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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:28
frames page menu = ok in IE = not ok in mozilla and firefox
Poster: Dijkman
Dated: Saturday September 22 2007 - 12:17:00 BST
frames page menu = ok in IE = not ok in mozilla and firefox
problem with menu on a frames page
if there is a long body fame page and user scrolled down in the body frame
side menu in the side frame
then the first menu opens ok in the body frame
but the next menu in the body frame opens out of sight in the top off the body frame
i have this also with the frames example thats on your site
i am using linux mozilla and firefox
is ok
is false out off sight on a long scrolled down body frame page
menu almost out off sight
if bodyframepage is scrolled further down then menu is out off sight
menu almost out off sight
if bodyframepage is scrolled further down then menu is out off sight
to me strange that the first menu opens ok in the body frame
Re: frames page menu = ok in IE = not ok in mozilla and firefox
Poster: Dijkman
Dated: Thursday September 27 2007 - 17:12:44 BST
i have this out off sight problem with
linux firefox
linux mozilla
windows firefox
windows mozilla