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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:45

I need help combining my rollovers and drop down

Poster: justrock247
Dated: Monday January 1 2007 - 11:21:58 GMT

Ok, heres my situation. I have basic xhtml knowledge through use of bbedit. I've actually been able to put together some pretty cool sites using basic code elements. I'm now trying to start an online business and want to incorporate some high end web elements. I found a posting on here titled "image roll over does not work with drop down menu" posted by: Garth Hamilton Forum Post ID 6329. Its exactly what I'm experiencing right now. I've visited hit site through the link in the post, and I could modify his to make my site work, only I don't have his data files, nor am i able to contact him for advice or links to his files. I'm basically stuck in the same situation and if I lose one more hour of sleep trying to code this thing, i'm gonna shoot myself. if anyone out there can give me a hand, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday January 1 2007 - 19:12:03 GMT

Hi Jason,

Can you post your site url so we can take a look and see what's up?


Poster: justrock247
Dated: Monday January 1 2007 - 21:48:03 GMT

I can't post it but I can post the code that I have so you can take a look at it. My rollovers work great but i can't seem to apply a drop down menu to them without messing them up.

here is the code:


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
<!-- hide this script from non-Javascript-enabled browsers

function displayMsg(message) {
function preloadImages() {

if (document.images) {

var imgFiles = preloadImages.arguments;

var preloadArray = new Array();

for (var i=0; i < imgFiles.length; i++) {

preloadArray[i] = new Image;
preloadArray[i].src = imgFiles[i];

function swap(id, newsrc) {
var theImage = locateImage(id);
if (theImage) {
theImage.src = newsrc;

function locateImage(name) {
var theImage = false;
if (document.images) {
theImage = document.images[name];
if (theImage) {
return theImage;
return (false);

// stop hiding -->

// Preload all the images used in this file (the logo, plus all white and
// purple navigation buttons).


<table border="0" width="760" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td colspan="3"><!--_Row_1_Cell_1_--><img src="basics-banner.jpg" width="760" height="149" border="0"></td>

<TABLE align="center" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="760">

<TR><!-- row 1 -->
<TD><A HREF="index.html" TARGET="_top" onMouseOut="swap('home-pic','home-white.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" onMouseOver="swap('home-pic','home-black.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" ><img name="home-pic" src="home-white.jpg" width="88" height="30" border="0"></A></TD>
<TD><A HREF="pub.htm" TARGET="_top" onMouseOut="swap('howto_pic','howto-white.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" onMouseOver="swap('howto_pic','howto-black.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" ><img src="howto-white.jpg" name="howto_pic" width="123" height="30" border="0"></TD>

<TD><A HREF="mkt.htm" TARGET="_top" onMouseOut="swap('poker_pic','poker-white.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" onMouseOver="swap('poker_pic','poker-black.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" ><img src="poker-white.jpg" name="poker_pic" width="121" height="30" border="0"><a/></TD>

<TD><A HREF="crs.htm" TARGET="_top" onMouseOut="swap('tips_pic','tips-white.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" onMouseOver="swap('tips_pic','tips-black.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" ><img src="tips-white.jpg" name="tips_pic" width="159" height="30" border="0"></a></td>

<TD><img src="chips.jpg" name="chips_pic" width="169" height="30" border="0"></TD>

<TD><A HREF="who.htm" TARGET="_top" onMouseOut="swap('links_pic','links-white.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" onMouseOver="swap('links_pic','links-black.jpg'); displayMsg(''); return true" ><img src="links-white.jpg" name="links_pic" width="100" height="30" border="0"></a></TD>





Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday January 1 2007 - 22:06:53 GMT


I'm sorry, I don't see any Milonic menu on the page. I thought this was a problem with mouseover and the Milonic menu. This forum is specific to the use of Milonic menus. You might take a look at the available samples. Among the many functions of the menu it has built in rollover functions with either images or just colors. The link is an image sample.

You'd need to go to an html help forum if you just want help on mouseover / swap image links.
