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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:42
How to get rid of border around menu bar?
Poster: screenmates
Dated: Wednesday January 31 2007 - 7:29:54 GMT
I'm trying to generate menu from the database to look like the example 71 (horizontal menu) but for some reason, I'm getting a black border around the main menu bar (one box around all top menus) but the menu bar in the example does not have a border. There is another black border around dropdown submenus that I'm trying to color it to dark gray. How do I get rid of the border around the main menu bar and color the border around submenus to dark gray?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday January 31 2007 - 7:50:13 GMT
Can you post a test page so I can see what's going on. I don't do php or php/mysql, but I know there's someplace in the download that has those and in that should be what you need for creating your style.
Having a border around the whole menu comes for the coding bordersize=;bordercolor=;borderstyle=; parameters. offborder and onborder are the ones you use to get a border around each item in the off mouse state and onmouse state.
I'm sorry I can't be clear on this but I haven't ever used a php menu or the mysql. I know that Milonic site uses a php menu and they use the regular menu_data file but change the type to php, so menu_data.php