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Taken From The Forum: Anything Goes
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:40
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Saturday March 3 2007 - 10:04:13 GMT
When I discovered Milonic (a great discovery!) I found it hard to pick-out the right menusample to start with.
Perhaps it's an idea to have a page with small screenshots of all the samples together.
Greetings, Pieter
Poster: John
Dated: Monday March 5 2007 - 16:09:19 GMT
Good suggestion. Maybe Andy can work that into the new site design he's working on now.
Poster: pieter53
Dated: Monday March 5 2007 - 17:06:27 GMT
Fine you liked my idea.
In beginners/borders.html you have a nice collection of what you can do with seperators, borders and backgrounds, but most of the people won't have a look at that file, when they are just looking around on the web, to see if someone has a menu they like.
Perhaps it's an idea, to make that kind of things easier to find too.