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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:38
Using Menu with ASPX Master Pages
Poster: GSF
Dated: Monday March 26 2007 - 21:27:30 BST
I am trying to evaluate the use of aspx master pages with MS Expression Web and the milonic menu. I have defined the menu on the Master Page and have created a number of pages using the master page.
Here is the problem, links work fine if the master menu has a drop down list (sub menu). If the master menu does not have a drop down (sub-menu) ie the link is on the text/image on the master menu the link does not work. In this situation the overimage displays currectly on mouse over but the cursor does not change to indicate a link.
Sorry but I am developing locally using Web Expressions local asp server - so I can't provide a link.
Help would be much appreciated!