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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:17
Alignment Problem
Poster: monk275
Dated: Wednesday August 20 2008 - 13:54:25 BST
This is the page:
I can't get the "milonic red dot" to line up in the center of the line (try it and you will see what I mean) I can't put it right in the middle because it is different in Safari only (Safari it is off to the right about 2 px)
In IE7, Mozilla and Netscape it the red dot is over to the left about 2px (So it is never center)
I have made sure that all margins and padding are set to 0, but it still is inconsistent in Safari???
Any suggestions??
Re: Alignment Problem
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 20 2008 - 15:24:39 BST
Are you trying to place the menu in that navbar div? If you are you have not placed it correctly, though it seems to look ok in my IE6.
When you put a menu inside a div/table/ etc you are placing it 'relatively' and there are procedures for doing that so that it is the same in all the supported browsers.
Take a look at and this gives a kind of 'visual' explanation of relative placed menus. ... /index.htm
What it comes down to is to is that you can either add buildAfterLoad=true; up at the top of the data file and add position='relative'; to the main menu, or you can use the older method and cut and paste the main menu to a file of its own, add position='relative'; and add a drawMenus(); to the end of that file then save the file as embed_main.js or some other name of your choice, then call that main menu in the div and call the other files including the menu_data file [which also keeps its drawMenus();] to the first thing after the body tag.
As to the circle, that seems to be an image problem, the circle doesn't seem to be centered in the location_on image. May I ask if you want the png? In IE6 those images look like a grey box then the overimage is a grey box with a circle in it.