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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:42
Background Image for 100% Width-Span menu (empty-space)
Poster: screenmates
Dated: Tuesday January 30 2007 - 16:02:05 GMT
How do I apply a background image for 100% width-span menu? What I'm trying to accomplish is to apply the same background image (bgimage) that I applied for menu-bar items to span across the width of the browser window. The background-image should apply (fill) for the space where there are no menu items on the right, too.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday January 30 2007 - 18:44:14 GMT
bgimage=; applies the bgimage to each item separately not the menu span. You are looking for menubgimage=; which will apply the background to the menu span. Could you please post a test page so I can see what you're trying to do? For example, menubgimage=whatever.gif; will not show if you have offbgcolor, onbgcolor or menubgcolor set, the colors take precedence. Now, if you want to apply a menu bg image and item bgimages then the only way to get the menu span image to show would be to have a margin set so it will show in margin area, I think. It's been so long since I've worked with all of them. Anyway, a test page with the images would help me figure out how to do it.