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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:26
adding a drop shadow in FireFox?
Poster: bduenskie
Dated: Thursday November 1 2007 - 15:59:21 GMT
I noticed that the code to create a drop shadow for a menu doesn't work in FireFox. Here is my code:
Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)
Is there anyways to add a shadow in a non IE browser?
Re: adding a drop shadow in FireFox?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 1 2007 - 18:39:25 GMT
Those codes are IE specific based on the IE Transitions and Filters set up. Something to do with active x or direct x or whatever it's called.
I think the only way you'd get that in other than IE would be to do something for drop shadow in css, if there is any kind of css code to do that. The other option would be to use css and background images and position for the items.
Just for info, if you want to see what else you can do for the IE Filters, there is an interactive demo here that let's you experiment with different filters and transitions
Re: adding a drop shadow in FireFox?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 1 2007 - 18:51:59 GMT
I just found some other info on this and css. I understand from that, that css3 is going to have things like rounded corners and drop shadows.
There is a post about doing it with css2 using images, the problem is that you would have to set it up to use the images on each item, so that means the top and middle items would use only the bgimage and it's position that shows the shadow on the right, then the bottom item would have the bgimage and position setup that uses the bottom and right shadow. If you can give me the info on your menu, I can set up something to show you. You would then eliminate the shadow from the filters since you wouldn't want an extra shadow to show in IE.
Re: adding a drop shadow in FireFox?
Poster: bduenskie
Dated: Friday November 2 2007 - 14:59:40 GMT
Thanks for your replies Ruth, I appreciate it.