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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:41
Q: Choose left/right opening on sub- and sub_sub menu, how?
Poster: lyngenielsen
Dated: Tuesday February 20 2007 - 8:23:31 GMT
Hi Forum.
Plaese help me - i cant find any answer to my quistion on any search.
I have this Milonic menu and the menu/sub_menu and sub_sub_menu opens now to the right.
How and where do i chance the feature where the choise between right and left opening on a specific - and only this one - will open to the LEFT?
Hope u can help me.
Greatings fron Denmark
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday February 20 2007 - 17:15:55 GMT
Without your layout, I'm guessing here, but try putting openstyle="rtl"; in the menus you want to open on the right. But, again, without the layout I'm not sure if there isn't a better solution, so if you have a test page I can see, it will help.
Poster: lyngenielsen
Dated: Tuesday February 20 2007 - 19:45:23 GMT
Ruth wrote:
Without your layout, I'm guessing here, but try putting openstyle="rtl"; in the menus you want to open on the right. But, again, without the layout I'm not sure if there isn't a better solution, so if you have a test page I can see, it will help.
Without your layout, I'm guessing here, but try putting openstyle="rtl"; in the menus you want to open on the right. But, again, without the layout I'm not sure if there isn't a better solution, so if you have a test page I can see, it will help.
Sure .. on (index file isnt online yet) and tjek the menu under "Nyheder">"Arkiv">"2006/2007".
Those i want to chance specific menues to the left and not right.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday February 20 2007 - 20:44:09 GMT
I like your colors

In that submenu Arkiv, add openstyle='rtl'; That will make it open on the left side of the parent menu, and it will shift the images around, subimage on the left and the I image on the right. The other submenu in that opens on the left now because of the size and the collision detection in the menu, but at higher resolutions it would probably open on the right so if you want it to the left, add the same thing, openstyle='rtl';
Hope that helps.