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Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:38

Complete listings for properties

Poster: MartinSpeed
Dated: Wednesday March 21 2007 - 14:50:35 GMT

Hi, was wondering if there is a complete run down of what various the properties mean / what inputs they can handle

The descriptions are very useful, but some properties do not have any.

The same is true for

Some are admittedly very self-explanatory, whereas others are not.

If these could be provided it would be much appreciated.

thanks guys

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday March 21 2007 - 14:54:51 GMT

The site is currently under reconstruction, and I suspect most of those gaps will be filled in.

Meanwhile, check some of the examples where you can see a lot of those 'missing' items in use. That should help.

Poster: MartinSpeed
Dated: Wednesday March 21 2007 - 15:35:24 GMT

Is it known when it will be finished?

Is the list that is online the most uptodate?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday March 22 2007 - 3:41:09 GMT

Hi Martin,

I believe what you see is the newest. Are there particular properties about which you want information?


Poster: MartinSpeed
Dated: Friday March 23 2007 - 16:21:58 GMT

All the ones which arent specified really.

I purchased the developer license so am currently incorporating the milonic program into my application. So i need to know what values can be input into each variable.

for example
Sets the Border Style for all menus. All valid CSS 1 and CSS 2 values can be declared for stylename.borderstyle. Values: 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'double', 'groove', 'ridge', 'inset' & 'ouset'.
Example: borderstyle='dashed';

was very handy, it told me straight away what it does, lists the accepted values.


No description, but is fairly obvious to guess what it does, but some less so.



I understand the samples fill in the gaps on some values, but that does me searching through each one, which is very time consuming (when a boss is breathing down my neck telling me to get the integration finished :) )

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday March 23 2007 - 22:53:03 GMT


Maybe this will help, I don't know what all of them are, but here are these for the style properties. Many of them will also be item properties, some may also be menu properties you'd have to cross reference for that.

clickbgimage - if you set this with an image that is what bg image will be used when the any item using this style is clicked.

clickclass - use css to set the items' properties when clicked, as far as I know any valid 'logical' css property can be used, so text-decoration;font-size;font-family, font-style, font-weight, padding [not margin] color, background-color; background-image and so on.

clickseparatorimage was designed for use with tab style menus, it will probably work with any item you have set to work with a click

disabled - type=disabled disables an item so it will not function

dividespan - I don't know

dragable is to make menus dragable/moveable, see the sample for this

fileimage - I don't know

hotkey - I don't know

id - developers can add their own ID's to menu items

imageurl - I don't know, though it seems obvious

leftimage - its matching item is rightimage. Setting these will put the named images on the right and left of you text in each item.

menubgcolor - this sets the background color of the whole menu, not the items, items use of/on bgcolor  menubgcolor is a 'static' property, it's  the same no matter what the mouse state

menustyle  - allows a different menu style to be applied to one item

nowrap - can set it to on or off to allow or stop wrapping

opendelay - let's you set a delay for the opening of a menu

overflow - overflow="scroll"; sets property so any menu that is longer than available space will get scroll bars instead of going beyond page

overpageimage  - sets a pageimage for the mouseover state so that it doesn't use the overimage as its mouseover

overseparatorimage  sets separatorimage for the mouseover state

pageoncolor - sets color for mouseon state when page properties are used to highlight and show where one is in the menu structure

pageseparatorimage - sets the separatorimage when page properties are used to show menu highlighting
pagesubimage sets page subimage when using page properties to show menu highlighting

rightimage - its companion is leftimage. Setting these will put the named images on the right and left of the text in each item.

targetfeatures to set the features of the target window, for example when using target=new; to open a new window

tipdelay - sets the delay for showing a tooltip when mouseover 

tipfollow  - tipfollow=1; sets the tip so it will follow the mouse movement

tipmenu=name of tooltip menu, telling the menu which tooltip to open when mouesover

tooltip   tooltip= text of tooltip


aI("text=Difference Tooltip Styles using Bubbles, that moves with the mouse;tooltip=I\\'m a Sample ToolTip viewable inside a Bubble Image, that moves with the mouse;tipmenu=bubbleTip;tipfollow=1");

item properties not listed in the style propertie above

imageborderwidth - let's you set the width of an image border, if you have an image in an item and want a border to show.

menu properties

divides - divides the menu. For example a horizontal menu set with divides=2 and 10 items will be divided into two rows, the top row being items 1-5 and bottom 6-10. A vertical menu with 10 items and divides=2 will divide into two columns, the left column being odd numbered items and right being even numbered items.

[dividespan which is a style or item property is probably to do something similar with an item????]

ignorecollision=true/false 1/0  has the menu ignore the built in page edge/top/bottom feature

maxwidth - sets the maximum width of the menu

menualign - let's say you have a 100% menu but the items only = 60% of the menu span, menualign will let you align the items, left, center, right

menuheight - sets the menu height, item heights can be less than this

menuwidth - sets menu width, pixels or %

minwidth - sets the minimum width

mm_fixheight - allows you to specify whether you want your vertical menu items to use 100% height when specifying a menu height. This is useful if you want to use the menu inside a CMS that declares 100% height objects.

opendelay - sets the opening delay for a menu

openstyle - openstyle is used to determine how the menu will appear. an openstyle of "rtl" will force the menu to display in a right to left fassion, useful for use on web sites in Hebrew for example.

..............Openstyle can also be use to force menus to open upwards or to the left side of the menu. the property for this is openstyle="up" or openstyle="forceleft";

outfilter - only works for IE, it sets the transitions and filters

resizable - I know what it means, have no idea what it does, I guess resize the menu...

zindex - again I know what it means, not sure how you'd use it, I guess you can set the zindex of a menu for whatever reason.

Hope this helps


Poster: MartinSpeed
Dated: Monday March 26 2007 - 14:40:46 BST

Thanks alot for your help on this matter Ruth, much appreciated.