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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:40
The menu makes my page jump/reload on mouse over ..
Poster: lyngenielsen
Dated: Sunday March 4 2007 - 15:20:56 GMT
Dear forum.
Are you able to help me?
How come, that it seams that my page is reloading or jumping when i use th emouse over the 3rd and 4th menu?
Look at an the first 3 menus are ok, but put the mouse over "Find vej .." and the rest at se what happens with the page.
What is wrong?
Best regards
Michael, Denmark.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 4 2007 - 17:14:44 GMT
Hi Michael,
Which browser and os? I'm not seeing the issue. Did you use the flash fix for newer IE?
Poster: lyngenielsen
Dated: Sunday March 4 2007 - 20:28:42 GMT
Ruth wrote:
Hi Michael,
Which browser and os? I'm not seeing the issue. Did you use the flash fix for newer IE?
Which browser and os? I'm not seeing the issue. Did you use the flash fix for newer IE?
Im using IEX 7.0530.11 and Firefox with WinXP
There is falsh on the page, maybe thats whats wrong?
I havent seen or used the falsh-fix and must read your url, it dosnt seem easy.