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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:32

Subemnus not moving with parent menu when window scroleed or

Poster: kitlamoureux
Dated: Friday July 6 2007 - 6:32:07 BST

Hi there,

I used the openmenubyurl.js file to open some menus on page load. Works great. However, my users noticed that when they resized the window or scrolled the page, The menu was floating where it appeared. If i rollover it and reload it is in the right position.

YOu can see the code here ... _blues.asp


I ReALLY need to get this fixed in the next 12 hours or so..



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday July 6 2007 - 7:49:33 BST


I am going to post to Milonic, but I suggest you fill out a support ticket. Go to the main site, log in under your registered name when you purchased the menu, then at the bottom click on Tech Support and follow the directions to fill out the ticket. I'm sorry I can't figure out what's going on.


Poster: kitlamoureux
Dated: Friday July 6 2007 - 14:06:54 BST

I will do that...thanks for your efforts.
