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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:44

Problem with the colors of the menu

Poster: varmandra
Dated: Saturday January 13 2007 - 0:13:37 GMT

I am from germany and new here.

I want to us the milonic menu, so i install it and start to change it to my style. i change the colors ind the menu_data.js, but no all colors work.

in the horizontal menu the oncolor doesn´t work

in the vertical menu the offcolor doesn´t work (i want to keep a two colored background but in the colors #ffc271 and #efc9be

see here (if the server is not down)

when there is the color #ffffff i didn´t saw any change in the menu when i change the color

here the menu_data.js

fixMozillaZIndex=true; //Fixes Z-Index problem  with Mozilla browsers but causes odd scrolling problem, toggle to see if it helps
_menuCloseDelay=500; //Zeit bis zum verschwinden nach onmouseout
_menuOpenDelay=150; //Zeit bis zum erscheinen bei onmouseover

with(horizStyle=new mm_style())
   bordercolor="#d06f78"; // Äusererrand
   fontfamily="arial, tahoma";
   headerbgcolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   headercolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   offbgcolor="#efc9be"; //Hintergrundfarbe
   offcolor="#c30e43"; //Schriftfarbe
   onbgcolor="ffc271"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   onborder="1px solid #d06f78"; //Äusenrand onmouseover
   oncolor="#c30e43"; // Schriftfarbe onmouseover
   pagebgcolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   pagecolor="black"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   separatorcolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   subimage="./content/images/menu/downboxed.gif"; //Bild für Hinweis auf Untermenu

with(vertStyle=new mm_style())
   bordercolor="#d06f78"; //Dropdownmenurand
   fontfamily="arial, tahoma";
   headerbgcolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   headercolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   offcolor="#c30e43"; //Dropdownmenu Schrift
   onbgcolor="#ffc271"; //Dropdownmenu Auswahltfarbe
   onborder="1px solid #d06f78"; //Dropdownmenu Auswahlrand
   oncolor="#c30e43"; //Dropdownmenu Schrift onmouseover
   overfilter="Fade(duration=0.1);Alpha(opacity=95);Shadow(color=#777777', Direction=135, Strength=3)";
   pagebgcolor="#ffffff";//Scheint egal zu sein
   pagecolor="black"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   separatorcolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein
   menubgcolor="#ffffff"; //Scheint egal zu sein

with(milonic=new menuname("Sample mainmenu"))
   aI("text=Startseite;title=Zurück zur Startseite;url=/start.html;");
   aI(";text=Unser Team;title=Unser Team;url=/team.html");
   aI("text=Virtueller Praxis Rundgang;url=gang.html;");

with(milonic=new menuname("behandlung"))


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday January 13 2007 - 1:44:43 GMT


What exactly do you want to happen. You have both the oncolor and offcolor set as the same color in the menus #c30e43";

If you are talking about background color you are not seeing it when you mouseover because you are using a background image.


So when you mouseover a horizontal menu item you get that bg image to show rather than the bgcolor.

In the vertical menu the offbgcolor is set to transparent so you only see the menubgimage which is the two tone green and white.

So if you want the main menu to be ffc271 when you mouseover it, first add a # in front of it, and then remove or put // in front of this line


and if you want the vertical menu to be some color in the off mouse position change offbgcolor="transparent"; to the color you want and remove the menubgimage.


Poster: varmandra
Dated: Saturday January 13 2007 - 21:14:29 GMT

Tanks a lot, i don´t see that i use a picture as a backgropund and in the documantation on milonic i did´t find something about that.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday January 14 2007 - 2:41:30 GMT


There is a background listed in the horizStyle of your menu_data.js file


and a menu background image in the vertStyle
