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Taken From The Forum: Anything Goes
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:43
HTML as a Type or NavCanvas feature or Both
Poster: Catequil
Dated: Friday January 26 2007 - 19:16:33 GMT
It would be nice to have something similar to Infinite Menus' NavCanvas feature or you could add html as a type for the sub menus so that you could format each sub menu item with a table with images instead of using background images. I do a lot of dynamic sites that require dynamic menus and this would be nice.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday January 27 2007 - 1:57:48 GMT
I'm not sure what it is you are asking. Milonic is a dynamic menu. It has php menus, php/mysql menus. You can set an aI as type=html;
I have moved this to Anything Goes forum since the other was the Beginners' Guide forum for beginners with the menu.