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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:32
Multiple menus on one page issues
Poster: kitlamoureux
Dated: Wednesday July 4 2007 - 15:55:42 BST
I have a top menu and a side menu on the same page.
I thought i had it worked out, as per the instruction on this site, but for soem reason, the side menu is aligning on the right side of the screen instead of the left.
you can see the code here. ... plate.html
IT has weird gaps and is right aligned.
Am i doing something wrong?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday July 5 2007 - 1:53:57 BST
I am not seeing the menu on the right. It is against the left side of the browser window, which is where you have it positioned; top=124; left=0;. However, you have a mistake on left, you have it as left:0, maybe that is causing a problem in your browser. It is left=0;
You seem to be calling the side and top files in a div, but you have them positioned absolutely. Just put the calls for those files up with the other files. If you want them in the div you need to set it up like method 2 on this example ... /index.htm
Method 2 is toward the middle of the page. If you are not positioning them relatively, then just put the calls up with the other files.