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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:40
Double problem with the frames based menu
Poster: Per
Dated: Sunday March 4 2007 - 23:07:38 GMT
I have worked on installing the frames based menu on my homepage and it works okay and looks beautifully. However, there are 2 problems:
1. The 2 texts referred to in the submenu nr. 1 "Om" seems not to load the .js-files correctly, as the submenu does no appear on these 2 texts. The code is exactly the same as in the texts in the following submenus, and here the submenus work as intended. I can find no bug in the menu_data_side.js, that could explain the problem.
This problem appears in IE and in Firefox - but not when I am testing uploaded, not whn I am testing on my own pc.
2. Whenever a text has been opened, the menu stops to work; it is neccessary to return to the front page "Til forsiden" every time the menu has been activated to make it work again. The problem exists in both IE and Firefox.
I have not yet paid or asked for a free license (my site is a non-profite educational site about danish language) - could that be the problem?
You can find my test site here:
I would be glad for any help at these problems!
Yours, Per
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday March 5 2007 - 3:16:48 GMT
You need to update your menu to the newest version, you're 10 levels back. It is at 5.770.
When you get the newest program files, make sure you keep the old ones someplace in case you have to go back. Once you have updated the menu, post back if the problem is still an issue.
Menu updated, but problem not solved
Poster: Per
Dated: Monday March 5 2007 - 23:54:28 GMT
Hi Ruth
I updated the milonic_scr.js, mmenudom.js and mmenuns4.js from 5.760 to 5.770 - however, the mm_navframe.js in the newest download seems to be an older version (1.6, dated june 19, 2006) than the version I downloaded a couple of months ago: 1.7, dated october 19, 2006. So I did not update that one.
menu_data_body.js and menu_data_side.js have no version number, so I guess they are "neutral" and I did not update them. - Besides, that would remove all settings, so I hope it is not necessary ...
Now: On my home computer the first record of the first menu "Om" is "dead" - does not load the .js-files. (Firefox, IE 7) On my workplace pc, however, this problem does not occur (IE 6). And by offline testing with IE 7 this problem does not occur either ...
The other problem still occurs: After having activated the menu and chosen a text it is not possible to chose another text if I do not "return to start" first - i.e. click on "Til forsiden" ("Home"). If I try, I get the 404 error. This problem occurs in IE and Firefox, online and offline.
I have been messing around with this for several days without getting anywhere, so I hope that you could give me some hints where to look!
Yours, Per
test site:
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday March 6 2007 - 2:19:02 GMT
I can see what's happening but I don't know why it's happening. I'm going to have to pass it off to Milonic and see if they know.
When you open any submenu [at the start before you've clicked any link to load a page] when you open the submenus and hover over an item, the beginning of the url is always:
and the page, whichever it is. However, once you have clicked an item, in any of those submenus and loaded a page when you open a submenu again, the url becomes
and then the page. So, for whatever reason it is doubling that tekster subfolder in the url once you've loaded a page and that's why you're getting a page not found. I have no idea why you are getting that extra folder put in the url.
I'll post to Milonic, as I said, and hopefully someone will know why it's doing that.
Poster: Per
Dated: Tuesday March 6 2007 - 19:33:20 GMT
Thank you for your time and your help so far! I hope that they can help me, as I like the Milonic menu very much and really would like to go on with it.
Yours, Per
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday March 7 2007 - 3:04:03 GMT
I think this is to do with paths, and I'm not good at that, but when you open that Om submenu, and click on Om to open the page, the path is
So this is telling the menu to open the page at
So far so good. But now the page in the body frame is
so when you open the submenu, the link tells it to load Code:
a relative link based on the page location, so given that you are in tekster, when it sees that tekster/pagename, it adds another tekster. That's what it is doing in all of them. Try putting in absolute paths and see if it solves the 404 error.
Poster: Per
Dated: Wednesday March 7 2007 - 20:46:38 GMT
Hi Ruth,
it works perfectly! Thank you so much for your help!
Yours, Per
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday March 8 2007 - 3:52:00 GMT
You're welcome, Per.
I notice one problem at the link you gave. When you first enter with the Velkommen! page in the body area, that page isn't coded for the menus so the submenus do not open.
Poster: Per
Dated: Thursday March 8 2007 - 23:34:21 GMT
I'm afraid that you're right. In my work on re-designing the site it seems that I have created 2 almost identical versions of the Velkommen-page (Wellcome) - and then I have inserted the Milonic code in the one version and loaded the other version in the frameset ...

Once again thank you so much!