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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:45

Frames / firefox and IE

Poster: oliew
Dated: Wednesday January 3 2007 - 11:55:18 GMT

Hi there,
i recently needed to use a dhtml menu for a site i had created using frames, the site would have been too much trouble to re-create without frames so i tried the milonic menu, looks great , and everything seemed to work great in IE but with firefox the submenu will not appear the first time you roll over the arrowed menu link, if you go off it and back on it works? my client doesnt like this and wants me to fix it but i cant figure it out any help would be grateful.

does anyone have any idea why this is happening, its working fine in IE.

here is a link to the testpages

many thanks in advance

ah IE...

Poster: oliew
Dated: Wednesday January 3 2007 - 12:45:53 GMT

for some reason it is delaying in IE too.
tested on 3 different machines, maybe a bug of some kind?


Poster: oliew
Dated: Thursday January 4 2007 - 15:11:05 GMT

I just copied everything the same from the test pages on the milonic website /frames/

i still get the delay, im pretty confused as theres not really anything different now apart from my body page being called main but i changed that in the js?

anyone shed any light on this? thanks

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday January 4 2007 - 20:10:53 GMT


I can't seem to get it to do that. I put your files up here and they seem to work.

[Link Removed]

Hope this does it. The frames example on Milonic doesn't have the problem either.


works now thats wierd

Poster: oliew
Dated: Friday January 5 2007 - 9:32:20 GMT

Hi Ruth thanks for the reply!
ive uploaded the files in the zip and it works fine now?!!!
did you change anything?
very confused :o)



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday January 5 2007 - 10:10:31 GMT


No, not as far as I know. I just used the one in the download and kind of one at a time switched everything to be your setup, copy and pasting the page code to new pages and saving them by the names you had.

I'm just glad it works.


i see

Poster: oliew
Dated: Friday January 5 2007 - 10:17:14 GMT

very strange isnt it!
ive noticed that the submenus close fine when you go off them onto the other frame but if you hover onto a non submenu link after viewing a submenu they dont close on my example, yet on the version they do, really wierd.

i thought it might be the function closesubmenu but no.

thanks for the help ruth
