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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31

is a ; needed or not?

Poster: pieter53
Dated: Monday July 23 2007 - 17:19:24 BST

Just a simple question: is the ; at the end of menulines needed or not?

A line like this: aI("showmenu=Services;text=Services;"); ends with ;

But in the Vertical plain text Menu example you can see lines without ; at the end

with(milonic=new menuname("Samples")){
aI("text=Plain Text Horizontal Style DHTML Menu Bar;url=;")
aI("text=Vertical Plain Text Menu;url=;")
aI("text=All Horizontal Menus;url=;")
aI("text=Using The Popup Menu Function Positioned by Images;url=;")
aI("text=Classic XP Style Menu;url=;")

and lines with ; at the end

with(milonic=new menuname("Milonic")){
aI("text=Product Purchasing Page;url=;");
aI("text=Contact Us;url=;");
aI("text=Newsletter Subscription;url=;");

Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday July 24 2007 - 9:00:56 BST


In JavaScript the semi-colon is not a mandatory requirement as long as there is a line feed.

That's why you sometimes see them and sometimes you don't

-- Andy

Poster: pieter53
Dated: Tuesday July 24 2007 - 9:19:04 BST