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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31

SEO CSS problem

Poster: dingo
Dated: Wednesday July 18 2007 - 13:54:29 BST

Hi ,
I have managed to create a great dynamic menu based on your "listbased_menu" example for SEO purpose.

The Only problem I have got now is that the menu can get only 1 style where prior using the listmenus.js I could have different styles. ( i.e 1 style to the root category and Other style to the subcategory menu.)

Please advise what should I do while commanding the script
buildListMenu (""milonicmenu1"",""menuStyle"",""alwaysvisible=true;orientation='horizontal';"");

Thanks and best regards,

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday July 18 2007 - 16:30:09 BST

Given the following syntax, which you have used...

syntax: buildListMenu("id of list", "menu style name", "main menu properties")

...but possibly with too many quotes, simply add additional items as above using the new styles you require.

buildListMenu("id of list", "menu style name", "main menu properties")
buildListMenu("id of list", "menu style name2", "main menu properties")
buildListMenu("id of list", "menu style name3", "main menu properties")
