imagewidth.etc. and nothing seems to work.

Here is the properties file for the menu : ... se_data.js
And live link once again

Thanks for any tips on the issue

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: John
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 15:43:36 BST

First you'll need to update your menu code (required for help here in the forum). You're running v5.754, current is v5.800. Basically you're over 2 years behind!

Let us know how that goes.

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: mashupsoft
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 16:19:59 BST

Hi John,

Just upgraded to the recent release 5.800
It still stretches the width way beyond what is specified, and only occurs in IE 7.
Here is the properties file for the menu : ... se_data.js
And live link once again
Upgraded milonis_src, mm*files and tree menu to 5.8:

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 19:31:14 BST


Do you have, or can you post a screenshot of what it is supposed to look like? I went in IE6 and it seems the menu is kind of out of the box to the right.


Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: mashupsoft
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 20:09:43 BST

Hi Ruth,

Here are two images

On IE6 ( looks the same on Firefox ) :
Note the menu width is clipped at the specified length..NOTE: the menu is a little out of the box to the right, lines are typically not there..I am just using them to illustrate how its the menu that expands way to the right in IE 7 ( see next shot )

Now here is the rendering on IE7
Here note how the blue line surrounding the menu ( which is menu property ) is extended way to the right, IE 7 even adds a horizontal scroll bar! Its simply white space, but I have no idea why it expands it this way, the expansion only occurs with the menu , so I can discard any other div/layout positions...and of course this behavior only occurs in IE7 the image shows IE 6 works fine ( as well as Firefox 2/3 )

Any ideas on a property I could add or am missing ?

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 20:49:07 BST


Going to take a crack at this for you, as Ruth does not have IE7. However, it might take a few days (hopefully you're not up against a tight deadline). Tomorrow is move-in day here for the newbies, and I got volunteered to help. Really hate it when the J.O.B. gets in the way of fun.

Patience appreciated! :D

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 21:25:09 BST

Just took a quick look at this and I still see 2 year old code posted...
Milonic DHTML Menu - JavaScript Website Navigation System.
Version 5.754 - Built: Wednesday August 16 2006 - 12:56
Copyright 2006 (c) Milonic Solutions Limited. All Rights Reserved.
This is a commercial software product, please visit for more information.
See for Commercial License Agreement
All Copyright statements must always remain in place in all files at all times

License Details:
    URL: Mashup Soft
   Type: Professional
  Dated: Monday June 12 2006

Thought it has been updated.

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: mashupsoft
Dated: Wednesday August 20 2008 - 17:40:56 BST


Yes I upgraded to 5.800 the day of the initial post ( see the screenshots which show the default MILONIC top-menu link )

However, since its a live site I went back to the licensed version ( which is the older ) in the mean time.

If you use the new menu 5.800 the behavior is the same...

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: John
Dated: Friday August 22 2008 - 15:29:10 BST

Is this basically what you're after? I'm not seeing anything extending to the right in IE7.

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: mashupsoft
Dated: Saturday August 23 2008 - 0:18:18 BST


It appears to work the way you spilt the menu and place some of it in-line ( the extra space is no more in IE 7! ) , however the treemenu.js seems to not like this menu split.

When I click to expand the menu ( which is a tree type) I get the following JavaScript error on the treemenu.js _mi[_ai].child has no properties
_oTree()treemenu.js (line 54)
$K(11)mmenudom.js (line 20)
onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)

Inclusively if you try to expand the first menu ( Mashups101) it doesn't even open ( Mozilla, IE 6 or IE 7), not to mention the openBranchByName() does not work ( though probably on account of this )

Now that you've gotten me A LOT closer, I'll try some stuff here....though if you have any ideas please do suggest

Re: IE 7 item / menu width

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 23 2008 - 1:31:41 BST


No, the treemenu doesn't work with relative position if you use the split, it must be together. Have you placed buildAfterLoad=true; up at the top of the data file when you are relatively placing the treemenu, since you can't use the old split method?

This may sound kind of beginner, but as a suggestion, I always put a colored border around any divs I put the menu in when there's a problem so I can actually see what the div is doing. In one case it turned out that putting the border fixed the issue, so I ended up having to change the padding on the div to fix it without the border, something about padding and margins and IE
